Question for Catskills Governors re: meeting times

EM EchoEM Echo Posts: 165Event Moderator
After looking at the responses I've received, it looks like Sunday afternoons at about 2:00 p.m. might work for the Governor meetings with King Blackthorn. I'm thinking the first Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Is there anyone that time does NOT work for? If so, please email me at as soon as possible.

Also, for our next meeting, I actually need to meet with the governors outside of council chambers with Faine. I have something to discuss and it would be easier to do so OOC just for one meeting. I will have an open "HOC" meeting soon but this one is just something I need to discuss with the governors that I hope will result in something everyone will enjoy.

*pulls cloak around her and smiles mysteriously*


  • Would you like us to meet with you before or after the actual Governor's meeting?

  • EM EchoEM Echo Posts: 165Event Moderator
    I was actually thinking, for just the one meeting, instead of (or during if you will).
  • I'm good with that. Just post a time and I will be there ;)
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    I can work with that for sure.

  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    Faine, the hour on Sunday may make it a chore for many in the RP community to attend the meetings. And really, you need the larger community more than any one Governor. Keep the meetings on the Monday evening and I will see if I can train another to do my job one Monday out of each month. There must be at least one bright Dwarf among them.

  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    I do thank you for your kind consideration. 

  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    Ok, while this might have worked out for the governors, shouldn't we consider the other people that show for the meetings? I assumed we'd still be talking primetime hours, this early in the afternoon I may not be able to attend every week.
  • JudasJudas Posts: 262
    While not a governor this term, I am a regular attendee of the meetings, and I think Aedon is correct in that the time might severely impact community participation, particularly among role-players who are a large percentage of the turnout.

    Is it possible to do it during prime time play hours?
  • EM EchoEM Echo Posts: 165Event Moderator
    edited January 2019
    Please keep in mind, the governor's meeting that I'm talking about is once a month only. Not every week. *smiles* I'm trying to find one day a month that would work for all but it's a bit of a challenge as I think you can see. @Aedon, question, since you were the one with a previous commitment, and thank you for trying to work with me, would it help if I moved the meeting up to 7:00 p.m. from 8:00 on that one Monday a month? I cannot go any earlier but would that help?

    Promise, I'm really trying to find something that will work for everyone (me included). :wink:
  • JudasJudas Posts: 262
    Thanks for trying to accommodate everyone, EM Faine, it's appreciated.
  • AedonAedon Posts: 10
    What ever time worked for the others, I am looking to train someone to take over my job of stage managing on meeting Mondays. And yes Faine, the challenges can be great but I can assure you we are all worth it. 
  • EM EchoEM Echo Posts: 165Event Moderator
    Thank you everyone, sincerely, for all the input and willingness to work together to find a good meeting time option. After reviewing all the feedback and input, we will keep the Governor meetings on the first Monday of the month but I am going to move the time to 7:30 p.m. Eastern. 

    When I update the calendar for February, the meeting will be on Monday, February 4th starting at 7:30 p.m. 

    Thank you again everyone for all of the feedback. And yes, Aedon, I know you guys are absolutely worth it. *smiles*
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