Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Release 3



  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I'm with the 3 above.  Imagine if the prices dropped low enough for the new and returning players to be able to afford them? the folk who need them most. Imagine if folk on quieter shards could put them on vendors at those prices without worrying about re-sellers buying the lot to cart off to Atlantic?
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited June 2019
    MissE said:
     MY problem is that in about 2 weeks alacrity scrolls will be tossed on the ground due to over supply (current indigenous/diabolic chests spawn about 3 alacrity scrolls in around 10 chests, now you will get between 20 and 40 in ten chests)  THAT is a fact.   
    .Actually, MissE, that is NOT a fact.  Just because character building doesn't fit your play-style, doesn't mean it doesn't fit others.  I think sometimes we as players need to think outside of our box.  Number of alacrities on Chesapeake other than Taste ID/Focus/Camping/etc: 0. The number of alacrities other than Taste Id/Med/Ets on Oceania: 0.   Alacrities are a 15 minute consumable, it takes much longer than 15 minutes to raise a single skill.  Many of the Ranger alacrities we pulled from the treasure maps on Baja I've completed the past 5 days are already being consumed.

    Oh and before you toss those alacrities on the ground, we'll take them~  ;)

     Btw, when the week alacrity token was introduced, there were members of the community that said the token would kill the 15 minute alacrities. Hasn't happened, and I know a lot of players who bought the returning player bundle and used the token.

    MissE said:

    I wish they had left it alone. I do NOT see that anything has been improved unless you are a newbie thunter.  I am betting that within about 3mths noone will be doing high level tmaps at all.  I believe tmapping has gone the way of despise dungeon, refinements, t
    New content is always most popular when released, it's how it goes. Will I be doing treasure hunting as much in three months time?  Holiday content will be out and I will have gone through my hoarded supply, so probably not.  But as i get new maps, sure. As for no one using refinements, I actually know a lot of players who do. Again, sometimes the bigger picture needs to be seen and not just ones play-style.

    I actually wish chests dropped more SoT and in higher values. 
  • ForgeForge Posts: 2
    I think this might be a point that is being missed here. Whilst i understand flooding the market with soa's and sot's is depressing for some, i dont think they will become completely worthless as some people are suggesting, especially in the case of sot's as they are a little challenging to come by. Yes they will take a hit but im sorry its well overdue, i mean currently taming soa's are selling for 2.2m on Atlantic, this is just crazy amounts.

    And this is coming from a player who currently makes a decent living selling soa's but i dont consider myself greedy. If the prices drop by several 100k, then so be it, doesn't really bother me. As long as i can make some kind of living of them, im happy. I guess we will see what happens of the next few months.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited June 2019
    Forge said:
    I get that the amount of soas and sots appear to be dropping in greater numbers which will in turn affect the values of them but is that such a bad thing? Whilst the market will of course take a hit it might actually make them more affordable, i.e rather than say something like parry, which are selling for 800k+ on Atlantic, sell for 300k/400k? I personally dont see the problem here, some of the sots for say taming are ridiculously expensive, if this does bring down prices to make them more realistic then i for one am all for it. Im just playing devils advocate here.
    Ha I think an increase on alacrity's from avg in 20 chests from 6 to 53 is a bit more than 'appearing' in greater numbers.

    But if they drop in value as they are going to I certainly wont be digging up maps for them and I run vendor malls. 

    However it isn't actually just about the $$ that is the point you are all missing.  It is about the fact that after 1 month of doing tmaps there will be NO REASON to continue doing them AT ALL, everyone will have so many scrolls they won't NEED them and there is NO OTHER REASON to actually do those maps.

    take out the alacrity scrolls from those ten hoard chests and what do you have left worth getting?  NOTHING MUCH.  I did those maps in ONE tmap session of about half a day.  Once this goes live I will spend a week-two weeks doing them, stock up and have NO NEED to do any more.  There is no other loot in those chests worth taking the tmapper out for. Same goes for Trove chests only worse they have MORE scrolls in them. 

    Cache maps are a total waste of time and not worth any effort to go out for, and the two lower levels, stash and supply, sure if you want a few ingredients go to the relevant facet for the ones you want other than that you are better off doing merchant ships for resources. Way better value for your time.

