Bring Back Static Resources



  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
      I would be game for caps on how much ore could be mined or logs chopped. IF they also cap how much gold can be farmed, how many champs can be done, how many of the same critter can be killed, how many merch ships can be scuttled per account per day.

      No limit to the sand you can obtain BTW just how much sand you can buy at one time from the mining guild.

       Here we go again with all the complex stuff instead of going with what worked for 10 years and a system that NO ONE had a problem with.  Making it more complex will only make it even less desirable to engage in than it is now. Nice simple and basic is what mining and LJ should be and the rule that the simplest solution if most often the best solution holds very true in this case.

      I would even be happy with it just being static in FEL and maybe Ilsh Since it is really foolish to mine tram side anyway IMO. 

      The very first Tyrath to exist in UO was a Miner and back in those days keeping what you mined was a real challenge :)  The very first skill I got to 100 was mining and for 10 years I most of my game hours were spent either mining or chained to a forge black smithing.  Template was Mining, BS, Tinker, Carp, LJ, tailor and alchemy.  Quite proud when I got all of those to 100.  There were no soul stones back then and GM was the best you could be.  Even when ninjas and soul stones came into the game that template stayed the same and was my most used character.  Then they wrecked mining and LJ 

  • Yet they are on point "af".
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Another Player wanted to add this here:

    Once upon a time I used to "thwart" the script botters when we had static resource locations... it was easy because mostly they used EasyUO with UOAssist... and all you had to do was drop 1 ore or 1 log next to the area that was being scripted of the intended resource and then come back an hour later... when you did you would be rewarded with a nice fat stack of whatever it was because UOAssist had that lovely thing that would stack things... if the "stack" was on the ground then that's where it would go...

    Not many folk knew about that little gimmick... and it worked really well... I had the bots gathering for me sometimes that way... it was fun to steal their ill-gotten gains.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Now @Petra_Fyde got the ideas!

    It makes perfect sense for a GM miner/LJ to be completely selective in what resource they are going for - is why we had those mining/LJ libraries back-in-the-day. Mayhaps a tool that raises the percentage for the desired resource, or create "veins" that do checks against skill (minoc mountains would be the place for this) and if skilled enough, the miner could pick the resource.

    Or, if like, raise mining and lj to the 120 cap and put in "masteries" that allow said legendary miners and lumberjacks to pick their resource. 

    Lots of different ways to do this, but being selective would be the key without having to change the entire randomness-code for those who haven't invested in the higher skill level.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Kirthag said:
    Now @ Petra_Fyde got the ideas!

    It makes perfect sense for a GM miner/LJ to be completely selective in what resource they are going for - is why we had those mining/LJ libraries back-in-the-day. Mayhaps a tool that raises the percentage for the desired resource, or create "veins" that do checks against skill (minoc mountains would be the place for this) and if skilled enough, the miner could pick the resource.

    Or, if like, raise mining and lj to the 120 cap and put in "masteries" that allow said legendary miners and lumberjacks to pick their resource. 

    Lots of different ways to do this, but being selective would be the key without having to change the entire randomness-code for those who haven't invested in the higher skill level.

      Or just turn the random code off and let us go out prospect, mark and mine :)
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited September 2019
    Tyrath said:
      Or just turn the random code off and let us go out prospect, mark and mine :)
    To "turn off code" isn't as easy as it many people think. It may be easier (and more feasible) for the devs to keep it as is, but to expand resource gathering skills by adding masteries to them - particularly since they made the masteries systems themselves and (hopefully) used OOP. Duplicating and adjusting an object to work within another system is easier than to find all the code to "turn off".

    I'm all for static nodes, believe me! But if it isn't feasible, adding masteries would be a viable option that just might make some (never all) of the people happier.
  • Not too interested in yet another mastery chase, another PS or two to have to get.

    If that's the case, leave it alone and we can keep buying from the scripters.

  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited September 2019

    Quit suggesting to make it more complicated and convoluted than is necessary.  We don't need more masteries or power scrolls.  We don't even need static resources.

    A good start would be to simply increase the chances of each ore across the board.

    Here is an average of my last five mining sessions results.  I tally, record then empty the ore in the crate to track the totals for each mining session.

    Iron 53-68%  w / prospector's tool;     58-72% w/o 
    DC 14-23%  w/ prospector's tool;  4-9% w/o
    Shadow 3-5%
    Copper 4.5-4.7%
    Bronze 2.6-3.1%
    Gold 2.3-5.3%
    Agapite 1-2%
    Verite 1-2%
    Valorite .5-2%

    Every vein was hit with a prospector's tool too.  I don't use Gargoyle picks.

    The simplest fix would be to double, triple or quadruple the colored ore spawn rates.


