For Next Halloween

Can we get Pumpkin Seeds and grow our own colors, and also can the Carving Kit be a recipe, craftable by tinkers ?  We should be able to craft those imo, let the Butchers drop something like weapons or some other rarity. @Kyronix

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Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    I like this idea...
    I have went through about 80 carving kits trying to get the fairy
    And its still not on a pumpkin!!!

    I'd also like to be able to turn the green pumpkin
    so I can make it look like a overgrown watermelon

    I have always wondered...
    why doesn't the butcher drop a butcher knife with awesome stats..
    or have that yellow color that the pirates whip has
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I would just like something we haven't had for the past 5 or more years.  So over pumpkins, butchers etc.  I mean seriously.   It is getting like rinse repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.  Same old same old.  Tossing in a couple of 'new' pictures on pumpkins is so lame, tossing in 2 'new' skulls on top of all the previous years stuff for trick or treat is also lame.  That is the whole 'effort'  tossed in for the whole event.  Feels like it is just a sop tossed out to shut people up.

    At least have something 'new' drop with the pumpkins in the fields, like they did with the masks, or get rid of all the old stuff off trick or treat and just add a heap of new stuff. Make the butchers drop something that someone actually wants.  I have 40 carving kits still left from last/previous yrs, not much point in even bothering this yr. Even the bones are so old hat I don't even see the point in bothering with those unless you want a particular name.  The first time was great, the second time was ok the 5th time it is not worth the hassle. 

    I don't know but I am totally bored to death with this stuff.  Feels like WOW where every year they toss out the same stuff over and over.  

    Sorry but I just don't see the point.  It is not like we have hundreds of new players who are gonna crave this stuff.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    In defence of the Broadsword team new ideas are not that easy to come by. I don't speak for them but I'm sure they would welcome any suggestions for halloween or any other season you could come up with other then just "we want something new and awesome".

    Sorry if that seems harsh but I just wasted a half hour trying to make it through the new bat-woman and if that's an example of the "new and original" fall TV season  I'll be spending a lot of time on the game.

    PS I like the idea of a butcher knife drop. It might be an opportunity to rework the "Cold Blood" cleaver with a recipe.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited October 2019
    Well they have had hmmm about 5 or is it 6 or is it 7 years to think of something different.   Butchers first came in 2013, that is 6 years ago, before that we had pumpkins and trick or treat items that are still dropping.  Pumpkins, bones and carving kits have been around just as long.  It is just sheer laziness to be honest to keep rehashing the same thing over and over.

    I don't think it is that hard to think of something different, especially as off the top of my head I can think of a half a dozen things they could do with little effort.
    • How about the pumpkins drop bits of obsidian that can make a witch statue or a zombie statue or a whole bunch of different halloween themed stautes to collect/trade. Maybe put in a list of say 20 dif ones to try and get.
    • Make it so the pumpkins you kill drop collectable paintings or something.
    • How about they remove all the 'old' trick or treat items that get tossed on the ground and introduce a bunch of new ones both deco and something USEFUL like spell storage books that you can remove spell scrolls from in all book types mage, necro, weaving, mystic etc.
    • How about they put in a quest requiring you to kill holloween themed mobs that invade a town and offer some nice arifact level items both armor and weapons.  Similar to where you have low level mobs, working to higher level mobs til you get to the boss mobs, then it resets and you go again for the month of Oct/Nov etc
    • How about they introduce a bunch of halloween themed recipes you can cook to give your char's boosts to mana regen or hp regen etc with the odd one turning you purple or something. 
    • How about they put in a bunch of costumes to collect for a witch, warlock, etc either as minor items dropping in an invasion or by killing butchers if you wanna continue with them.

    I thought of those in 10 mins.

    Sheesh this is not rocket science.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    people have been asking for the zombie skeletons, pumpkins, etc at meet & greets.
    This time of the year is so awesome with so much to do.
    but since there is so much to do, its hard to make time to do it all.

    I like that they have the trick or treat stuff from other years, but the drop rate of the new items is way too low. So far I was only able to make time for 1 hour of trick or treat at Luna. I managed to only get a ghost chair and a obsidian skull. Last year I spent days trying to get the dragon pumpkin. I did manage to get 5 of them, but that took way too long. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Yup.  There is a large group that wants the Butchers and named Skeletons to stay as is each year.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    I want one of the tricks to be blowing yer body apart again LOL
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Ok well  you guys are all easily pleased it seems, I will come back in another 5-10 yrs and ask if  you are still happy doing the same old content over and over.  I for one am not.  Had more than 5 yrs of it now, something different would be nice.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    MissE said:
    Ok well  you guys are all easily pleased it seems, I will come back in another 5-10 yrs and ask if  you are still happy doing the same old content over and over.  I for one am not.  Had more than 5 yrs of it now, something different would be nice.

