POLL : TMapping

MissEMissE Posts: 782
edited May 2019 in Test Center
OK there seems to be some myth about how many treasure hunters use a group. Lets see. 

I use 90% as sure, sometimes people may do a group hunt or a solo hunt. So just select what you do most without clouding the issue.  I want to know what you do the MOST. 

I am ONLY talking about the higher level maps (existing Ingenious and Diabolical) and what will be  the Trove or Horde ones. 

#Note:  the third option is for those who do not do upper level maps just to allow for those who don't do them in case that is a huge number.  It is also aimed at fully trained treasure hunters, not those in training.  It is assumed that those in training are obviously doing lower level maps until they are fully trained up. Just want to give fully trained treasure hunters who don't or can't handle the upper level maps an option to see how many are out there.

  1. 90% of the time I do level 6/7 Treasure Maps31 votes
    1. SOLO
    2. IN A GROUP
    3. 90% of the time I do lower level maps.

Cheers MissE

For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum


  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I only added the third option for those who don't do the upper level maps to get an idea of number, lower level maps I would guess are generally done solo but if you do those in a group just make a note below.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Haddy_GHaddy_G Posts: 14
    In the past, I have only solo all the maps.  There may need to be much more spawn to make it worth a groups time for the high level maps.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    LOL hope not the LAST thing I wanna do is Tmapping with a group, especially as the loot you get at the moment (and from what I have seen in the 'new' revamp) is not worth even taking two people to get. 

    Now if they made the loot as per shadowguard and added more spawn it may be worth making the highest level tmap (ex diabolic) a group hunt, but less than that who would bother with it if you had to roll on the one item worth anything.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited May 2019
    Based on what Kyronix said about the quality of loot between 3, 4, & 5 chests  the quality is the same, but you get fewer items than you would otherwise doing a higher level map.

    might be worth doing maps lower than 6-7 (new 4-5) after this publish..

    I haven't done a map lower than lv 6 in forever, at least aside from the Elemental Titan event arc & the Zipactriotl T-maps because neither of those spawn/ed as lv 6 & 7 maps.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • ZamotZamot Posts: 55
    I only do 5 and 6's solo.  I have a friend that doesnt play as much and I do the 7's with his help.  I just dont want the darn puzzle.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I haven't yet looked at the loot in this pass but the last past even the loot on Trove and Horde maps was not worth the bother, I could still 'solo' them, but due to the change in loot they weren't worth doing at all, not even to get items to unravel as artifact quality items were pretty much non existent they just had magical items.  I got more loot from the existing Ingenious and Diabolic maps.  I guess I will have to wait to see what ppl are getting out a high level chest to see if it is NOW worth the bother. 

    I do NOT class gold and gems as 'loot' worth the effort.  You can get them anywhere.

    I don't want to do easy maps for less loot,  What is the point of that?  So far we get less loot, less turn in points, and have to do the lame-ass puzzle to just really pee you off into the bargain. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I didn't vote because I don't consider 2 players a group. That is what me and the wife do for a togetherness thing.

    For the record I do NOT like the idea of puzzles. I feel guilty enough as it is having her stand around while I open and go through the chest. Saint that she is (she puts up with me) I  can't see her willing to wait around while I figure out a puzzle. 

    If it was an either or situation maybe. I'm thinking use disarm traps or do the puzzle player choice. Failure at either and you lose an item.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I suggest take both out completely, who the hell asked for them to even alter the way tmaps were done?  The ONLY thing players wanted was a loot upgrade for the time and effort put into it.  This is overreach by a LONG way and we are going to end up with another borked part of the game, anyone for Despise?  Anyone for BMV Ararat.  Anyone for zippy once you have your moonstone? 

    I think not.

    So over having stuff people enjoy doing destroyed by grind for grind sake.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I can do up to 6's alone, I've never tried a 7. A few times if the spot was in a bad location with a lot of local spawn around it my husband would come and help me clear the area to speed things up, but that's all, I would do the chest by myself. Very occasionally when I was training and got a higher level map my husband would help out. I agree though that 2 is not a group and 2 clients belonging to the same person isn't a group either.
    @MissE you sound as angry as I feel right now  :'(
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Its on TC already.. whats the odds  :'(
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I know, short of scrapping the whole thing, which might be a blessing at this point, I can't see them radically changing the direction this 'revamp' is going. 
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited May 2019
    jaytin said:

    @ MissE you sound as angry as I feel right now  :'(
    Not angry, although it might come across that way, it is more incredulous that ANYONE who played this game would ever think putting those lame ass puzzle boards into t-mapping was a good idea and a reduction in the loot when people were asking for a boost was the way to go.

