Hot air balloon wagon carts that can pulled with by horses that carry 500 items and carry 5000 stones horse armor sadles and rains camp fires return of tents canoes draw bridge and motes for hoses ?
They need to just add transmog's already, something besides blackthorn drops. Aesthetics are a single greatest money maker across multiple games and genres because everyone wants to look cool. How many people would buy transmogs for the hawkwinds alone? I would say 95% of the people who wear one, and 100% of the people who don't because of the way it looks There a reason things like glacial hair dye is 100m, a beard cream (if you can find one these days) goes for 1.5+ billion, blackthorn epaulettes, 40m, conjurers garb 15-20m. Blackthorne's was a good concept, but it can be so much better, and i for one would pay 500-1000 sovereigns per transmog, prolly 2000 tbh and not think twice about it. If UO wants to go free to play they need to start thinking about what makes money in free to play, How do u think free shards survive? People pay dumb amounts of money to look sweet and i think its LONG overdue in OSI !
I would like to see a small portable forge. So might be a figuring or a deed for a small forge that can be placed in the wilds. or even a portable blacksmith shop with a forge and iron. I think this would be a very popular item in the store.
I would like to see a small portable forge. So might be a figuring or a deed for a small forge that can be placed in the wilds. or even a portable blacksmith shop with a forge and iron. I think this would be a very popular item in the store.
I would like to see a small portable forge. So might be a figuring or a deed for a small forge that can be placed in the wilds. or even a portable blacksmith shop with a forge and iron. I think this would be a very popular item in the store.
I would like to see a small portable forge. So might be a figuring or a deed for a small forge that can be placed in the wilds. or even a portable blacksmith shop with a forge and iron. I think this would be a very popular item in the store.
The game already has the art and motions and even sounds, but I'd love to be able to do them on command. We can lay down on the ground, for example. There are various spell casting motions that would be great as an actual emote. Preferably just the motion and/or sound, like bow and salute is now, so that we can add whatever text emote we want. I use a macro with salute action and emote *waves* as an example.
How about a runebook of return journey. When used to travel it has a list spot entry that will mark the spot you gate traveled from and when clicking on it will take you back to where you where. Also it might have a timer where the return entry decays over a period of time.
I agree. Crafted items should reign. Now items in the store to help you craft those items would be fine.
That's kinda pay to win though right? Unless I'm misunderstanding you. I'd rather just be able to craft as well as possible in game without paying money. I mean, the carpenter's bench isn't bad... but the forged tool is really bad.
How about a Pattern Table... It can hold 10 full Bulk Order Books and allows you to open all at once like you can spell books. So you can compare and remove bods. I think as a ingame store item or a very high end vet reward this will go over. It would answer a lot of players wishes and not add to the EJ issue. You open the table like a hope chest. The lid lifts and it has 10 slots for books you can see the type and color of the book and remove it if need be.
Be it Alchemy to Tinker each table can hold any type of Bulk order book, with a menu for access this can be set like any other chest in the house.
I think as a ingame store item or a very high end vet reward this will go over.
*Facepalm* No. You already pay for the game, stop telling them you'd buy stuff to fix an in-game issue they created. Also, what would be the purpose in making it a vet reward and not available to everyone?
I think as a ingame store item or a very high end vet reward this will go over.
*Facepalm* No. You already pay for the game, stop telling them you'd buy stuff to fix an in-game issue they created. Also, what would be the purpose in making it a vet reward and not available to everyone?
Hi agree with you pertaining to fixing in game issues. I am aiming more for convenience lately and also believe they should add more craft items and recipes. On the other hand thoughLady_Storm would like to have that item so she should be able to ask.
I would like to discuss the woodworker's Bench. I find it interesting and would want to buy one. However there is also tinkering and blacksmith. I am wondering why there is not a tinkering bench and even possibly a forge item. It would be nice if a woodworkers bench included a boost to the tinkering skill or a tinkers bench. This is mostly based on having a higher success rate for high level items especially for items that take multiple craft skills.
carts that can pulled with by horses that carry 500 items and carry 5000 stones
horse armor
sadles and rains
camp fires
return of tents
draw bridge and motes for hoses ?
Aesthetics are a single greatest money maker across multiple games and genres because everyone wants to look cool. How many people would buy transmogs for the hawkwinds alone? I would say 95% of the people who wear one, and 100% of the people who don't because of the way it looks
What is a fire beetle?
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Ok thanks I will look into that.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
But then there is many people lobbying against it that make a fortune from having them limited to a very small percentage of the population.
They rather let the game bleed out instead of offending the RMT people playing them
The game already has the art and motions and even sounds, but I'd love to be able to do them on command. We can lay down on the ground, for example. There are various spell casting motions that would be great as an actual emote. Preferably just the motion and/or sound, like bow and salute is now, so that we can add whatever text emote we want. I use a macro with salute action and emote *waves* as an example.
A tile/altar/item that allows you to recall/gate into your house like a boat.
Skill cap increase tokens, raises your skill cap by 10, max of 80 points.
Stat cap increase tokens, raises your stat cap by 5, max of 30 points
Guild Herald, that allows guild message of the days.
Merchant relief token, Token adds one slot to a house providing 1 fee free merchant.
Pet resurrection potions, A potion for a pet ghost that acts like a bandage with 120 vet skill.
Veteran Robe Enhancement token, A token that adds something useful to veteran robes. (10 LMC?)
I am just spitballing here, but I think all these item would be fairly easy to code. I am curious to see your ideas.
What would you like to see in the UO store?
Stat stone that allows STR, INT, DEX adjustments once a day.
These already exist as the craftable Elixir of Rebirth. Store items should never usurp craftables.
High Council Sage
Ancient Conclave of Wisdom
ICQ 248-636-691
Discord Lord Nabin#5433
How about a Pattern Table... It can hold 10 full Bulk Order Books and allows you to open all at once like you can spell books. So you can compare and remove bods. I think as a ingame store item or a very high end vet reward this will go over. It would answer a lot of players wishes and not add to the EJ issue. You open the table like a hope chest. The lid lifts and it has 10 slots for books you can see the type and color of the book and remove it if need be.
Be it Alchemy to Tinker each table can hold any type of Bulk order book, with a menu for access this can be set like any other chest in the house.
On the other hand thoughLady_Storm would like to have that item so she should be able to ask.
I think we should discuss this,
Orange soul stones
Purple soul stones