    Oh I soo agree. So much better if players can afford to use them more . More fun to do other things!
    The idea of this revamp was to IMPROVE t-mapping, it was to make it a much more rewarding experience and all some people asked for was a small BOOST to loot to keep it relevant given the changes to places like shadowguard, doom etc, not make it so that it would make us go and do other things.   I can't believe that statement.  

    So the upshot of that is this whole revamp was so we wouldn't have to do tmaps but could go do other stuff.    I guess they made it so.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited June 2019
    Violet said:
    MissE said:
     (current indigenous/diabolic chests spawn about 3 alacrity scrolls in around 10 chests, now you will get between 20 and 40 in ten chests)  THAT is a fact.   
    .Actually, MissE, that is NOT a fact. 
    Actually it IS a fact.  Every single hoard chest has 4 pieces of paper, every single trove chest has 5.  There is absolutely nothing to argue about, the chests are identical in what they hold.

    By Paper I mean either SoA/SoT/Tmap or if in fel PScrolls.  In 10 hoard and 10 trove chests I got 53 alacrity scrolls.  There is nothing made up about it. The pic above shows the 10 hoard chests, as you can see 4 bits in each chest.

    I actually wonder how many people commenting actually did a LOT of tmaps rather than one every so often?  I mean I would do about 30-40 a month on average sometimes a few more sometimes a few less of the higher level maps.   Anyways, I guess you are all super happy with it so all good.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited June 2019
    MissE said:
    Violet said:
    MissE said:
     (current indigenous/diabolic chests spawn about 3 alacrity scrolls in around 10 chests, now you will get between 20 and 40 in ten chests)  THAT is a fact.   
    .Actually, MissE, that is NOT a fact. 
    Actually it IS a fact.  Every single hoard chest has 4 pieces of paper, every single trove chest has 5.  There is absolutely nothing to argue about, the chests are identical in what they hold.

    By Paper I mean either SoA/SoT/Tmap or if in fel PScrolls.  In 10 hoard and 10 trove chests I got 53 alacrity scrolls.  There is nothing made up about it. The pic above shows the 10 hoard chests, as you can see 4 bits in each chest.

    I actually wonder how many people commenting actually did a LOT of tmaps rather than one every so often?  I mean I would do about 30-40 a month on average sometimes a few more sometimes a few less of the higher level maps.   Anyways, I guess you are all super happy with it so all good.
    Actually from the way you did your parenthesis and your BOLD statement outside of ityou were stating the fact would be alacrities thrown on the ground, not how many spawn in chests.  

    Yes, I've done 100s on maps between TC and Baja.  I am well aware what is in each chest.  The paper doesn't bother me.  The power scrolls are welcome, we will never have enough of those now with animal training.  The alacrities and SoT will help guildmates, myself and returning players.

    As for your 53 alacrity scrolls in 20 chests...there are over 40 different alacrity scrolls that spawn from the chests.  So you have  1 15 minute scroll for each skill and then 1/3 of them you might have two of.  If you average 30-40 a month, you might be looking at 2 per skill.  The prices for alacrities on some servers were outrageous, especially considering it's used as a catch up mechanic for returning players.  Other servers just have no alacrity scrolls available. 

  • I ment the buyers could use more SoTs and SoAs and use the saved time to do less boring things. The T-hunters sell more scrolls . When I read back I cant see how that isnt clear . As it is now players on my shard scream for SoTs but they can find any .
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    @MissE said: "
    However it isn't actually just about the $$ that is the point you are all missing.  It is about the fact that after 1 month of doing tmaps there will be NO REASON to continue doing them AT ALL, everyone will have so many scrolls they won't NEED them and there is NO OTHER REASON to actually do those maps."

    Well, there it is then. Nothing to be done.   :-(


    So when you and jaytin quit can I have your stuff?!
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    When I quit all my stuff is going in the bin.  

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited June 2019
    I feel ya MissE. Unfortunately, you could try to tell that the loot in chests was rather balanced but nobody cared. First they tried to reduce it and after we comlained they now added 300% *cough*

    The discussion about SoT/SoA reminds me of the discussion back when forged pardons where killed (i.e. introduction of royal pardons). Some weirdos of course argued it will be for the better and if anything, demand will increase. Of course those were pipedreams and we all know what forged pardons are worth these days ;)

    Guess most people taking part here have not been into T-Hunting back then?!

