Static vs Random Resources once more

As I was told at the last Meet and Greet this topic has to be discussed further, I will try to start this here. First I will try to sum up the pros and cons of these
older threads and one from statics and give my two cents to discuss.

Con Static Resources:
- Higher end resources get monopolized, no chance for average player
- More fun/relaxing because you can gather where you want with a chance for high end resources
- Harder for scripters to get high end resources

Pro Static Resources:
- Get the resources you are looking for
- Get more than a few ingots or wood  of high end resources doing one hour of mining or lumber
- Getting high end resources mainly by mining or lumber instead other means
- Bring a some PvP for resources to Felucca
- Way bigger help for honest miners/lumberjacks compared to advantages for scripters
- More high end resources available hurt scripters
- Easiest solution to help honest miners/lumber with smallest developer time

My thoughts:
Scripters already got the monopol of the high end resources. And I think static resources wont really help them. Would it make any difference if they have 5 million high end resources or 20 million? I dont think so. Maybe it would even hurt them with more high end resources availabe, the prices could drop and they could lose interest.
Even with scripters around, honest miners/lumber will get more resources they are aiming for in the same time as now, even the high end resources. Land masses got bigger, resource scripters probably got fewer. So i dont think they can cover all the spots all the time. With Prospectors tool and Gargoyle Pickaxe Veins can be bumped to high end ones. Wood is a bit different. Everyone agrees Heartwood/Bloodwood and Frostwood need a bumb in their commonness. Maybe something like a Prospectors Tool and Gargoyle Pickaxe for wood would be good too. So monopolizing could be prevented too. And there is always Ilshenar and Eodon where scripters dont go, cause they cant recall (at least not everywhere to). Maybe make the high end resources more common there to work against scripters.
Honest mining/lumbering is close to death, because its not worth. You barely get what you are aiming for and for surely not enough of it, which you should when you are GM Miner/Lumber. As a Artisan Festival Bod crafter I would like to fill for example 20 Exc Plate Valorite Large Bods. These require about 2k Valo ingots. Donating in the Vesper Museum or Britain Library takes about 14k Valorite or Frostwood for a 800k reward which arent even that good anymore, but thats another story. How many years would it take if you mine one hour a day? Switching back would be a big help for us Artisan Festival helpers.
This all being said, in my eyes the easiest and best solution without taking too much developer time would be reverting to static resources. Maybe bring some additional anti scripters help like bumping the commonness of high end resources in Ilshenar and Eodon or whatever people come up with.


  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Random resources were done to stop scripting and alls it did was hurt the honest player.  With the current population and the cost for gold it would not pay to reopen scripting accounts even at $10 a month subs.  It has been years since I have seen a resource gather.  It is well past time to but back static resources and do away with smelting failures.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Just for the record I'm a "resource gather" and have no problem with the present system. I wouldn't mind if they upped the high end numbers but that's just my greed talking.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    I currently gather redources and enjoy the random resource generation. I can go to the spot I like and get all the materials I need. With a static spot I now risk continuous griefing or there is a chance that the spot has been mined already from a scripter or just someone who has unlimited playtime. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    All that is required, is the higher end wood drops to be boosted.

    This does not need a change to the entire system.

    I prefer the current system by miles, in terms of gameplay, it is much more relaxing and fun.

    But I agree, in 1 hour of lumberjacking - I got 4 wood types, 10k wood, 1200 oak, 370 yew, 22 ash... not a single drop of the 3 high end wood types. I did this in the forest around my castle in Felucca.

    This is pretty much the story of every time I lumberjack.

  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Ikeelu said:
    I currently gather redources and enjoy the random resource generation. I can go to the spot I like and get all the materials I need. With a static spot I now risk continuous griefing or there is a chance that the spot has been mined already from a scripter or just someone who has unlimited playtime. 
    Looks like you dont craft much, because you get all the materials you need when gathering. ;-)

