Pub 104 - Rising Tide Event



  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Small typo in the Town Crier notice:

    Although some Fuse Chords would be great motivation while hunting pirates :smiley:
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Would be a great name for a Pirate Shanty Bard Group - "The Fuse Chords" playing a tavern near you!

    Thanks for the report!
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Just spotted this floating rarewood chest on Origin.  Paged for a GM just because this publish is still in test and thought you might want to know about chests sliding off ships.  There was a pirate ship and a merchant ship nearby (merchant ship was closest).  I've seen characters and pets "fall off" ships before but this is the first time I've seen a chest fall off one.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Went after the merchant ship that had been closest to the floating chest and after scuttling it found that it only had one lootable chest on board.  So maybe the floating one fell off this ship.

  • MiaYuuriMiaYuuri Posts: 16
    17/03 JST confirmed with Izumo Shard.

    Even if you kill all the orc crew members around "Plunderbeacon", it may not stop firing.
    Also, if the firing did not stop, then we confirmed that the reward "Mystical Cargo Box" did not come out even if the central lighthouse was defeated.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    Returned to the location of the floating chest after looting the chest and dropping off stuff at the house and the bank trash can.  The floating chest seems to have disappeared.

  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    I can confirm something similar to @MiaYuuri

    Each time I did not get a Mythical Crate, the Plunderbeacon kept firing after the crew was dead. However, I do have an instance where I did get a Mythical crate when the Plunderbeacon was firing after the crew was dead. What causes the Plunderbeacon to keep firing after the crew is dead, I am uncertain. I approach them the same way each time.

    Strange thought -- I noticed that the plunderbeacon's grapeshot was hitting sea creatures and the sea creatures were actually attacking the lighthouse. Can sea creatures somehow get "credit" and essentially steal the mythical crate drop?

    I have 20 Plunderbeacon kills on Baja currently:
    - 18 Dropped a Mythical Crate
    - of the 20, 3 kept firing after the crew was dead
    - of the 3 that kept firing, 2 did not reward a Mythical crate
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Ok so the plunder beacon is supposed to stop firing after the orcs are dead.  That would make things easier.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    edited March 2019
    As far as I know, after you kill the crew you still have to kill the beacon. That's how it's been every time I went after one. The beacon throws energy bursts at you while you're taking it out.

    Edit: Oh, never mind. I think you're saying the cannon kept firing? Yeah, I've found that as well. That there are occasions when the cannon kept firing even after the orcs were dead. Most of the time it was just the beacon hitting with bursts. But sometimes the orc crew cannon kept getting us too.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Yes all the cannons kept firing after the orcs were dead and that was when we did not get a Crate.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    Just ran into another Plunderbeacon that continued firing after the Orcish Crew died -- Did not get a Mythical cargo crate from it.

    The only thing I have noticed different about these plunderbeacons that keep firing is that they have been kind of close to shore. May not be related, but I know for sure the last 2 that did this were very close to shore.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    The one that kept firing for us was close to shore.  It spawned while we were going to pack up and stop.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • With Pub 104 being live now on all shards, is the drop rate on the loot chests off sea serpents, deep sea serpents, water e's and krakens incredibly small ? I just got done using 50 anchors and 12 reg fishing nets and not a thing. What I noticed though is sea serpents deep & regular are dropping t-maps like crazy. Many of the sea serpents were dropping 2 t-maps at a time on the body.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited March 2019
    With Pub 104 being live now on all shards, is the drop rate on the loot chests off sea serpents, deep sea serpents, water e's and krakens incredibly small ? I just got done using 50 anchors and 12 reg fishing nets and not a thing. What I noticed though is sea serpents deep & regular are dropping t-maps like crazy. Many of the sea serpents were dropping 2 t-maps at a time on the body.
    How close to shore were you?  Make sure you are in deep water.  Edit to add: You also need to be nearby a plunderbeacon, only those creatures have consumed the cargo that is deposited by pirates at the plunderbeacon!
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I ain't lyin'. It's irritating that my fisher is sailing to the Emporium to buy another ship. I need a ship to go buy a ship?

    But this is so much worse...I have to have a character from another account place the ship and pass it back. Because, yeah...

    I don't want to clean all this up before I go pirate hunting.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    @LilyGrace why another account.  All you need to do is have a 2nd char on your account place a boat in the water and all your chars on that account automatically have full access.
    BTW why do folks think this event needs to be done by a fisherman at all?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    ZekeTerra said:
    @ LilyGrace why another account.  All you need to do is have a 2nd char on your account place a boat in the water and all your chars on that account automatically have full access.
    BTW why do folks think this event needs to be done by a fisherman at all?
    only one boat in the water on the same account per shard
    all chars on that account have access to it & most people use their ship for fishing
  • @Kyronix
    My orc ship became scuttled during battle. Did emergency repairs, made it to land and completed permanent repairs. Repaired all my cannons but yet my ship remains in scuttled condition and I can not sail and I am now stuck at the beach!

    Napa Valley Shard
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    ZekeTerra said:
    @ LilyGrace why another account.  All you need to do is have a 2nd char on your account place a boat in the water and all your chars on that account automatically have full access.
    BTW why do folks think this event needs to be done by a fisherman at all?
    only one boat in the water on the same account per shard
    all chars on that account have access to it & most people use their ship for fishing
    Each character on a shard can have their own boat, so you can have up to 7 boats per shard if you want. As @ZekeTerra suggested, if someone doesn't want to clear out their Fishing boat, just have another character place a boat and any character on the account can control it.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Oh, I thought it was one ship in the water per account. Anyway, as far as taking my fisher goes. That's how I see her. She's not just a fisher. And I stand by what I'm saying about it being a pita to switch out what I want to take my seafaring character out to do. She likes her ship and wants to use it for more than one thing without so much juggling. I get that not everyone feels the same.

