Bulk Order Deeds' BOOKS : Are there good chances that their item count will be reduced to 1 ?

From this Thread https://forum.uo.com/discussion/2797/bulk-order-deeds-who-is-working-on-it#latest , I seemed to understand that there is great hope that BODs' Books item count be reduced down to 1 item per Book, regardless how many BODs it may contain.

Question is, are there really good chances that this will happen or is this only a hopeless dream ?

Indeed, to my opinion, there seems to be much need to further reduce BOD books item count down from what it is now, so, if this really happened I think it would be a great thing, but will this really happen?


  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Still shouldn’t be done. Make magical bulk order deed books that do reduce to 1 with a limit of 125 and sell them for 4.99 a pop in the store. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Because really the only other option for storage is $12.99 a month. So please, Broadsword shoot the other foot too. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    OUTSTANDING idea @popps, yes this needs to be done no matter what the nay sayers say.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    YES, GIVE THE HAVES FREE STORAGE! Give them for free what you charge money for, just like shard shields! 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited February 2019
    Ikeelu said:
    YES, GIVE THE HAVES FREE STORAGE! Give them for free what you charge money for, just like shard shields! 
    The intrinsic problem with BODs, is that, in order to be able to fill a Large BOD, TONs of small BODs need to be stocked up.


    Just to make an example, with Cooking BODs I had a large Fruit BOD (10 counts) which required a small enchanted apples among other... well, out of about 450 cooking BODs I had only 1 small enchanted apples and guess what ? It was a 20 count, not a 10....

    The odds of getting the "right" small for a Large that one might need to fill, are ridicolously low so, one needs to accumulate BODs over and over before they get that right small for that Large...

    The banking of Points ?

    The percentage is so low that, at least to my viewing, it is more a waste of work and time then a resource.... one needs to craft stuff (which takes up resources) for an enormous amount of small BODs before enough points get Banked to claim a good enough Reward.....

    No Thanks, as it is, the Banking of Points holds no interest for me.... I'd rather keep claiming Bulk Order Deeds and accumulate them so to get the right smalls for my Larges rather then use smalls to get a little few points as Banked....

    Unfortunately, this caused a "storage" problem which, as I said, could very well be solved or at least toned down "if" BODs' Books item count was reduced to 1 item count regardless of the number of Bulk Order Deeds which they might store inside.

    And this, to my viewing, would enhance the gameplay of Ultima Online significantly freeing up much needed storage space to stock up other items...

    My point being, that in order to be able to get BODs done it is NECESSARY, the way that they are Designed and the RGN works out, to accumulate an extraordinary number of them which, inevitably, takes up, as many lamented, LOTs of space preventing a player to also store other items, also necessary to be stored....

    Reducing BODs Books item count to 1, to my opinion, is a NECESSITY.... I find myself incapacitated to play, yes, I CANNOT play at times because my storage space is up and it is pointless for me to go hunting or doing anything if I cannot then store what I find that is worth keeping...

    So, having MORE storage space for players, to my opinion, HELPS players to actually PLAY Ultima Online....

    NOT having storage space as available, instead, might STOP players from being able to actually play Ultima Online...

    So, the way I see it, it would be in the very BEST interest of Bradsword to permit to players, one way or the other, to INCREASE their storage capacity when this FACILITATES players' ability to actually play Ultima Online.

    And I really hope that this reduction of BODs' Books item count down to 1, regardless of how many BODs they hold, gets done.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    When I first started playing, I lived with my cousin and the only time I could play was after she went to bed. The char she had me to create was a crafter... In my early days I was constantly running out of storage for BODs. Back then it was only tailoring and blacksmith. It didn't take me long to run out of storage... When it became too much for just one house, I created another account and when I did I made a few other chars too. 

    I had to quit playing a few times and each time, I came back, I had to gather BODs again. Gathering BODs became an addiction, its the first thing I did when I would log on... And when the new BODs came out, I would spend over an hour gathering BODs... But when the Artisan Festival began I got rid of thousands of the small BODs... to make room for the new...

