Selling: Full 'Dead Lord Armor' Bone Armor Suit from Lake Superior

OlchOlch Posts: 36
On Atlantic. ICQ Olch 1598439 if interested.
Price: 5p


  • OlchOlch Posts: 36
    Still available.
  • You have been trying to sell that suit for 6+ months. Might want to rethink you price

  • OlchOlch Posts: 36
    edited March 2018
    You have been trying to sell that suit for 6+ months. Might want to rethink you price

    Cool story, bro. I've bought, sold and brokered several of these suits at 5p (and more). It's a more than reasonable price for a very nice and hard to find set.

    Might want to check your privilege before you post on a subject where you are ill informed or flat out ignorant.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    edited March 2018
    Please refrain from "bumping". Keep the comments to the topic at hand. We are all new here. Try to get along.
  • You can claim you have sold several suits but highly doubt it. Besides if they sold so wel, why put it on 2 forums if not 3 including Hot Forums. But you keep trying im sure it will sell in another 6 months
  • OlchOlch Posts: 36
    edited March 2018
    Why are you still posting in this thread? If you are interested in the set and would like to make an offer please ICQ me @ 1598439. While I appreciate and encourage new collectors to the game, I have been collecting rares for 20 years now and I would ask you please refer to the prior statement: Might want to check your privilege before you post on a subject where you are ill informed or flat out ignorant. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    This argument is tantamount to free bumps. Please stop or we may be obliged to lock the thread. Thank you.
  • OlchOlch Posts: 36
    ICQ offer to 1598439
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