Thoroughly frustrated

Let me start off by stating my account was opened in May of 2001 and has been continuously active since then.  I do not really play anymore but I like to add items to my house and change the deco to match the seasons, etc.  I do not macro as I see this is a problem and I want to make it clear up front  Yesterday I logged on because I saw there was a pet whistle to purchase.  I clicked on the store and tried to purchase the pet whistle.  I have plenty of currency to buy one. The store seemed to indicate the order went through but it did not take any of my money or give me the whistle.  Odd!  I then went to look in some of my chests to redo some deco.  I wanted to use the 'circle of trans' to access some chests and my security provider restricted me from doing so, stating something like do you really want to allow access to your harddrive?  And maybe something about ransomware (?)  I, of course, said 'NO' and then a tiny window came up stating 'fatal error' and kicked me out of the game.  I went back in and tested some things but anytime I click on something, even logging out, I get the 'fatal error' window and am kicked out.  I did a 'help' request and today it has an option to 'cancel pending request' so I guess it is still in the queue but it appears I have no way to see where I am in the queue or anything else.  I seem to remember you got updates in the journal but this did not appear yesterday or today.  Plus, if I open the store today or close a window it states "Help request aborted".  *raises eyebrows*  However, I still have the option to cancel my help request according to the Ultima Online Help Menu.  In the olden days, when I started playing, you could call and talk to someone.  I am no longer finding any phone numbers.  If anyone can direct me as to how to handle all this I would appreciate it.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    You told your computer that UO is a virus so it is blocking it.

    This is not a UO problem.  You need to go to the history of your virus program and tell it to allow UO to change files.

    If I get a virus program that does not like UO, that virus program is deleted and a new one installed.  Id rather play UO than deal with virus programs that do not know what a real virus is.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
    You told your computer that UO is a virus so it is blocking it.

    This is not a UO problem.  You need to go to the history of your virus program and tell it to allow UO to change files.

    If I get a virus program that does not like UO, that virus program is deleted and a new one installed.  Id rather play UO than deal with virus programs that do not know what a real virus is.
    It is wonderful that there are smart people in this World.  Thank you Pawain for letting me know what I had done and how to fix it.  "All better now!!"
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    Great!   Sometimes finding how to unblock things is frustrating.

    We need our UO fix.  Nothing should be in the way!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I've had days like this....That is all. 
    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
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