      I am just going to ask, and no I am not trying to be a smart ass or troll...... but..... Is there anything in UO that you are happy with? 
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited October 2019
    Right now not much.   The new stuff re filling soulbinders is not 'new' it is just killing beacons and pirates that we have been doing for MONTHS already, it is rehashing bosses that people rarely or never do, (Scalis, Charybdis and Corgul)  although even now you can barely get a bunch to do any of them due to the same issues they always had.  Yes I have done about 10 or more corgul since the soulbinders have been in, but the drop rate on the recipe makes it not worth doing, think in my whole group after 10 goes we have had ONE drop, rest of the time just the same old books etc that  you can't give away.   So that is a dead duck.  Treasure Hunting has been pretty much nerfed, although you are not allowed to say that either, but all ex T-Hunters that did a LOT of maps are saying the same thing.  No point to bothering with Hoard or Trove maps any more and the lower level ones are just plain boring.

    Plus just because you complain about stuff doesn't mean you don't have a right too.   I am just not happy when they keep regurgitating stuff over and over and over.  If you are happy with it fine, personally I am not.  Fact is I  only post on the stuff I am not happy with, the basics of the game that have been in for years are fine, it is just the stuff that they neglect or ask for feedback on that I post on. Funny thing is they ask for feedback and you post then people bitch and say you are complaining, it seems only feedback from 'some' is ok, and then only if the pom poms are out and you don't criticise anything but in my view if everything is working as intended why even bother to post, get in and play the game?    

    This Halloween event has been running for over 6 years, up until now I haven't ever commented on it, so don't pull me up that because it is the same again this year I am finally saying enough is enough how about you look at doing some thing different.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Can't recall if the Killa Pumpkins are Demon or Undead slayer - or neither? 
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    With the exception of the Bug report threads if you follow this format you will not be just considered an endless whiner or worse.
    1. The issue you have a problem with.
    2. What you see as a way to fix the problem or an event you think would be better and more entertaining   
    If part 2 is not at least as long as part 1 think real hard about posting.

    My part 2 is.

    How about if next year we dropped Halloween and did Octoberfest instead. I could really get behind hunting down those *%&^$ bandits who were raiding the beer shipments. They could make it part of a rotating set of events. Maybe the next year base it on Englands Guy Fawkes, the year after some something seasonly appropriate from Japan. Once they had 3 or 4 worked out and in rotation it would be something to look forward to. And only coming up every 3rd or 4th year no-one would get bored. Remember Halloween is just a big thing in the US. As far as I know it's only spreading on "any excuse for a party is a good one" 

    I think a lot of the planing could be farmed out as a contest to the local shard. A castle spot on Drachenfels for the best and most complete Octoberfest event plan for example.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Oh and I meant to add I prefer the new treasure hunting
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    The Trick or Treating is pretty bad. Or it's broken. Perhaps it's broken on some shards and not on others? I don't know. But it is pretty bad.

    Yesterday another player and I thought for sure it was broken. We were both out for quite awhile and didn't get any drop at all. Not even the old stuff.

    Just now I went non stop at Heartwood and Royal City for about 40-45 minutes. This was my haul...

    A small grey spiderweb that won't show up anyway when you lock it down. 

    The first day Trick or Treating was activated I got three of the new crystal skulls in a pretty short amount of time. Two of the pink Sonic the Hedgehog looking ones and a bright purple something or other. I don't like the colors of either of them. Day glow pastel colors don't speak Halloween to me. The blue and green skulls from last year look great. The blue looks like it could be glass or crystal. The green looks nice and creepy. But hot pink and purple? It feels like a shortcut on the artwork. 

    More aggravating still is how unsatisfying the whole Trick or Treat mini-game is.  Since those first drops on day one I've gone trick or treating for about another 15-16 hours. I've not gotten a single other new item to drop since. Not one. Also on the first day, another player showed me a skull or mask of Sphynx head. Waaay better looking than the pink and purple skulls. Been looking for it ever since but have received nothing other than items from years past.

