Pub 104 - Vet Rewards

KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
Feedback on Vet Rewards


  • i noticed with the repair deed station you can target a bag of repair deeds to add them to the station is it possible to implement something like that for the tool stations to where we can add the tools by clicking the bag they are in?
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I placed the repair bench in the castle I placed for the design contest.
    and then I axed the bench and moved it to a different location.
    I got my crafter copied over to test center and she started putting repair deeds in it.
    I clicked on the dot on the right side and it said that would delete the deeds.
    I canceled that and thought maybe I should grab another char to see if they could do that when it was set to anyone.

    I brought an unfriended char there and tried to repair an imbued bracelet. the bracelet kept failing and it was losing durability. so I went back to my crafter and continued filling the repair bench. I wanted to see if it would hold more than was intended. I had about 200+ legendary blacksmith deeds and about 20 tinker deeds in it... so for some reason I wanted to move it & when I axed it, it was destroyed...

    afterwards I realized that I think I may have been using cadellite infused blank scrolls. not sure if that would cause the issue, will try again with rewards of another account, since its one bag per account.

  • I had my crafter put 10 of each kind of repair deed into the bench, but when I go to repair an item on a non-crafter, it fails repeatedly to repair the item.  The only one that worked was the blacksmith one.  I went through 10 tinker repairs and not a single one worked, neither did the tailor ones.  Also the bench disappeared.  One change I would suggest is that you don't have to remove the item from your paper doll in order to repair it since you don't have to do that with deeds.
  • @Kyronix ; The water wheel, would it be possible to have an option to choose a smaller size?
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @ Kyronix  The water wheel, would it be possible to have an option to choose a smaller size?
    No, sorry.
  • @Kyronix The repair bench is bugged. I added repair deeds to it and attempted to repair a ring,using tinker repair. I failed 5 times then the bench disappeared and turned into a "unused blob" ....
  • @Kyronix Even though the repair bench was a blob, I was still able to access the menu. I then used an axe to re-deed the bench and it disappeared, along with all the repair deeds I had previously added...*poof* 
  • The Water Wheel is too big and does not align with the Koi Pond (either Large or Medium).
  • ZekeTerra said:
    The Water Wheel is too big and does not align with the Koi Pond (either Large or Medium).
    I agree the water wheel is too big 
    Kyronix stated there would be no option to choose a smaller size unfortunately.  :( 
  • Initial problems aside, I applaud the art on all three pieces.  Nicely done

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    @Sinder_Shayde was it an imbued ring?
  • @ Sinder_Shayde was it an imbued ring?
    No it was not.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I would like to see the Gadgetry Table able to be converted to the new Tinker reward. I would have never picked it had I known how completely limited it was in its use. I shouldn't have to burn another reward to get a tinker item that should have been released when fletching and alchy was.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @ Kyronix The repair bench is bugged. I added repair deeds to it and attempted to repair a ring,using tinker repair. I failed 5 times then the bench disappeared and turned into a "unused blob" ....
    Where on TC1 is this house?
  • Kyronix said:
    @ Kyronix The repair bench is bugged. I added repair deeds to it and attempted to repair a ring,using tinker repair. I failed 5 times then the bench disappeared and turned into a "unused blob" ....
    Where on TC1 is this house?
    Just outside Luna walls to the North. Since this post, I have axed the repair bench blob hoping to re-deed it but it disappeared along with all the repair deeds that were added to it.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited February 2019
    Can't seem to place the waterwheel, due to their being impassible tiles adjacent, not sure why that matters...
    I was however able to place the waterwheel on a non water tile...
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Mervyn said:
    How the f do you claim vet rewards on test centre?

    I'm going to smash my keyboard in a rage!
    Go to The Britain Commons area (right by the tailor at wbb)
    Click the vet reward statue thingy! :p

    5.jpg 152.7K
  • I know this is a bit late to the party, but regarding the repair station:

    Will you please fix repair deeds, to where you can put a stack of scrolls and the tool in a bag, and when you create the deed, it stays in that bag (just like when you craft) instead of appearing in main pack?  

    Also, how about make all with repairs?  Put a stack of 50 scrolls in a bag, hit repair, target the stack, and it makes the stack into 50 repair deeds without having to click twice for each deed to be made.

  • @Uriah_Heep you're always late to the party but at least you bring booze.  The repair deeds going into the backpack has always bothered me too, but with the bench you can target the 1st repair deed type (BS, Tailor, etc) then target your backpack and they all go in so won't be much of an issue (once they fix the disappearing bench bug).  +1 on the scroll stack suggestion!!!
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    will the vet reward bug be fixed when this publish goes live?
    about it telling you it will take a few mins to process and you don't get the reward
    And the option to claim that reward being gone too (cause it treats it like you got it but you didn't)
  • Maybe I missed it, has there been any word on the repair bench being fixed?

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    edited February 2019
    The disappearing bench issue will be resolved in the next TC1 update.  Other changes will be part of a QoL update in a future publish - thanks for the suggestion!
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    edited March 2019
    Repair bench:

    1. When attempting to add bulk charges at once, it seems you must first target one deed in the container, then you'll be able to target the container to absorb the remaining deeds at 2nd try. Took me awhile to figure that out because it is not so obvious. This is going to be very confusing to everyone.

    2. The round buttons on the right side: What do they do? I clicked on them and I get "You cant do that" message.

    3. When repairing tinkering: the sound is inscription (pen). Smithy, Tailoring sounds are correct. Bowflecthing sound is nice and new, I think.

    4. Working distance: Currently all stations only work if you are standing right next to them. Would be great if the distance is allowed 1 or 2 tiles.

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Radst said:
    Repair bench:

    1. When attempting to add bulk charges at once, it seems you must first target one deed in the container, then you'll be able to target the container to absorb the remaining deeds at 2nd try. Took me awhile to figure that out because it is not so obvious. This is going to be very confusing to everyone.

    2. The round buttons on the right side: What do they do? I clicked on them and I get "You cant do that" message.

    3. Working distance: Currently all stations only work if you are standing right next to them. Would be great if the distance is allowed 1 or 2 tiles.

    You should receive a system message that indicates you need to add a single deed before bulk adding the deeds - did you not receive it? 

    The round button on the right side deletes all existing charges & skill level, but only the person who placed the bench and the house owner can use that option - were you on a different character?

    Unfortunately we cannot increase the distance of use.

    Thanks for testing, and the feedback!
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    Each time I clicked "add charges", I only get this message:

    Round buttons: I get it now using the house owner.


  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 376
    Bench hasn't poofed on me yet so that's a good sign.
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