    But that's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-) 
  • LordSolorLordSolor Posts: 13
    @kryonix I quit playing when High Seas originally came out b/c it looked buggy and terrible.  I had no desire to fish for days on end or cook things and it had zero PvP content. Since I started playing again a year ago I’ve bought everything under the sun except for the High Seas expansion. 

    Luckily I can PvP and do all the worthwhile game content without High Seas and there are no must have items that require it. 

    Will this year add anything in terms of PvP venues?  Will the loot from the monsters be more worthwhile than say Shadowguard? Or just cargo to trade in for rewards? 

    From what I’ve read so far there’s nothing to entice me to check out any of this content or buy High Seas. If there were a better chance at top end Legendary items or a new champ spawn then it would be worthwhile, otherwise I see no reason any high end players or PvPers would be interested. 

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Thank you, for letting me know they changed that, with this publish...
    cause yesterday I couldn't do that.... always got the message about can't have more than one ship in the water.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Thank you, for letting me know they changed that, with this publish...
    cause yesterday I couldn't do that.... always got the message about can't have more than one ship in the water.
    Well, that’s what I thought. And I thought I remembered a conversation in a thread recently where requests were made that we be able to place more than one ship and we were told it wasn’t likely to happen. But I may be misremembering that. 
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    @ Kyronix
    My orc ship became scuttled during battle. Did emergency repairs, made it to land and completed permanent repairs. Repaired all my cannons but yet my ship remains in scuttled condition and I can not sail and I am now stuck at the beach!

    Napa Valley Shard
    I had this happen to mine. I just had to pull it out of the water and place it back. I've seen a few posts on it and that how I found out what to do. Mine is an orc ship too, but I don't know if it happens to all of them or not. My thing now is fight one plunder beacon, and go repair. I got to 59% fighting only one very carefully and it took 646 boards and 534 cloth. I can see this being a painful thing.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237

    So it looks like there is still an issue with with Plunderbeacons both not dropping crates and continuing to fire after the orcish crew is killed (both are related).

    It also seems proximity to either a shoreline or a zone line have a direct impact on the likeliness of this occurring.

    These results are from today on Chesapeake, this only includes the Plunderbeacons that bugged out:

    - 4 Plunderbeacons fought near a shoreline in Tokuno (near the shoreline in this case means on the same screen as the shore)
      - Of the 4 fought near the shoreline:
         - 3 Kept attacking, 1 of which dropped a crate
         - 1 stopped attacking correctly, and dropped a crate

    -4 Plunderbeacons fought near the Tokuno zone border (border visible on same screen as Plunderbeacon).
      - Of the 4 fought near the zone border:
         - 3 Kept attacking, unknown if they dropped a crate, we did not use the resources based on our experience with the beacons that continue to attack
         - 1 stopped attacking correctly, however it did not drop a crate

    So unfortunately there is still inconsistency with when they keep attacking and/or don't drop a crate, but it definitely seems related to their proximity to a shoreline or zone border.

    I also heard a couple other people in General chat mention they killed the Plunderbeacon, but did not get a drop. I do not have details on where or how they were fighting the beacons.

    Right now we are just avoiding any plunderbeacon that keeps firing once the crew is dead, they at least seem to despawn after a bit.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Thanks @Kyronix @misk @Bleak

    Love my birdie!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426

    Not sure if this is intended? Can the plunderbeacons have some distance between them a bit?

    I could have taken them out, starting with the top left, then bottom then center. I passed them by. Lot of spawn though! :D
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Gidge said:
      I got to 59% fighting only one very carefully and it took 646 boards and 534 cloth. I can see this being a painful thing.
    If possible, repair your ship with a carpenter. This will use less resources, as mentioned in the ships guide
  • DrkravenDrkraven Posts: 10
    Kyronix said:
    With Pub 104 being live now on all shards, is the drop rate on the loot chests off sea serpents, deep sea serpents, water e's and krakens incredibly small ? I just got done using 50 anchors and 12 reg fishing nets and not a thing. What I noticed though is sea serpents deep & regular are dropping t-maps like crazy. Many of the sea serpents were dropping 2 t-maps at a time on the body.
    How close to shore were you?  Make sure you are in deep water.  
    I can confirm they do not seem to be dropping off spawned critters.  Ran 100+ hooks with 200+ kills (low estimate) with no drop.  My account is high seas enabled, I am in deep water (don't believe you can use hooks in shallow water anyway), I am using a regular dragon ship, and have no fishing skill on character.  I am also in Fel waters.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited March 2019
    Mariah said:
    Gidge said:
      I got to 59% fighting only one very carefully and it took 646 boards and 534 cloth. I can see this being a painful thing.
    If possible, repair your ship with a carpenter. This will use less resources, as mentioned in the ships guide
    I've done much better, The ship has taken out 8 plunderbeacons, an orc ship and 2 merchants...1 who fired back finally! and the shipped only went down to 85%. My avoiding cannon fire skills are coming back quickly! lol

    I will give it a try and see how much less is used. Thanks!
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