    Another fix would be when it's a certain ore color that it's ALL that color ore.  Not half or even more than half, iron.  I've seen spots where, even after you've used a prospector's tool and get the message that a certain color can be mined there.  You can still get 8 or more strikes and get NOTHING BUT IRON ORE.


    I also agree that a Grandmaster Miner and Grandmaster or higher Blacksmith should never fail smelting ore.  Regardless of fail or not failing, you surely wouldn't lose half your material.  Totally stupid.

    I will say that since the Smelter's Talismans were introduced I haven't lost a single ingot.  They're easy enough to acquire thankfully.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Tyrath said:
    Now consider what it was like prior to this change (which goes back to 2007).  Resources of any given quality could be found in static locations.  This resulted in a situation where "the early bird would catch the worm" as the highest end resources were dominated by those who could devote the most time to harvesting them at that location.

    Prior to the change myself and a whole lot of other people actually spent a considerable amount of time mining and lumber jacking.  It did not take long after the change for most of us to just say to heck with this ain't worth the headache.  We by the way had  zero problem under the old system. If you were around back during the change then you know most legit miners and LJs were strongly against the change.  What we were asking for was that the scripters be dealt with not our primary job in the game to be wrecked. 

      As far as the early bird getting the worm, that is as it should be.  It is how it is in almost every other aspect of the game.Those who spend more time working at achieving something tend to be much better and consistent at obtaining the things they are after.

       I think we are all aware of Garg Picks and Prospector tools and how to use them.  They like the mining and LJ skill are about useless in the current system. 

      The Stated reason for changing mining and LJ back in the day was to deter scripting of resources.  That was an epic fail that actually catered to resource scripters and effectively gave them a monopoly on wood and ore.  Again static locations were not the problem, the tolerance and lack of consequences for cheating was the problem.

      After so many years of having free run of the market the RMTs have more resources stock piled than they will sell in two lifetimes.   You actually see very VERY few resource bots anymore.  Why?  Because there is little to no market for what they already have mountains of. 

      A good number of people quit UO over the change, Considering the dev flavor of the day broke both of my main things in game back then Resource Gathering and Bags of Sending.  The only reason I didn't walk away back then was they returned bags of sending back to functioning as they had due to the massive outrage of how the new BOS worked.   Mining and LJ should have been reverted back at that time.  There just were not enough of us that used LJ and Mining as our primary playstyle to make as much noise as there were people angry about the BOS Farce. 

      You don't need to over think this one or make it more complex than it has to be!  No one wants to use those ignorant maps or waste their game time obtaining the ignorant maps.  Sure they are novel for the occasional miner but overall not worth the time or effort to use them.  Wha tthose of us who actually want to be miners and Lumber Jacks want is what we had before the entire system was wrecked into a scripter only activity.  It really is that simple. 

      NO ONE had trouble obtaining resources under the old static system.  I don't think I ever heard anyone complain in that regard.  Again the biggest complaint was the devs and gms allowed the blatant script bots to run 23/7 without consequence.  You know the same complaints players have now in other more lucrative areas of the game that are bot dominated.

    EXACTLY  - there is NOTHING more to be said.

    100% agree

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Kirthag said:
    Tyrath said:
      Or just turn the random code off and let us go out prospect, mark and mine :)
    To "turn off code" isn't as easy as it many people think. It may be easier (and more feasible) for the devs to keep it as is, but to expand resource gathering skills by adding masteries to them - particularly since they made the masteries systems themselves and (hopefully) used OOP. Duplicating and adjusting an object to work within another system is easier than to find all the code to "turn off".

    I'm all for static nodes, believe me! But if it isn't feasible, adding masteries would be a viable option that just might make some (never all) of the people happier.
    I could get down with a Blacksmithing Mastery fix of sorts.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Maximus_NeximusMaximus_Neximus Posts: 380
    edited September 2019
    Count me in the group for wanting static resources to return. The change only helped scripters and even then, resources aren't being sold like they use to be.

    Along with this change, please consider updating the library/museum turn in rewards. I'd also like for NPC vendors to begin selling at 999 and not have to be bought up over time.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Count me in the group for wanting static resources to return. The change only helped scripters and even then, resources aren't being sold like they use to be.

    Along with this change, please consider updating the library/museum turn in rewards. I'd also like for NPC vendors to begin selling at 999 and not have to be bought up over time.

      Buying NPC vendor up from 20 to 999 is annoying LOL I just started parking 20 accts outside haven mage with 100 green thorns in each and sticking green thorns for regs until the shop restocks.  Could at least remove the cool down timer on greenthorns so I don't have to log 20 accts in at the same time ;)
  • Like many others here, I don't recall having trouble accessing high end ore or wood under the static system. I had runebooks marked for each type of ore and wood and was able to generate enough through mining and lumberjacking to keep my crafters self sufficient. 