    I wonder why you cant go the spots you like when there are static spots. If a spot is empty take 5 steps and you find the next vein or tree. Noone makes you recall to the high end spots. You can wander around mining/lumbering, relaxing and will probably end up with more high end resources as now.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    I will be loud when the Devs look further into this. The mining has probably been random longer than static at this point. The funny thing is scripters in the random generation system only gain by selling materials, they have no opportunity to box out honest crafters. On the flip side, make resources static, then you have potential monopolies over resources. I like the RNG keeps it fresh, I need one rune to my favorite spot. Valorite/Frostwood is supposed to be hard to get. Like powerscrolls ;) I’m sure if you mine/lj everyday for a month for an hour you’ll get 2/3 of what you need, but only if you do it in Fel. Don’t expect big rewards in Tram. Stay salty my friend! 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    Maybe you should read my first post more precisely and visit the scripter houses and/or RMT sites. Scripters already have the monopol and it doesnt matter if they can get high end resources easier. Static resources would help the honest players so much and probably hurt scripters more than help them. There would be enough high end ore spots that they can't all be covered. Lumber as stated would need a bump for high end woods. "Maybe" the could be monopolies, "maybe" your favorite spot has some empty veins/trees. Well "maybe" there arent many scripters still around and "maybe" the player base became so low that almost everyone can get enough material he wants, when he wants, because thats what most honest miners/lumber want. We dont want to wander around mining for one or two hours and end up with about 50 Valorite and/or Verite or 50 to none Heartwood/Bloodwood/Frostwood. Valorite/Frostwood isnt supposed to be hard to get only a bit harder than the others. It doesnt have much value these days.
    I dont want to mine an hour every day. But even if I would do, I would never get near the amount of resources I need in a month. I used 150k-200k Gold Iron for the Artisan Festival. If I get around 200 Ingots in an one hour daily mine session, it would take 2-3 years to get this amount. I have use for 10k-50k Valorite iron at least. With about 50 Ingots each day, this would take 5-30 years. And wood is even worse...
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Mine or lumberjack more. I dont’t want to run 100’s of roofs or 1000’s of champion spawns to get what I want from the RNG but that’s the game. Or by virtue of this community buy the ore you don’t want to farm, according to you it’s readily available because scripters have tons. I guess you just want an easy button for the game and you have one already, your wallet. Stay salty my friend. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Please tell me when was the last time anybody saw a mining bot.  With the current price of gold resource gathers could not pay their subs selling resources even if they were static.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Gather more, whine less. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • I have not seen a single bot in gosh a few years now.   I will say I mine a lot of shards and lj every shard I play.  not a single soul around.   Look at the few if any large leather, wood, ingot, gem sellers. Do you see any big patches of them now?   nope   not because of the random spot bit ether. its the player masses, they have not bought much and it became moot to do,  they gave up except the idiot that runs the avatar bot.   I still want a hunting permit to kill him...  hear me mesanna?
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    @Mesanna if you revert resources expect angry emails when I get pked trying to farm valorite and frostwood because the spots get camped by Bilbo and Drowy and they lock down the market like they do with powerscrolls. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • Oh please do it so I can kill him a few hundred times   please…….  jk   I gave up pk work long time ago
  • DrowyDrowy Posts: 131
    @Ikeelu So when running out of arguments you start defending your opinion agressively with verbally attacking people not being on your side, future emailing the Devs, if they change the system and talking BS about Bilbo and me. I dont pk people, I defend myself and others against them at champs or anywhere else. I always try to help the community. Mr. Spock once said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Static resources are the needs of the many!
  • Drowy said:
    @ Ikeelu So when running out of arguments you start defending your opinion agressively with verbally attacking people not being on your side, future emailing the Devs, if they change the system and talking BS about Bilbo and me. I dont pk people, I defend myself and others against them at champs or anywhere else. I always try to help the community. Mr. Spock once said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Static resources are the needs of the many!
    The truth is, this game rewards bad behavior.  Why should we be PKd to get something?  Stupid design.  Period.  It never worked, and never will.  In reality, people have worked endlessly to avoid such circumstances for a reason.  Why would we like it in game, unless we are the murderers and rapists?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Simple enough to solve the PK issue: Do your resource gathering in Trammel. And this is coming from a person wants a always under Trammel rule set option so he can go anywhere in Felucca and not have to worry about getting PK'd.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ikeelu said:
    @ Mesanna if you revert resources expect angry emails when I get pked trying to farm valorite and frostwood because the spots get camped by Bilbo and Drowy and they lock down the market like they do with powerscrolls. 
    Didn't you brag about no PKer or PvPer could kill you farming your 900 PSs a month.  So how will they kill you mining aren't all you chars gods.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Drowy said:
    @ Ikeelu So when running out of arguments you start defending your opinion agressively with verbally attacking people not being on your side, future emailing the Devs, if they change the system and talking BS about Bilbo and me. I dont pk people, I defend myself and others against them at champs or anywhere else. I always try to help the community. Mr. Spock once said "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Static resources are the needs of the many!
    The truth is, this game rewards bad behavior.  Why should we be PKd to get something?  Stupid design.  Period.  It never worked, and never will.  In reality, people have worked endlessly to avoid such circumstances for a reason.  Why would we like it in game, unless we are the murderers and rapists?
    The truth is this game is a sandbox and you can be good or evil.  By the way this is a game and in no way reflects what you may or may not be in real so please get over yourself because I would really hate to see what you are like in the real if you truly think that way.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 2019

    So weird how this game works sometimes, I swear the Devs are playing games with me.

    So I've not got the 3 highest levels of wood for years to my remembering, then last night, the first tree outside my house, I got 154 Bloodwood...! I was so pathetically grateful and happy! :)

    Then 10 minutes later I went back to it... and it had already changed to Oak...??!?!?! :(

    I'd absolutely love to know how this static resource thing actually works.

    But overall, I still prefer just wandering around lumberjacking, much more fun, I do a little every night almost.

    It's a bit like last year, I didn't get a Tangle all year, and I've done 100's of Navrey's, then on Christmas day - I got 2...

    And just for the record, I've never ever ever had a Slither, and I've done 1000's of Medusa's in my time... was doing up to 25 a night recently with guild, ok, I can't keep that pace up. But just for the Devs to note… :)

    And, I've also never got a Cameo! Ok, I don't do roof so much, but I'm just starting for real - again for the Devs to note...

    And also - I've NEVER got an Insane Tinkers Legs, and again, I've done 1000's of Reknowned Devourers...

    AND - and this one bugs me, I NEVER got a stealable Khaldun relic, and you cannot believe how much I did there, I burned out - and my good friend Mervyn got 2+... ?! He just ponces around on his thief. :(

  • I don't know what you call it, a bot or a scripter but I have a person who recalls in daily to certain trees, countless times a day, chops a few then leaves, comes back and does it again, but only in certain spots. In Ter Mur,  where the crystals are, which has made it difficult for others to find crystals. There are a total of three people doing this, one is a regular, whom I see at least five days a week doing this. 
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