    On a level 6 chest (ingenious) right now I can get out of ONE chest:

    One or MORE of the following although you generally get at least 3 of these:
    •  a mana orb
    •  an alacrity
    •  a pink transendence
    •  a runed sash of warding (clean up points)
    •  a mib
    •  a recipe of some type (often a rare one such as scrappers etc)
    • a forged pardon
    • a surge shield

    Always the following:

    • 6 essences
    • gold
    • regs piles of 30-50 of at least 6 types
    • a mini paragon arti (most of which are junk but the candelabra of souls are always good as are items such as burglars bandanas, heart of the lion, violet courage, neco tally etc as they are good especially for my new player vendor)
    • stack of 19-20 gems
    • at least 8-12 artifact level items (sometimes even a legendary) but certainly a few majors and greaters
    • generally a lot of +15 jewels, I also loot for my new player vendor, especially on siege.
    • a bunch of other lesser loot items which I generally loot to unravel if I have room to carry them on one load.
    from what I saw last round you got a pile of gold and gems, and rarely anything else. 

    I have not been able to test this round so far as I am traveling, but from what I am reading it has NOT improved much.  Last time I got ONE new deco item and the gold/reg/gem bags but after a dozen maps the bags are basically just 'standard' and will be tossed away as junk once they are a hundred or more on vendors.  So frankly unless there is a HUGE boost to loot then the whole thing will fall into the epic fail category which is sad as t-mapping was the ONE thing you could do solo to fill in gaps when people weren't on, or if you wanted to get a few more pets and some loot for the effort.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    If some map categories are more desirable than others then there will surely be a lot of discarded maps and very little chance to get the good ones?! I don't really understand the new naming system it seems to be very complicated. Why is everything being made complicated and called 'fun'?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited May 2019
    MissE said:
    jaytin said:

    @ MissE you sound as angry as I feel right now  :'(
    I have not been able to test this round so far as I am traveling, but from what I am reading it has NOT improved much.  

    There was a major boost to loot quality and quantity since the previous release.  Some of the items you mention have been moved to lower level chests, which only benefit those who can't get into the higher end maps.  I understand you are travelling and can't get on TC1 right now (spending 5 weeks caravaning around the outback is definitely not fair to the rest of us  :P) but a lot of what has been posted does not reflect what is actually on TC1 right now. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I save my upper level t-maps for events, selling, or to use with returning vets. I've only done a few solo in the past and it was kinda challenging (the spawn) for a pure paladin template without masteries or bushido. 

    Almost all my t-hunting is done on the lower level maps, solo. Considering I looted a few idocs with literally thousands of maps, sos, and mibs.... I have all kinds of maps for such.
  • I usually do level 6 and 7 together with a 1 or more people. Not because I can't solo them, far from it. Sometimes players ask me if I'm prepared to dig up the chest while they take care of the guardians, and tame any mobs which spawn and are worth keeping as a pet.
    I like to think of myself as offering a complete treasure hunting service, including map reading, digging, lockpicking and emptying the chest. Knowing that there soon will be a service (the puzzles) which I will not be able to provide to my "customers" annoys me tremendously.
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    we asked for a loot bump on tmaps... not a revamp like this... really sad for majority of treasure hunter...many poeples dont come to forum to discuss of the new change... so they listen the same 10 person each time... they should pop up some vote in the game when we log in to have a better idea what people wants... this forum isn t succesfull... but maybe in the future it will be better...
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    jaytin said:
    I know, short of scrapping the whole thing, which might be a blessing at this point, I can't see them radically changing the direction this 'revamp' is going. 
    Scrapping it WOULD be a blessing! @Kyronix It is obvious. 90% of the players don't want this. 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    all solo maps.

    (5) lv 3 Cache maps = 6 randomly generated items. (4 malas & 1 Tokuno)  ranging from Greater Magic Item - Major Artfact

    (14) lv 5Trove Maps = 18 randomly generated items. (requires a puzzle) (6 Fel, 4 Malas, 4 Ilshenar )  - Ranging from Greater Magic Item - Legendary Artifact.

    I've not done any other level maps, but out of the ones I've done, the quality of loot seems to be at a reasonable level.   only a handful of brittle legendaries from the Trove maps so far, but the average level of loot seems to be around Lesser Artifact - Greater Artifact, which can be a potentially useful item to build a suit around.  - which is where the average loot quality should be for higher-end content tbh.

    I'm satisfied with the current quality of the loot, and since the quality is fair the reduced quantity is justified (imo).

    I personally don't mind the puzzles, though I could see why some people dislike them.   but honestly, I think the average loot quality increase, is worth the added puzzle time, at least for some of the chests.