    No point trying to explain this here. Maybe @Mariah @Rorschach can just lock this thread? :D
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
     Since nothing is destroyed in the chests anymore by LP fails, has the skeleton key been killed?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Nope.  How much does a 100 uses skeleton key weigh?
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited June 2019
    Skeleton keys can also be insured on standard shards. So, when in Felucca.....
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Tanager said:
     Since nothing is destroyed in the chests anymore by LP fails, has the skeleton key been killed?
    Grubbers seem to be alive and running, running, running. Fortunately, they often seem to go for the gems.
  • Cjcaine1Cjcaine1 Posts: 12
    Why Remove trap is deleted from list of skills on New Character creation menu???
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    You used to require detecting hidden in order to train it, and so it was never an option at creation. In the same way that you cannot start with stealth because it requires hiding first and your non-existent character does not have it, and you cannot start with Spellweaving because your char cannot have done the quest for it yet. While DT has been divorced from RT in the game, the character creation code needs updated - this will be done later, according to a Dev post somewhere.
  • Cjcaine1Cjcaine1 Posts: 12
    Tanager said:
    You used to require detecting hidden in order to train it, and so it was never an option at creation. In the same way that you cannot start with stealth because it requires hiding first and your non-existent character does not have it, and you cannot start with Spellweaving because your char cannot have done the quest for it yet. While DT has been divorced from RT in the game, the character creation code needs updated - this will be done later, according to a Dev post somewhere.
    Aha, "later", after all TH chars will got it from 33.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    It trains very fast by digging up treasure chests. Start with stash level, you get many gains per chest.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Has anyone so far gotten any Shimmering Crystal (Mondain's Legacy Ingredient) from Malas Artisan SUPPLY Treasure Chests ?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I have gotten Pristine Dreadhorn head, which I was not expecting. I will keep an eye out for the crystal.
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    No one in the guild has gotten a Shimmering Crystal, on live or tc.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited June 2019
    Violet said:
    No one in the guild has gotten a Shimmering Crystal, on live or tc.
    That is very strange... 

    It should be in the loot table as the rest of the Peerless stuff...

    I wonder if it is just a matter or spawning % that differs from Peerless item to Peerless item and, perhaps, the Shimmering Crystal has a lower spawn chance then other Peerless items ?

    Although, with so many players now doing tens, hundreds of Maps even if the spawning chance was low "at least" 1 report of someone getting a Shimmering Crystal should have popped up...

    Perhaps the Shimmering Crystal is victim to a bug that prevents it to spawn in Artisan Supply Treasure Chests ?

    @Kyronix , @Bleak (by the way, congratulations !!) , is it possible to double check this and see what is blocking (if this is the case) Shimmering Crystals to spawn ?

    Thanks !!
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I think it's possible that shimmering crystal is not classed as an ML ingredient. It is not used in any of the ML recipes and when ML first arrived it was merely decorative. The pristine head can be used with a taxidermy kit. Shimmering crystal didn't become 'useful' until the introduction of the single charge soulstone.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Speaking of single charge soul stone perhaps that is where the mysterious fragments will come in.  Maybe not for skills but for virtues? Stone off your virtues and move them to another character?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    I think it's possible that shimmering crystal is not classed as an ML ingredient. It is not used in any of the ML recipes and when ML first arrived it was merely decorative. The pristine head can be used with a taxidermy kit. Shimmering crystal didn't become 'useful' until the introduction of the single charge soulstone.
    Hopefully, then, this lack can be corrected and the Shimmering Crystal be included together with the other ML ingredients to spawn with the Malas Artisan Supply Chests ?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    The old Doom items are in Recipes.  Can we get Hat of Magi, etc from T chests so we can just do those and not need the other encounters?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Cjcaine1Cjcaine1 Posts: 12

    Tanager said:
    It trains very fast by digging up treasure chests. Start with stash level, you get many gains per chest.
    АHA , now i know what do you mean "It trains very fast by digging up treasure chests" .
    Devs prefer to stay that bug alive for RT pumping instead of  to do all as it must.
    But not everybody knows that bug and trying to do  RT  honestly.
    /I've GMed RT before patch/
  • MrNiceMrNice Posts: 29
    When I want to reforge the Star Sapphire Gargish Octopus Necklace, it says I can't reforge it. Why ?

      The Gargish Octopus necklace can now be reforged via blacksmithy and repaired via tinkering

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