Thank you for the bonfire gift
Thank you for the bonfire gift UO Team.

For those confused a new gift came out today, July 9. You can pick one up at the Brit Commons.

For those confused a new gift came out today, July 9. You can pick one up at the Brit Commons.
Treasure Hunters
Though is it a hint we should be outside around a real bonfire?
I was wanting to use the fire from the Eodon quest for deco, but this works much better.
Am I the only one now wants to go out and buy a bag of marshmallows?
we do have marshmallows in game, now we need a stick to put them on lol
LOVE love LOVE these
thank you DEVs!!!
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I grabbed a bunch as well for my stubborn guildmates who I am sure won't be on in time. *grumbles*
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
And then I end up with a bunch of stuff on other shards...
but in this instance, I need them lol
Can't wait to lock it down in my house and see if you can use it as a heat source for cooking, etc.
That is amazing Pawain!