Mysterious fragments Issue

There seems to be an issue with the mysterious fragments spawning in chests.  The maps that are not spawning any Mysterious Fragments are maps that were previously decoded that have reverted to have to decode them again.  The maps have been in a Davey Jones locker, the maps were decoded after the treasure map revamp.  The maps are various levels, most were Cache level.  I have done 27 cache and not a one mysterious fragment from maps that got the message about me forgetting the location and having to decode again.  The maps that were not previously decoded have produced Mysterious fragments in a quantity of 8 per map.  Just giving a heads up on this as I am sure I have enough maps to have plenty of Fragments.



  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    edited December 2019
    That's interesting, because I had about... 6? maps that I did. Exact same situation, but I got fragments from 3 of them. 8 per chest.

    I should add that mine were stash/supply levels, though.
  • HoteiHotei Posts: 23

    I've done 6 chests so far, all supply/stash (last night and this afternoon). 3 in Malas, 3 in Felucca. Not a single fragment. Took these out of Davie's locker, some are previously decoded and reset, not sure if all were.

    Are fragments supposed to be in all chests, or is it random like other items? Is something broken, or just bad luck with the RNG?

    Thanks in advance for any insight, will try some trammel ones now and see how it goes.

  • It's random but when you get a chest with them there are 8 of them in it.  Also I have noticed that I get them more often from Artisan chests then the other ones, but that could just be a RNG streak.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I did over 80 maps since patch (mostly stash and supply cos I have so many, only about 10 cache) - many of the maps are as OP describes: previously decoded, stored in locker, had to decode again when pulled out (I have way too many maps).

    I can confirm that the RNG is a major factor in getting the mysterious fragments in a chest. 
    Of the 80 maps I did, 24 of them had the fragments.

    With 50 "new" maps that I acquired (supply & cache), only 17 of them had fragments.

    Roughly, 30% of chests will have fragments in them, if the RNG is kind.

  • HoteiHotei Posts: 23

    Just a follow up. I did 6 more maps and 3 of them had the fragments.

    Thanks to those who replied and gave feedback, much appreciated.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I tested this on LA last night, I did 4 supply, 2 stash and 5 frags on all 6 supply and stash, got none on all 5 cache.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    I guess I was just having a good RNG and then a bad run.  I only brought this up because I originally did about 10 or so hoard and 1 Trove, all of them had 8 Fragments, these were new maps never decoded yet.  I then got into my older maps that had been decoded previously and went on a run of 27 without and fragments.  With the others posting, I will chalk it up to a very bad RNG.  I will try to keep an accurate count as I may be doing a bunch more maps.  I think the maps are easy and have alot of gold now.  Thanks for the feedback.

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