    Once the static system went away, I stopped mining and lumberjacking completely. The other day, I had to re-teach myself how to make a mining macro so I could mine sand, because it's been years since I mined anything. 

    I have to figure that my couple dozen mining spots were a drop in the bucket compared to how many spots actually existed, and that's why I was not running into empty veins. It was never a problem for me. 

    I'd love to see static resources return.
  •  I'd also like for NPC vendors to begin selling at 999 and not have to be bought up over time.
    If they do this, then the price keeps increasing and is rarely if ever reset.  I would hate to see that happen for resources you need for training something like inscription, alchemy, or cartography.  I'd rather see it take less time for the vendors to restock and the price stays stable.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    I really don't have a problem with mining and logging the way it is now but if they do bring back some form of static locations they should.

    Make the locations change occasionally so we don't go back to the days of everyone just buying a rune book of locations. You should have to move around and explore at least a little. Maybe like it was suppose to work originally and a 50/50 chance of changing at server restart.


    Make the locations of at least the high end resources character linked. If character A finds frost wood on this tree character B can't seem to find the right spot. This seem a little complicated but might be doable.

    Bringing back the "good old days" of this tree will provide frost wood and here is a rune was mind numbing boring. It was the only situation that made me look into setting up away from keyboard macros in 20 years of play. 

  • Drowy said:
     I would like to request for static resources once again.
    @ Kyronix @ Mesanna @ Bleak 
    Yes please and thanks again for suggesting this again. Seems like a particular presence that seemed vehemently against this suggestion has not shown to voice their "concern" if you could call it that.

     Please add the nameless journey's voice to this plea for mining and lumberjacking to be great again. Please.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Drowy said:
     I would like to request for static resources once again.
    @ Kyronix @ Mesanna @ Bleak 
    Yes please and thanks again for suggesting this again. Seems like a particular presence that seemed vehemently against this suggestion has not shown to voice their "concern" if you could call it that.

     Please add the nameless journey's voice to this plea for mining and lumberjacking to be great again. Please.

       Nope they have not, but plenty of folks that believe in creating the most complex solutions for the most simple of problems.  When the most simple solution would make the vast majority of people happy. 
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    With the new handling of macroers, I dont see any reasons the keep the actual system. So please bring back static resources!
  • I hated the static spawn. I rejoiced at the release of Age of Shadows when we got an entirely new landmass to mine and to mark runes in at all the new Valorite spots. Problem is, so did everyone else. I managed to find a few spots which were never mined by others, and when they added Gargoyle Pickaxes my Verite spots runebook became a new favorite.

    But I never stopped hating static spawn.

    It was boring. Mining the same veins for the same crap everytime. My heart jumped when they changed it to random. Though nowadays I don't explore to find new spots anymore, I don't need to as the ores change every now and then.

    But that's just me. I see there are plenty of people who hate the randomness. Though I reckon there are folks here who long for the old static spawn out of nostalgia. I saw someone mention a ton of people left due to the static > random change in 2007. Maybe partly, but I think more people left due to combined changes, and loot changes, and much more. It's always been a decline as the game grew older.

    If they made it static again people wouldn't magically reappear to play the game. And people who say they will start mining again will be bored with it after a few hours of mining anyway. And why would you need colored ingots anymore. BODs is the only reason I can think of. No one crafts anymore, legendary loot all the way, baby!
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    You answered your own question BODS.   Just because you don't craft and rely on legendary loot doesn't mean the rest of us do.  I fill tons of bods, and require tons of high end ores. 

    Bring back static resources so I am NOT forced to buy the bloody things off the scripters.  There is NO way you can mine enough to fill bods, especially since they made changes to the bod system.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    What @MissE said
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853

    I have found that I get more high end resources from sinking merchant ships than I was getting either mining or lumberjacking.  For example I went from 800 valerite to over 16K.  Same type of thing with Frost wood.

  • monkgamermonkgamer Posts: 100
    edited January 2020

    make each character have their own spawns, the amount of what they get is based on their skill and the greater the resource the more difficul tarea they have to get to to get it. 

    or randommize the spawns and give a tool that allows a miner to fidn the general area of the vein then they have to start mining to find it.

    The system now is lame and the previous version is lame. 

  • UnlovedUnloved Posts: 5
    edited November 2021
    I don’t mind the way it is now compared to back then, having static resources now could be good, but I really doubt it, plus, depending on the work needed too revert it. I think we could modify or adjust the current system, from the tools we use, the system, and the environments. Because atm I get annoyed when I get frost wood from the big ole yew trees, like come on. 

    First off the tools in the hands of a grandmaster (100skill) the left click option that allows you too change from ore, too ore and stone, too ore and gems, and too stone. 

    Here we add two new options set to rare ore and set to rare stone.
    after selecting these it will bring up a secondary menu in which you can select the type. You could also apply a percentage or chance rating in this menu based off of skill.
    For lumberjack turn the skill into clickable and this is where the menu comes from, here you can select the rare type you want too focus on. Instead of adding it too every type of “axe” unless it’s easier that route, it can work as well!