    I am a hoarder of BODs and it got so bad I had lot of vendors holding them, until the first castle and keep contest... I had to get rid of lot of my stash, just to be able to convert and this was even after I placed a keep to move all the stuff to, in order to convert.

    The thing of it is, if they would make the books just 1 item count, I would still have the same amount of accounts. Each of my homes, have their own theme... the wedding chapel, the north pole, fishing shack, corner café, etc (includes hubbys)

    one thing I like to keep these BODs for, is I like training up the skills & while doing so I can fill BODs at the same time. I build the skill and put it on a soulstone to send to other shards, so if I ever need something on the other shard, I could take care of it there... Right now I am building up Mrs Claus tailoring and kicking myself cause instead of adding the cloaks and robes to BODs... I am having to use the salvage bag on them... If they were 1 item count, I never would have had to gotten rid of them...

    And since I did get rid of most of my BODs, now I am back to spending time gathering them all again... And I actually hadn't been gathering bods since last summer... guess i'm going to have to stop training tailoring, to go get some more bods... ugg
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ikeelu said:
    YES, GIVE THE HAVES FREE STORAGE! Give them for free what you charge money for, just like shard shields! 
    LMAO You do understand that a player from day one can collect BODs so I guess you must be one of those HAVES that this would help.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    my hoarding is collecting... I collect all the gifts on every shard... And I do use said items but I also give them to people when they come back in game. And they really appreciate the help... everything is going to have their own place... I have one "home" specifically for Halloween type deco, monsters, pumpkins & is actually kinda a shrine to the 20th invasion (lof of mannequins with the outfits, just need to figure out if I want to keep Dots design or change it to a new design when the current design goes live). I used to have The North Pole exactly the way I wanted it but it was laggy cause of all the pavers I had placed in it. so when Queen Elsa's was added, I changed it up. With all the content after that, I haven't had time to finish decoing it... its a work in progress... Krampus gave my tamer some recipes that I want Mrs Claus to be able to make... And since I had to move all lockdown items and all my bods in order, to convert to the new design... its been a set back. And now to train up her skill, I am wishing I hadn't gotten rid of my collection... 

    I am realizing how much a mistake it was getting rid of the ones I needed for training. To be honest I mostly sold them, so I could be able to afford to convert. That and I didn't want to have to put up vendors to be able to hold them at the keep & then take them down again to take them back to the original location... its lot of work.

    stop hoarding start doing... there is so much to do in game. My main char is a tamer and I am in a guild that does nightly events. We just did Medusa, Lady M & dreadhorn just this week. When I get overwhelmed with decoing I go out and do the quests in Eodon… many of the quest items are great for deco... I have an idea for the fires of kukuzz… and the skull of motazz. And while doing this quest I get recipe drops and armor drops. And there is always the vicious macaws, where I gather the foil for Mrs Claus for Christmas. There are many other things I could do with my time, rather than having to gather more bods. If they were 1 item count, I wouldn't have to be gathering them any more. I never would have gotten rid of the ones I did & having to gather them again. 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them.

    This being said, my bank box on my crafter is funny.  It has 10 items in it, 4 of which are BOD books.  I struggle to put things in my bank box now.  I know I need to bring them to my house, but just wanted to mention how easy it is to fill the bank box when you have BOD books.

