Spreadsheets for T-Hunting

Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
edited May 2019 in Test Center



Updated for Pub 105 2 (15/5/19) 56 Maps, 5 each profession for Stash, Supply. 5 Artisan Cache. 1 Mage Hoard.




Hope you don't mind @Margrette, I grabbed the link out of the other thread.


If anyone else is keeping spreadsheets, drop a link in this thread if you'd like.



  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    16/5/19 Spreadsheet updated with 20 Tokuno Cache Maps. Now at 5 Cache each profession.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    These are wonderful spreadsheets, much more informative than my little project so I am a little embarrassed to post the one I have been working on. I am not the brightest crayon in the box, so the revamp is a bit overwhelming for me. I have chosen to focus on just one aspect - decorative items.


    (I am new to the whole google sharing thing, so please PM me if it is NOT working correctly. Otherwise, no news is good news. Thanks!)
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    Just made a big dent in a new spreadsheet with images of randomly generated equipment properties from Cache chests, with luck set at 600, 1100, 2100, or 3600.  This is just Artisan, Assassin, and Mage chests.  Will be adding images from a few more Mage Cache chests and also Ranger and Warrior Cache chests.  If I get to them, will include stuff from Horde or Trove chests.

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    Deleted bcs Tanager already had it in his list!
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    I hope you all are getting a month or two free play time for all your work!
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    @Tanager, you might want to add "a creeping vine" from Ter Mur Ranger chests and hourglass from Ilshenar Mage chests.
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited May 2019

    Has anyone found the Candelabra of Souls yet? 

    Minor Artifacts (All packages, Supply)
    • Legacy Minor artifacts & Pub 67 Artifacts
    Decorative Items (All packages when available, Cache and above)
    • Legacy & New Decorative Items based on package and facet
    My interpretation reads it as possibly supply or cache. Vines are publish 67 and ended up in cache. Some one in general chat said they found a Wooden Steed in a green backpack in a supply chest, and I would have considered that as decorative.

    Also... I did not see it in the notes anywhere, but Eodon assassin cache chests have whips in them. I kept them if you want an image.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    The wooden steed is a legacy minor artifact.  I believe anything that comes in one of the green backpacks is a legacy minor artifact.   I wonder if the candelabra will end up in fished-up chests.  I'd hate to see it disappear as a loot drop.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2019
    Tanager said:
    Some one in general chat said they found a Wooden Steed in a green backpack in a supply chest, and I would have considered that as decorative.

    Warrior Supply (Tokuno) - Green backpack contained Philips Wooden Steed.

    19/5/19 Spreadsheet has been updated with 25 Tokuno Hoard. 5 Each profession.

    I'll try to put in comments for equipable loot at some point today.

    I found another Ancient Weapon for the Tokuno stands but couldn't pick it up as it was in a bugged chest. It did not look like the one I have, or the one at Petal's house, so there are at least 3. That's at least 2 variations from Tokuno.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,796
    Tanager said:

    Has anyone found the Candelabra of Souls yet? 

    Candelabra of Souls was an item you can get from lvl 6 maps now or Leviathan's
    so I'm assuming they would be added to Hoard chests
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2019
    Candelabra of Souls was an item you can get from lvl 6 maps now or Leviathan's
    so I'm assuming they would be added to Hoard chests

    It looks like all(?) decorative items are now available in Cache.

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Candelabra of Souls was an item you can get from lvl 6 maps now or Leviathan's
    so I'm assuming they would be added to Hoard chests

    It looks like all(?) decorative items are now available in Cache.

    Based on the publish notes, I think the deco items have the potential to be in cache, horde, and trove chests.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2019

    21/5/19 Spreadsheet updated with 25 Tokuno Trove Maps. 5 each profession.


    At this point I am 99.9% positive the Gem/Gold Bag is simply bugged in all Hoard/Trove chests. I have used 100 LP, 100 RT on all 125 chests in the spreadsheet.

    Out of 25 Trove chests, 22 did not have a GGB. I got a random GGB in 3 of them. 2 were Sliders, 1 was Circuit. Unlike the Hoard chests, loot could be taken from these chests. I did nothing differently, the GGB just showed up.

    With three other chests a grubber spawned and when killed it twice carried gold and once carried gems. Upon opening the chest the grubber spawned from, there was no GGB present in any of the three chests. 

    The GGB is obviously in the chest, we are just not seeing it.

    Unlike the consistent behavior of the Hoard chests, I could not discern any particular pattern in the Trove chests. Maybe someone else has it figured out.


    I kept track of my Remove Trap failures for Hoard chests. Out of 116 failures in 25 chests, I lost a grand total of 1 item.

    I did not keep track of my Remove Trap failures for Trove chests as the rate of item loss for Remove Trap just wasn't worth tracking.

    Obviously something else is occurring as others are reporting few, if any, items remaining in the chest.


