Fisherman Build Help Needed


How are you? I could use your help coming up with a new build for my mib fisherman. I was away for several months, but back when I was playing, I was able to fish up mibs and kill the serpents with no problem. I just tried and the serpent ate me for lunch. My current skills are:

Focus 100
Healing 100
Parry 92.6
Swords 94.3
Tactics 8.6
Resist 68.8
Fishing 100

This was just fine for me when I played a while ago. Any thoughts on changing or creating an entirely new build? Thanks in advance.


  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Khazagrim said:

    How are you? I could use your help coming up with a new build for my mib fisherman. I was away for several months, but back when I was playing, I was able to fish up mibs and kill the serpents with no problem. I just tried and the serpent ate me for lunch. My current skills are:

    Focus 100
    Healing 100
    Parry 92.6
    Swords 94.3
    Tactics 8.6
    Resist 68.8
    Fishing 100

    This was just fine for me when I played a while ago. Any thoughts on changing or creating an entirely new build? Thanks in advance.
    You may have a typo on your tactics skill?

    You might consider swapping focus to get anatomy... it will help both your damage and your healing.  Other than that, perhaps update your suit and weapons and you should be able to handle serpents and krakens without any issues.
  • KhazagrimKhazagrim Posts: 2
    edited October 2019
    Yeah, tactics was 87.7. Not sure why I put 8.6. I'll swap focus out for anatomy though. Thanks for the input. I'm not sure what was going on yesterday, but I am taking down serpents now even without switching to anatomy.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Archery 120 120
    Anatomy 110 120
    Chivalry 80 80
    Healing 80 80
    Resisting Spells 100 100
    Tactics 110 120
    Fishing 120 120

    720 740
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916

    I run with a fisher mage with a snake slayer spell book.

    120 magery
    106 fishing
    120 eval intel
    100 meditation
    100 inscription
    100 resist spells
    74 focus
    The snake slayer is for sea serpents.  Water elementals are push overs if the same spell book has any decent SDI.

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Any character template can be a success fisher just by using a vollem to guard them.  They can be fairly easily trained to GM skills and require no taming (controlled by any template).  They make very quick work of water eles and sea serpents.
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