    Maybe it could be set up to where, Remove Trap is required for both lv 4 & 5 maps, but puzzles only appear on lv 5s?    (like I said, I personally don't mind the puzzles)

    The bug with unlootable chests is by far the most annoying part of it.. hopefully that is fixed soon.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • Haddy_GHaddy_G Posts: 14
    MissE said:
    Now if they made the loot as per shadowguard and added more spawn it may be worth making the highest level tmap (ex diabolic) a group hunt, but less than that who would bother with it if you had to roll on the one item worth anything.
    That is my thinking.  The current spawn for a Trammel Assassin's Trove map is too weak for a group.  Unless I'm just getting lucky with the spawn or something is going wrong.  I still need to try the other facets.  This battle was easy for me.

  • HoteiHotei Posts: 23

    Been playing off and on since '98. Been T-hunting off and on since maps were introduced. Still processing the proposed changes.

    I believe that everybody is entitled to their opinion, but I have a problem when seeing (not just in this thread, but in many others) posters making blanket statements about how "most players" feel about any given subject, saying 90% of players want this, or don't want that. One cannot judge what the majority of players think about any given subject based off their own subjective opinion or even by what is posted on this or any other message board. We all know that the majority of players do not post in the forums. All we can do is post what our opinion is.

    Many posted that they wanted better/more high end loot in the Treasure chests but seem not to want anything else changed. Seems to me only right that to have greater/better rewards, the challenges should be increased. So often in the past, increased challenge translated into harder or more monsters to fight. This time, the devs are implementing the greater challenge by making use of an existing/underutilized skill. I consider this a good thing, especially since they are removing the need for mining to help locate the chest.

    My 1st reaction about the puzzles, like many, was negative. I'm not big on puzzles. But I'm reserving final judgement for now until further testing and giving myself time to let its implications sink in.

    My thoughts regarding this right now... The higher your remove trap skill is, the easier the puzzle should be. Maybe even to the point that at GM Remove Trap, there is no puzzle. If I choose not to invest points into Remove Trap, then by default, I am choosing to contend with puzzles in order to open a chest. The lower the skill, the more difficult the puzzle. This seems to me a fair compromise. For the "I hate/am terrible at puzzles" person can choose to GM Remove trap. The "I like/am good at puzzles" person can choose to invest the points into something else they find desireable.

    I can't say that 90% feel the same as myself, but it is where I stand at this point in time.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Hotei said:

    Been playing off and on since '98. Been T-hunting off and on since maps were introduced. Still processing the proposed changes.

    I believe that everybody is entitled to their opinion, but I have a problem when seeing (not just in this thread, but in many others) posters making blanket statements about how "most players" feel about any given subject, saying 90% of players want this, or don't want that. One cannot judge what the majority of players think about any given subject based off their own subjective opinion or even by what is posted on this or any other message board. We all know that the majority of players do not post in the forums. All we can do is post what our opinion is.

    Many posted that they wanted better/more high end loot in the Treasure chests but seem not to want anything else changed. Seems to me only right that to have greater/better rewards, the challenges should be increased. So often in the past, increased challenge translated into harder or more monsters to fight. This time, the devs are implementing the greater challenge by making use of an existing/underutilized skill. I consider this a good thing, especially since they are removing the need for mining to help locate the chest.

    My 1st reaction about the puzzles, like many, was negative. I'm not big on puzzles. But I'm reserving final judgement for now until further testing and giving myself time to let its implications sink in.

    My thoughts regarding this right now... The higher your remove trap skill is, the easier the puzzle should be. Maybe even to the point that at GM Remove Trap, there is no puzzle. If I choose not to invest points into Remove Trap, then by default, I am choosing to contend with puzzles in order to open a chest. The lower the skill, the more difficult the puzzle. This seems to me a fair compromise. For the "I hate/am terrible at puzzles" person can choose to GM Remove trap. The "I like/am good at puzzles" person can choose to invest the points into something else they find desireable.

    I can't say that 90% feel the same as myself, but it is where I stand at this point in time.

    Think  you have MISREAD the intent of this poll.  The ONLY reference to 90% was in relation to the TYPE of maps you did.  So as an experienced t-mapper doing level 6/7 maps 90% of the time, did you do them SOLO or in a GROUP?   The only reason 90% is mentioned is that on occasion we all may take a group along to do the odd map, or do it as an rp event, or take a newbie along etc etc.  However, regular t-mappers tend to stick to the same level maps when playing hence the 90% of the time, whether they be high level or lower level.  People tend to stick to the same level MOST of the time.

    Absolutely NOWHERE have I stated that 90% of players want anything.  Go read it again.

    Kyronix was under the impression that people who did the lower level maps did them solo and that those who did high level maps did them in a group.  That is blatantly untrue.  This poll is asking those players who ALREADY do level 6/7 maps whether they do them solo or in a group.  As you can see the overwhelming majority of those doing level 6/7 maps do them solo, NOT in a group, and that is my actual in game experience as well. 

    MOST (not all)  fully trained treasure map hunters tend to do all maps solo .

    The reason it is a POLL is to actually 'see' what the players are doing and is making NO blanket statement about anything.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
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