Please Simplify the UO Store Payment Method

Now, I understand there might be some serious external constraints on how the payment system is constructed for the UO Store. As currently constructed, I strongly feel that any new players that EJ manages to snag are quickly going to find the system of payment fatal to their game experience.

It's cumbersome for modern internet customers to login to two completely separate systems - most likely with two different sets of credentials - to complete a transaction. That alone is going to turn off a significant number of new players. To further frustrate a paying customer, the password recovery system on the second system (EA/Mythic, I think) is, to put it mildly, infuriating. I've been locked out for 30 minutes from one failed password attempt, and the password management system is hopelessly confusing. In about 23 years of heavy internet use, I've never had so many problems with a system.

i DREAD needing something from the UO store, because I know I'm going to end up spending around an hour attempting to complete a basic business transaction. If possible, please find a way to simplify this system, or any influx of new players from EJ (whether returning or fresh) might be short and not-so-sweet. I already interact with the UO store as little as absolutely possible.


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited March 2018
    EA owns UODAoC and collects all the money (subs and store) and part of that money is sent to BS to manage UO/DAoC.
  • Bilbo said:
    EA owns UODAoC and collects all the money (subs and store) and part of that money is sent to BS to manage UO/DAoC.
    Hence my opening statement.

    It also doesn't change the fact that the system suffers from the serious flaws I mentioned. If they're going to roll out EJ - where the new players are likely going to be using the UO Store at higher rates than existing players - without streamlining the transaction process, then it will not yield optimal results. And of course streamlining the transaction process will also make it easier for existing players to give them money.

    The average customer doesn't care who owns the company, who manages it, or how they arrange their finances.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited March 2018
    Getting EA to care is something that we as UO players have tried for over 20 years.  For some reason UO/DAoC is the Black Sheep that gets very little to no attention from EA.  Also understand that EA doesn't read these forums so posting this on a EA type forum or sending them an E-Mail may get better results.  I am not trying to put down your idea that I agree with 100% but doing it here may get you a headache beating your head against a block wall and nothing more.
  • If, as you erroneously state, UO players have been trying to get EA to care for "over 20 years", and you have such concern that my simple post is beating my head against a wall, why would you advise me to post on an EA forum? I understand that EA doesn't read these forums, but I also understand that Broadsword is not without influence here.

    If you agree with me that there is a problem, then raising awareness of it gets it more attention. Responding with "post on another forum" is not helpful.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    My complaint is that I should not need to reduce my security settings concerning cookies to have purchases for UO in the Origin Store be accepted.

  • PinkertonPinkerton Posts: 105
    Lets just get an entire overhaul to accounts/payments/store.  I know many of you will dismiss this because you have been bought into this and know how to do it.  But the account management for this game is ridiculous.  Try being someone who has not played in 12 years.  I knew my UO account credentials, but that didnt help at all and it was days before I could get it all handled.
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