    On two chests I did not get any lockpicking failures or remove trap failures, yet some loot had obviously been turned to dust. When moving the last items in the grid, they simply disappeared. This is the same behavior seen on Live when an item turns to dust. The image appears in the chest, but when attempting to pick up the item the image disappears from the cursor.


    It looks like the number of equipable items in the chest is consistent at the Cache/Hoard/Trove level.

    Cache = 6, Hoard = 9, Trove = 18

    Artisan chests are an exception and appear to carry approx. 1/2 of the items found in the other 4 professions for that type of chest.


    All deviations from this in my testing were from items destroyed by LP failures, 1 RT failure, and items that appeared in the chest, but disappeared on attempting to pick them up, indicating these items had been destroyed, but no LP/RT failure message had appeared.


    In short, chests are bugged. :/

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited May 2019
    I've got two new spreadsheets to share.  

    This first one shows the properties on all weapons I collected out of cache chests in this second round of testing Publish 105.  At the moment, it is sorted by properties package, weapon name, and chest quality. I am going to try to do some more warrior cache chests sometime later this week and will add those results then.  I don't know if I will get to horde and trove chests.


    This second spreadsheet shows the properties on armor and shields collect out of cache chests in this second round of testing Publish 105.  I'm still working on adding everything to it, but I think there's enough data in it at this point (about 90 pieces of armor) to show what's going on.  Note that there were no Artisan cache chests with armor in them, other than an octopus necklace.  I don't know why there are no longer any hats spawning in those chests and hope that it's just a bug.  As noted above, I'll try to add information from more warrior chests later this week.  This spreadsheet is currently in order by theme and the order in which I dug up the chests within a theme.  There will not be any shield information until I get to the Warrior theme.


    I haven't been impressed with the loot so far because the mix of properties makes practically everything not a good fit for any of my characters.  I think this is because of the prevalence of the properties "packages"that date back to Publish 73 (November 2011) on this chest loot.  Everything comes out within the same narrow set of parameters and those parameters cause a mix of properties that just doesn't work for many people and thus makes loot unusable. 
  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited May 2019

    21/5/19 Spreadsheet updated with 25 Tokuno Trove Maps. 5 each profession.


    At this point I am 99.9% positive the Gem/Gold Bag is simply bugged in all Hoard/Trove chests. I have used 100 LP, 100 RT on all 125 chests in the spreadsheet.


    On two chests I did not get any lockpicking failures or remove trap failures, yet some loot had obviously been turned to dust. When moving the last items in the grid, they simply disappeared. This is the same behavior seen on Live when an item turns to dust. The image appears in the chest, but when attempting to pick up the item the image disappears from the cursor.


    All deviations from this in my testing were from items destroyed by LP failures, 1 RT failure, and items that appeared in the chest, but disappeared on attempting to pick them up, indicating these items had been destroyed, but no LP/RT failure message had appeared.


    In short, chests are bugged. :/

    We encountered similar results with the trove maps we had done. 

     Particularly with items disappearing but no record of failing for them to disappear.   Sometimes up to 5 items gone. 

    Unfortunately I don't use EC to see the destroyed items, but @khyro does, of course when we went to document this better we had a string of no items being destroyed~.  Or maybe it's the gold bags?  

    I did have a legendary get destroyed one time out of a trove chest: 

    Sometimes the items that disappeared line up with a failure, sometimes I just could not figure out why the items were gone.  As if the messages either aren't displaying right for failures or there is something else at work.

    Here is a picture khyro got of 4 items destroyed in one chest:

    4 items from one trove chest is kind of major with the decreased loot size.

    We've also had grubbers with a pile of gold but no gold/gem bag in the chest.  Gold/Gem bags should be in every trove/horde chest.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095
    edited May 2019
    Violet said:
    Here is a picture khyro got of 4 items destroyed in one chest:

    4 items from one trove chest is kind of major with the decreased loot size.

    I agree that you really feel the loss of even a single item now, let alone more than one.

    Almost every chest I've had I have been able to pick within 3-5 tries with 1 item destroyed at 100 LP.

    However, I have had two outliers:
    Tokuno Warrior Trove        13 LP failures, 0 items lost
    Malas Mage Hoard             17 LP failures, 8 items lost

    When I finally got the lock on that Mage Hoard, I couldn't help but think "well that was a waste of time". Opening the chest though there were still 3 items in the chest. I'm thinking the failures must have been destroying gold/gems, because there should have only been 1 item left in that chest.

  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,095

    For those still interested in tracking loot (like me!)........

    2/6/2019 Pub 105 Release 3 update: 25 Tokuno Stash (5 each prof.) and 25 Tokuno Supply (5 each prof.) (All maps new from pillars as of Release 3.) All maps with 4140 luck.

    Pub 105 Release 1 and Release 2 rows/columns hidden.

    Tab added for RT failures.

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    this is awesome @Arroth_Thaiel
    thank you!
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