    *Slight tangent, but I'm starting to wonder if banking the points is worth it.  I hear you lose all of your points when you claim a reward and will not receive any left over points.  Is that true?  If so, wow thats messed up.  
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I save all of the BODs I get. I use them when I am training up a skill. like right now I am trying to get cloak & robe BODs to fill. I usually always fill my large bods as soon as I get them. So that was never an issue... and I usually turn them in on one char that has higher skill so the return bods will be random. when  I do get on my crafter, so I can get a certain reward, I will do any bod... preferably cloth ones, to turn in for it. I don't mind banking the points, you used to get a randomized reward, now you can save your points to get something you really want. 

    one thing that is aggravating is having my bod books scattered amongst all my houses. that's why I had to put them on vendors before, so they could be under one roof. And when they are in multiple houses, sometimes you have to switch accounts constantly just to be able to access them. it would be so much easier if they were one item. the devs wont do it cause it would just make us hoard, but we are already doing that... by making it one count, it would help us be able to access what we already have. I do need to build up my collection a lil bit, only for training purposes but beyond that I am not going to go overboard again.

    the crafting community would love to have one item count books. It would make so many people happy that they can access their books all in one spot. I personally love that they did make it to where we could use it while locked down. I have been enjoying that. thank you devs for that. And I hope you would reconsider the item count. (can I suggest making a small bulk order book, holds 100 bods but counts as 1 lockdown)
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Or you could just get picky about what BODs you collect. Other than "elf time" I turn down 3 for every 1 I take off the vendor. I also regularly go through my books to fill large even if I'm not planing to turn it in right away. 

    But whatever turns you crank  :)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    dvvid said:
    People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them.

    This being said, my bank box on my crafter is funny.  It has 10 items in it, 4 of which are BOD books.  I struggle to put things in my bank box now.  I know I need to bring them to my house, but just wanted to mention how easy it is to fill the bank box when you have BOD books.

    *Slight tangent, but I'm starting to wonder if banking the points is worth it.  I hear you lose all of your points when you claim a reward and will not receive any left over points.  Is that true?  If so, wow thats messed up.  
    "People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them."

    To the contrary, to my viewing there is ALL POINTS in hanging onto them....

    Why so ?

    Because one never knows when a Large BOD REQUIRING those smalls would come in....

    Without accumulating ANY and ALL small BODs one would preclude to oneself the ability to fill those Larges as they come in....

    Therefore, there is hardly any other alternative BUT to stock up them ALL and this, takes up item count too much, as many have lamented.

    So much, that eventually one might have to stop playing for lack of any storage space....
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Popps what are you trying to get as a reward? There is hardly anythjng useful past 550 points... Like i stated earlier giving you unlimited BoD storage would allow accounts to flood the market with BoDs and hurt current reward prices. You can pay for more storage, I suggest you do since you seem to need it. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Ikeelu said:
    Popps what are you trying to get as a reward? There is hardly anythjng useful past 550 points... Like i stated earlier giving you unlimited BoD storage would allow accounts to flood the market with BoDs and hurt current reward prices. You can pay for more storage, I suggest you do since you seem to need it. 
    Unfortunately, a lot of the BODs rewards are on charges, be them Talismans, tools and what not.

    Which it means, that they need to be gotten over and over in order to maintain the capacity to keep using that given tool or talisman etc....

    And this requires, therefore, to have to accumulate BODs over and over and over which clogs up storage space too easily and too quickly as those playing in UO a lot with BODs eventually find out....

    Reducing BOD Books to 1 item count, regardless whether they hold 1 BOD or 500 BODs, would greatly hekp players who enjoy doing BODs to keep playing this particular content in UO....
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Gosh popps, sounds like you’re collecting BoDs and not actively playing a crafter doing them. I suggest researching the BoDs that will get the reward you’re after and scrapping the rest or doing them. If you even have 500 that’s more than I bet you could do in a month. Sorry but its simple fact that giving unlimited BoD storage would ruin the system, be happy you have a 4-1 reduction. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    popps said:
    dvvid said:
    People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them.

    This being said, my bank box on my crafter is funny.  It has 10 items in it, 4 of which are BOD books.  I struggle to put things in my bank box now.  I know I need to bring them to my house, but just wanted to mention how easy it is to fill the bank box when you have BOD books.

