Error Message

LessaTLessaT Posts: 3
I have been having login issues all week with my EC. I get an error message, "An error has occurred in the synchronization between the login servers and this world. Please close your client and try again." I have 3 accounts and I get this message for each account trying to login to my home shard Napa. I tried to get into a few others. Seems like most of the US west coast shards are not available, but I can get into a few others (that I don't play on :/) And yes, I have tried to: reboot the pc, reboot the modem, and restart the client. I even tried Classic Client and get the same message. I am NOT trying to open a second client while the first is open. Anybody have any idea what's wrong? HELP


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Any chance were you in North Idaho? When I visited relatives there the other week I got that error message a lot.  Only there. No problems in Washington state.
  • LessaTLessaT Posts: 3
    I am in Las Vegas. Glad it's not just me. Now if someone can tell me how to fix it!

  • I get this a lot whenever I get disconnected for whatever reason.

    I'll get disconnected, close the game window, then whether or not I completely close the client doesn't matter.  I'll get that message when I relogin.

    Then I click the checkmark, close the client again and relogin and it never happens twice.

    Been that way for years.
  • LessaTLessaT Posts: 3
    Tried your work around but it doesn't seems to work for me. Thanks for the input. Maybe I can get some info from the Dev team???
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    did you do a disk cleanup?
    sometimes I have to do that, when I get that error
  • Has anyone figured out the reason why the synch between login server and the world  why this happens?? I as of right now it has been happening to me since yesterday morning around 9AM if any now let me know i tryed restart diskclean up and upinstall copuple programs and did a refresh pon my modem my tv connected to it nothing happens to internet on TV
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