    (This can allow the use over 100 skill and the secondary menu can show shat the increase is) this won’t guarantee but increase your chance.

    the system/environment
     so why am I getting frost wood on yew trees? I mean aren’t those big ole unique trees yews? 
    So increase by area chance of spawn. Around those yew trees you get more yew, in regions with snow or when it’s snowing frostwood increases, areas around brigand forts, dungeons, graveywards blood wood increases, heartwood around fairies, wisps. Oak around the edges of “swamp areas”, and ash in swamp areas. 

    So the system isn’t changin just the increases are changed In certain areas, or certain circumstances. 

    All in all I am not looking for ANYONE 100% guarantees here just like a 35-45% chance of getting what I want, because farming ore/wood for an hour in felucca I should be pulling in more rare types. 

    Once I again I don’t support static resources, unless it’s only in felucca cause I miss collecting free resources :)

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited November 2021
    MissE said:
    You answered your own question BODS.   Just because you don't craft and rely on legendary loot doesn't mean the rest of us do.  I fill tons of bods, and require tons of high end ores. 

    Bring back static resources so I am NOT forced to buy the bloody things off the scripters.  There is NO way you can mine enough to fill bods, especially since they made changes to the bod system.


     The Bulk Order Deeds mechanics is soooooooooo much time consuming that it is disheartening...

    I would like, for example for next Year's 25th Ultima Online Anniversary, that a new Veteran Rewards "Crafting Bench" was Designed and released for Accounts of an active age of 25 Years to claim (but all accounts can use) and this "Crafting Bench" was to work so that, one could put into it, if locked down in a House, unlimited amounts of all resources needed to make BODs.

    Then, one would click the BOD needed to be filled, while having the crafting tool and skill for that item needed to be crafted, in the amount needed by the BOD, automatically, that is, no need to enter anything, no 10, 15 or 20 quantity, no what item would it be, just click a button on the BOD and the "Crafting Bench" would make all of the items needed by that BOD and fill it too.

    One click, one BOD done.

    So, if one had, say, 50 BODs to fill, one would just have them in the backpack, click on them, and they would "auto-fill" using this "Crafing Bench".

    A whole lot of time saved up, a lot less carpal tunnel risks for having to click, drag resources from a container to one's own backpack a lot less....

    It would be a blessing come true, and a great enhacement to the BODs gameplay, to my opinion.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    edited November 2021
    Pawain said:
    Make the veins in Fel rulesets static.  
    If Devs  are concerned with scripting then I absolutely love this idea by @Pawain . Someone wants to bot around? Then they can be murdered :) 

    @Kyronix - I agree with most others here. I really only gathered resources when I was bored or there wasn't much PvP going on but I don't ever remember having any issues. Sure a spot or 2 might be empty but overall out of 16 runes marked in my runebook maybe 2 were empty and the rest were good to go....and this was on ATL back when things were seemingly more populated. 

    Another thing to kind of add to what most others have said is that back in 2007 (my memory is a little hazy of timeline so I might be a little off on this so please don't kill me if I'm off) there wasn't imbuing / legendary artifacts available like we have now so crafted items (from runics) were viable. Now that just isn't the case...I can't see there being a huge draw to bot resources. Honestly aside from filling BODs... what do you need resources for? Nobody wears GM made stuff anymore. Even with BODs now... aside from let's say a handful of rewards (POF / select runics / CBD ) what is the draw to really use resources? Let the people that actually want to work BODs do so without a secondary grind of finding the resources.

    My suggestion would be to return static spots and make the refresh timer pretty quick (maybe 20min?). One way to possibly reduce the number of scripters (and free loaders) is to limit EJ accounts from gathering resources; whether it be limited capacity (half the resources) or just prevent them all together. Keep the ships carrying resources like they do now though so absolute worst case scenario if for whatever reason every single spot if exhausted, people can still find resources.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    The loot from pirating easier...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • *Gobble, Gobble*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Kyronix said:
    There is an item in our backlog...

    Here is my suggestion...

    Random resources can be workable if...

    When you find a valorite vein, you get 100% valorite from that vein till its dry.  Currently if you find a vein, you are lucky to get 10% of that ore type.  Scripters will always script, we all need to get past that.
    And while we are at it as @Bilbo says, 105 mining should not fail to smelt on any ore.  At the very least you definitely should not lose 50%!!!! of your stack for a fail.

    My proposition... When you mine/prospect 'X' vein, you get 100% of 'X' ore till its dry.  Or at the very least raise it to a reasonable yield.
  • "Throws stoned mining back into the time capsule"

    Just noticed this was necroed, it's late and I'm tired, RIP mining.
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