    *Slight tangent, but I'm starting to wonder if banking the points is worth it.  I hear you lose all of your points when you claim a reward and will not receive any left over points.  Is that true?  If so, wow thats messed up.  
    "People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them."

    To the contrary, to my viewing there is ALL POINTS in hanging onto them....

    Why so ?

    Because one never knows when a Large BOD REQUIRING those smalls would come in....

    Without accumulating ANY and ALL small BODs one would preclude to oneself the ability to fill those Larges as they come in....

    Therefore, there is hardly any other alternative BUT to stock up them ALL and this, takes up item count too much, as many have lamented.

    So much, that eventually one might have to stop playing for lack of any storage space....
    Not all smalls are included in the larges.  This is actually something that is really annoying to me.  But regardless of that, this means you do not need to save ALL of the BODs you get...because you actually do know which ones you need and which ones you don't based on what is online:

    Example: https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/skills/blacksmithing/blacksmith-bulk-orders/
    Whatever isn't listed in the large BODs is not worth hanging onto.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Ikeelu said:
    Gosh popps, sounds like you’re collecting BoDs and not actively playing a crafter doing them. I suggest researching the BoDs that will get the reward you’re after and scrapping the rest or doing them. If you even have 500 that’s more than I bet you could do in a month. Sorry but its simple fact that giving unlimited BoD storage would ruin the system, be happy you have a 4-1 reduction. 
    "Gosh popps, sounds like you’re collecting BoDs and not actively playing a crafter doing them. I"

    Well, as I understand it, THAT is the way it is Designed to work....

    FIRST go collect BODs as if there was no tomorrow so as to have Large BODs AND the Smalls required to fill the Larges and THEN, AFTER one has all of the required BODs, Large+Smalls, go fill in those Small BODs to complete that Large....

    To my knowledge, once the Small BOD gets filled with the requested items, it CANNOT be put in a BOD Book so, by filling up Small BODs with the required items, crafting them and joining them with the Small BOD, one would only see the item count SKYROCKET if a crafter was to fill in Small BODs and put them away in the wait to receive a large BOD for them....

    So, I guess, it is INEVITABLE as the Bulk Order Deeds are Designed to function, that one NEEDS to collect BODs OVER AND OVER and store them in Bulk Order Deeds UNTIL one gets all of the Large+Smalls required to complete that Large.

    At least, that is how I understood BODs.....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    dvvid said:
    popps said:
    dvvid said:
    People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them.

    This being said, my bank box on my crafter is funny.  It has 10 items in it, 4 of which are BOD books.  I struggle to put things in my bank box now.  I know I need to bring them to my house, but just wanted to mention how easy it is to fill the bank box when you have BOD books.

    *Slight tangent, but I'm starting to wonder if banking the points is worth it.  I hear you lose all of your points when you claim a reward and will not receive any left over points.  Is that true?  If so, wow thats messed up.  
    "People who save tons of BODS, are you keeping the small ones that aren't part of the large ones?  If so, thats definitely an issue.  I usually do those and bank the points*.  No point in hanging onto them."

    To the contrary, to my viewing there is ALL POINTS in hanging onto them....

    Why so ?

    Because one never knows when a Large BOD REQUIRING those smalls would come in....

    Without accumulating ANY and ALL small BODs one would preclude to oneself the ability to fill those Larges as they come in....

    Therefore, there is hardly any other alternative BUT to stock up them ALL and this, takes up item count too much, as many have lamented.

    So much, that eventually one might have to stop playing for lack of any storage space....
    Not all smalls are included in the larges.  This is actually something that is really annoying to me.  But regardless of that, this means you do not need to save ALL of the BODs you get...because you actually do know which ones you need and which ones you don't based on what is online:

    Example: https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/skills/blacksmithing/blacksmith-bulk-orders/
    Whatever isn't listed in the large BODs is not worth hanging onto.
    On the contrary, one NEEDS to stock up all of the BODs one gets....