    Spending this much time and not getting a single new drop feels broken to me. If I ever see another mini guillotine or iron maiden, or little ghost chair that you can't sit in, it'll be too soon. This should be more fun. At the very least rotate out the old inventory. Let us have a few new bits of artwork and revisit the old stuff again some time down the line when we'll be glad to see it again.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Trick or Treating to me, is like most other ingame games, your account is tied to it in some weird way. By this I mean, I never get anything good from this, I spend 95% of my time recovering from being Teleported, because tee hee hee, isn't that so much fun Devs ???? Gosh, it sure this year I went out for exactly 3 minutes. I hit up 4 or 5 NPCs, and got teleported on 4 of them. No thanks. On a side note, for some reason I logged in this morning thinking "Ok, it's Oct 15th, surely there will be new items added to the Fellowship, especially the pumpkin head right ? I mean, surely you want to be able to get one of these during the actual month of October right ? Nah...
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Ya its time for the rest of the items on the Fellowship vendor.

    I would like to find a short Corgul trip and make a gate from the pumpkin rowboat and have a group squish onto it!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    I didn't read much of this...but...I like how things are...I mean...when you're a kid..what do you do for Halloween every year? EVERY YEAR...the same thing....put on costume, go beg for candy ;) SAME thing year after year after year....but you still did it...right? Even though you did it the halloween before and the halloween before that....

    All the candy from ToT is worth 1 turn-in know how many Turn-in points you can rack up doing ToT?  A LOT! 

    I also spent 2 hours ToT'ing yesterday....I got a scarecrow and a chair in a ghost costume...and a LOT of turn-in points :) I'm happy with that.

    I do miss the named pumpkins...but glad that the ones I have are rare...even though I lost the one with my name on it I still have CatHats, Wilki, Draconi and others that I cherish every year. 

    I still love the named skeletons in the graveyards....I still try to hope for the cool colors in every's the collector in me...I have only ever gotten one red one.

    Haven't done the High Seas Soulbound stuff....not my thing...not too happy that I feel left out of a Halloween Dungeon this year but a nifty idea to put it in the water to follow the publishes...very unique idea!

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I was thinking about the bowl of candy I'd mentioned that would be a fun item to have for the season. Then I was thinking how fun it be if we could lock it down at our houses and Trick or Treaters could actually come and click on it and get a piece of candy or a chance at a rare drop.

    It would get players out and about, visiting one another's houses, seeing the Halloween decorations and such. 
    Image result for trick or treat
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I put out a steward who has all sorts of stuff in his pack for giving out if the "right" words are spoken... all kinds of stuff, not just candy or standard things. From deco to rarities to artifacts and more. Since the steward hands out things randomly, it is kinda fun. :) One year I filled him up twice.

    Sorting things in my castles - so there will be plenty on him this year.
  • jilljill Posts: 3
    Would like to have a Large Round Bale of Hay that can be used as a decoration as well as optional holiday covers that can be applied over them.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Kirthag said:
    I put out a steward who has all sorts of stuff in his pack for giving out if the "right" words are spoken... all kinds of stuff, not just candy or standard things. From deco to rarities to artifacts and more. Since the steward hands out things randomly, it is kinda fun. :) One year I filled him up twice.

    Sorting things in my castles - so there will be plenty on him this year.
    Can you put a bags of stuff on the steward and he give a bag to each person?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited October 2019
    I don't mind them reusing the same content year after year but what i would like to see is the older items (previous years rewards) drop off and no longer available.  It would make each years rewards unique and a little more valuable.
    This could be applied to trick or treating,  Krampus,  pumpkin patches,  graveyards,  horn of plenty,  treasures of doom and the Christmas tree BoD turn in thing (the name eludes me atm) 


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Headless helm that makes your head invisible. Reforgable and imbueable.

    Grimm mask. Dyeable, reforgable, and imbueable.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    edited October 2019
    TimSt said:

    Grimm mask. Dyeable, reforgable, and imbueable.
    I kinda like the idea of a wearable Grimm mask.
    I think Get Off My Lawn would look cool with an evil clown mask lol
    or make it to where you can add the masks already in game to its own totem.
    Like they did for costumes.
    And about costumes... I want a changeling costume

    but seriously, if they added the Grimm masks to totems, add the skulls from TOT too.
    I would love to have a character run around with a crystal skull as a face...
    would also love if they would add a fire skull... with flames all over
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Mariah said:

    Thanks.  I had some spare time today.  I put bags of empty soulbinders on a Steward and now others can grab binders when I am not around.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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