EC Macros

I've been searching the forums, stratics, etc.  I can't seem to find out how to use a crafting macro in EC.  I just started playing about a day ago.  I keep getting a "use a crafting tool first" message.  Most of the posts dealing with macros are for UOA.

Right now, I have a Smith Hammer > Smelt Item > Wait for Target > Cursor Target Stored (bag) > Target First Item.  Any ideas on what I need to fix here?


  • TimTim Posts: 840
    I second the request PLEASE. Its the one thing in the macro system I never even come close to getting to work  :'(
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited January 2019
    Script for make last

    Try putting two script actions (Action Menu > Other > Command) at the beginning of your macro with the following content:

        script GenericGump.Shutdown = function() end

        script GenericGump.OnShown = function () end

    Then the tool you want to use, makelast (action), delay if needed to med etc.

    Might work with those two commands then the smelt action then, target stored, etc delay  if needed

    I will have a muck around later in middle of something atm

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    This is a pic of using the above to inscribe level 8 spells.  The delay between each make is set to about 20 secs so the mana regen on my armor replenishes it.  The macro has about 20 make lasts followed by 'delay' on the first line then the whole lot is repeated 10 times.

    in the first command script icon you put: 

    script GenericGump.Shutdown = function() end

    In the second :
    script GenericGump.OnShown = function () end

    Just copy and paste.

    Not sure exactly what you are trying to do with the smelt thing, why wouldn't you just use a salvage bag and smelt all?

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    edited January 2019
    Tim said:
    I second the request PLEASE. Its the one thing in the macro system I never even come close to getting to work  :'(
    Thanks @MissE I have been unable to make any of those crafting actions work. 

    @VardenPig, as MissE says, why not just use a salvage bag, bought from the provisioner npc?

    URGENT! Don't use this with the repair function and a smith hammer - the message comes up 'target an item to RECYCLE!  I just accidentally recycled a sword trying to test it.
  • @MissE @Petra_Fyde

    Thank you both for the assist.  I'll leverage the macro info for certain, and I had no idea a salvage bag existed.  I'll go search for one now.

    Thanks again.
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Thanks @MissE MissE this will be one tread I'm going to print off and use. 
    I'd actually stoned my scribing partly from frustration with not being able to script a delay into it. :)

    PS @VardenPig don't feel bad about no knowing about salvage bags the option to "unravel contents" should be on tool menu like it is for imbuing. That's where I would have looked for it if I hadn't been here when they introduced the bags. (Insert my standard rant about how we need a full game rewrite and how I really need to win that lottery to pay for it)
  • DizzyDizzy Posts: 78
    MissE said:
    Script for make last

    Try putting two script actions (Action Menu > Other > Command) at the beginning of your macro with the following content:

        script GenericGump.Shutdown = function() end

        script GenericGump.OnShown = function () end

    Then the tool you want to use, makelast (action), delay if needed to med etc.

    Where did you learn these script functions?  Is there a list somewhere?

    I've been trying to get the EC mine resources macro to work, but it'll only mine a single location, not all locations within reach.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Dizzy said:
    Where did you learn these script functions?  Is there a list somewhere?

    I've been trying to get the EC mine resources macro to work, but it'll only mine a single location, not all locations within reach.
    Whenever anyone posts anything useful I write it down and store it it for later lol.  I didn't make the script function it was posted by another a few yrs back when we were trying to work out how to make level 8 scrolls and work in a delay function to allow mana regen as it is a pain in the butt making 4 scrolls then running out of mana then twiddling your thumbs waiting for regen.  The above scripts works well for that, my char doesn't have med on her so I just put a long delay on between 'makes', but if she had med I would probably med after 2 makes and put the med skill into the macro too.

    As for mining you are using the 'target by resource' action?  I never use anything else to mine, or lumberjack or fish for that matter.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Oh and I did get the thing to 'smelt' items one at a time, by putting in those commands, then smelt, then wait for target, Cursor Target Stored (bag) > Target First Item however it only ran once and I kept getting 'you can't smelt that' or 'open the bag' or  other error messages so couldn't actually 'repeat' it although it did run.......the once lol Buggered if I know how , i did change the cursor target stored to 'last object' at one point while I was messing about, perhaps that is when it ran, but I couldn't replicate it again so not sure.  All the action crafting things are dodgy imo.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited January 2019


    For your mining, set up some hotbars with all 9 types of ore from plain to val, in the four configurations it comes in, include the gems etc if you want, but on the ore right click and target 'stored' your fire beetle and as you finish each 10 digs just click the button corresponding with the ore you dug up and it will smelt on your bug. You can actually make a macro that will do that without clicking but I find it simpler to just do it by a click on the hotbar.  You can close the hotbars with the arrow when you are not mining to get them out the way. eg:

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Too bad the "Make last" action does not have a targeting option that lets you target the crafting tool to use and opens it up automatically then makes the thing.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    well as per that inscribe macro above, you could say, do the two command prompts, then say put in your tinker tools, and make last (it would make whatever  you made last with your tinker toolkit, say some tongs) but that would be pretty redundant as all the crafting menus have a 'make max' thing so you really don't need it.  The only reason the inscribe one is handy as you can work in a delay to allow for meditation between makes.

    I really can't see a need for any of the other crafting actions to be honest, although perhaps someone else out there does.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • LanceLance Posts: 2
    is there an EC function that will store crafted or looted items into a set bag automatically?
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    Why not just use the Salvage Bag?  Put the ingots in the Salvage Bag, make the items, then click the bag to smelt them.   BTW you get an extra ingot or 2 this way.
  • Lance said:
    is there an EC function that will store crafted or looted items into a set bag automatically?
    Yes, away from comp right now but look in the macro actions for "toggle loot bag" or something like that, maybe target loot bag..  when you loot anything auto or right click it will go into the loot bag you selected.  You have to open the container, hit that action and it will change color to gold showing its your set loot bags.

    For crafted items can just use the organizer, or just put crafting materials in the bag you want or vacuum.
  • LanceLance Posts: 2
    thank you so much just came back to the game after being gone for almost 16 years
    so still new to the new layouts and the fact that uoassist no longer is functional 
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    You can also use the "restock" action to one click load raw materials into the salvage bag. My crafter has one set for each type of material. If you time it right you never have to run out when using the make max option.
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