    Even for those larges which one does not want the Reward, since a Large BOD gives 20% Banking points versus the mere 2% of small BODs Banking points, it goes without saying that if one uses complete Large BODs towards getting banking points it would expedite reaching the total points as using only small BODs, and quite a faster track considering it is 20% vs. 2% banking points....

    So, EVEN IF some Larges are of no interest to the crafter, nonetheless, waiting to have all of the Smalls to do that large BOD and use it to Bank points would grant a 20% Banking points progress as compared to a mere 2% Banking points progress thus STILL prompting the crafter to stock up any and all Bulk Order Deeds....

    At least, that is the way I see it.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    @popps. You are mistaken in one area, bods may be put into a bod book at any point, empty, full or partially filled. I hope this information will help you.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Many posts removed. Some removed for rules violations some because of lost context due to said removals.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    to be fair Mariah, that was a very very recent fix, it had been broken for years.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Mervyn said:
    to be fair Mariah, that was a very very recent fix, it had been broken for years.
    Not in EC at least I don't remember ever having that problem.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mariah said:
    @ popps. You are mistaken in one area, bods may be put into a bod book at any point, empty, full or partially filled. I hope this information will help you.
    That's interesting, didn't know that..... thanks for the information.

    It'd odd though.... I mean, a Small BOD for 20 plate Chests fitting in a BOD book ?

    And along with that other Small BODs, all packed with their items in a "book" ?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @popps you go ahead and play anyway you want to.  I have 72 vendors at my FEL Castle that has nothing on them but BOD Books.  Enjoy your game and stop listening to the nay sayer.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    @ popps you go ahead and play anyway you want to.  I have 72 vendors at my FEL Castle that has nothing on them but BOD Books.  Enjoy your game and stop listening to the nay sayer.
    May I ask why to have Vendors to hold the BOD Books ?

    why not simply put those BOD Books in containers inside the Castle and do without Vendors which cost gold to stay up ?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    Mariah, EJ accounts cant use bod books
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    each vendor can hold 615 BODs (1 book at 500, 1 at 115)
    many people did this when there was just 2 skills in BODs
    now there are 8 skills in them...

    it costs 60 gold a day to store them that way
    and many crafters I know, started out having just one home
    and BODs overload made it impossible to have just one home.
    so you either place a new house or use vendors, or both...

    lately I've been using BODs to train up the skills
    and when I do that, I do 200-300 before turning them in.
    before I got rid of most of my stash, I would use my higher skill char to turn in.
    while training, I use the lower ones cause I can get the ones around my skill or slightly higher.
  • popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    @ popps you go ahead and play anyway you want to.  I have 72 vendors at my FEL Castle that has nothing on them but BOD Books.  Enjoy your game and stop listening to the nay sayer.
    May I ask why to have Vendors to hold the BOD Books ?

    why not simply put those BOD Books in containers inside the Castle and do without Vendors which cost gold to stay up ?
    I answered your exact question in the previous post which you linked to in your post that created this thread.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    @ popps you go ahead and play anyway you want to.  I have 72 vendors at my FEL Castle that has nothing on them but BOD Books.  Enjoy your game and stop listening to the nay sayer.
    May I ask why to have Vendors to hold the BOD Books ?

    why not simply put those BOD Books in containers inside the Castle and do without Vendors which cost gold to stay up ?
    Each vendor can hold 600 BODs and the vendor fees are very small plus it is a great way to name each vendor and sort your bods
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    @ popps you go ahead and play anyway you want to.  I have 72 vendors at my FEL Castle that has nothing on them but BOD Books.  Enjoy your game and stop listening to the nay sayer.
    May I ask why to have Vendors to hold the BOD Books ?

    why not simply put those BOD Books in containers inside the Castle and do without Vendors which cost gold to stay up ?
    Each vendor can hold 600 BODs and the vendor fees are very small plus it is a great way to name each vendor and sort your bods
    And a Vendor that holds 600 BODs how many lockdown takes ?
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