BOD bugs are still not fixed on test center
Brought my char with carpentry and fletching BODs to the test center and tried to bried them up. While some BODs finally can be upgraded to colored woods, they can't become exceptional. This is the case for some LBODs and sBODs. Please go through them thoroughly and don't leave the bugs in for another 2 years!
Can you check on the spoon bods from a tinker? I bribed a 15 normal iron spoon up to 15 normal gold spoon. I was looking to bribe for exceptional. When I tried knife and skillet I did get exceptional.
Sorry couldn't help it.
Then that might be a bug it self. I got several dull copper and shadow iron utensil large bods that require exceptional. After a couple of years of trying I still have not bribed an exceptional on a small utensil bod. Which is why I thought it was part of the not being able to bribe bug.
Did they say they fixed any BODs? My original post has all the problem Bods.
They mentioned it in the publish 104 notes: "Resolved issues with Carpentry, Fletching, and Tinkering BODs not being able to reach their maximum levels."
The longbow set: LBOD can reach Exceptional Frost, but the frozon longbow sbod can only go up to normal Frost. It is likely some other sbods are the same case.
The shortbow set: Neither LBOD nor sbods like lightweight shortbow can go to Exceptional Frost, only normal.
The wild staff set: LBOD can reach Exceptional Frost, but the thorned wild staff sbod can only go up to normal Frost. It is likely some other sbods are the same case.
The music Instrument set: LBOD can not go to Exceptional Frost, only normal.
These BODs represent the ones that give highest rewards. Left them unfixed would be a huge disappointment.