Snow on T map!!?????

Ok I can understand the snow in game when we log in, but why in the Hades is there SNOW ON T MAPS????????????
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Treasure Hunters


  • You shouldnt have left it laying outside B)

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    looks like your map got more snow than the lands
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    It is on Vendor maps also.  Very nice addition.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • If your map was new and opened in the Snow time... of course it wil have snow as the maps take on the general map conditions that are there.    Logical

  • Not just treasure maps... shopping maps.  Ick.

    Around the DC area... it would have  to be January to look like this.  (Where the staff hangs out.)  No snow lasts more then a couple short days before Christmas.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • Snow is change to the map. The radar maps reflect the status of the main map. 

    In-game maps are now a reflection of the radar map, hence the snow showing up.

    As much as I like snow, they really need to change out more of the map so it doesn't look like poop. 
    • Deciduous trees need to lose leaves (canopies)
    • Coniferous trees (and deciduous trunks) need to be dusted with snow (hued white).
    • Small plants, rocks and brambles should become piles of snow (white hued dome stalagmites).
    • Clearings need snow as well, hued slightly differently. 
  • Yeah... I have to say it makes to since at all to have slow all over the ground and trees that should be naked green and lavish, as if Summer is on.  However if you go that far?

    How about all 4 season? 

    Fall color (what SHOULD be on right now, not snow).
    Spring bright greens and flowering trees.  More then normal flowers in fields.

    I do disagree about snowing up the openings.  This is where you would lose snow the fastest in real life.  However, the color green would only be in the evergreens, not in the grasses.

    It gets really complex when you really think about it.  :-)

    I still say we should have a check-box to ignore seasonal changes.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273

    Fall color (what SHOULD be on right now, not snow).
    Depends on where you are... I've had snow on the ground where I live for about a week or so now.

    Also, I kind of like the change to the maps. I personally find it makes picking out details to locate the chests a bit easier because there's more contrast.
  • I'm definitely in favor of the seasons being portrayed in game. The same static map day after day gets boring. 

    There are graphics for fallen leaves in the client and the artists could probably work magic hueing deciduous leaves in fall colors. 

    More flowers on the map for spring, etc. 
  • Faeryl said:

    Depends on where you are... I've had snow on the ground where I live for about a week or so now.
    Considering I'm in Northern California?  You'd have NO snow... and every so often everything would be on FIRE.  :# 

    It would, however, be totally unreasonable to expect snow, no snow, snow, no snow... on and off all through the year.

    Still say it should be optional.  How do you play, I mean actually play, without the warning sounds of monsters or pets or knowing if you peaced a monster without failure?  The sound options make very little sense to me.  I mean... unless you are a professional bank-sitter and are sick of people working music skill.  You can turn it off just for that.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    I have actually had my client's sound off for the last... Well, long enough I can't remember when. Several years? At least? I get along fine with just the visual cues. And I don't just bank sit. I actively hunt, treasure hunt, fish, train, tame, steal, and RP.

    On basically a daily basis.
  • My uncle would never play with sound.  How he did it, I'll never understand.

    I cant.  I must have the sound to insure I know everything going on... BUT the skill I have as a merchant is 10x more then I have in combat... and when I hunt, its with a dog... a dog who will, from time to time, refuse orders for no reason... without that I wouldnt know when to slip him an apple so I dont loose him.

    Frankly, I could do without all the screaming sounds by some fighters, whatever that skill is.  BUT I dont hang out with people all that much.  I like the clock chimes, the odd storm, the bells and so on that give our world life.  I wouldnt say the game is over-taxed with sounds.  Not to mention my town is spawn-free and the extremely rare monster that wonders by... that sounds means I have to exterminate the pests so shoppers dont get attacked.

    Lets also not forget they have options on allowing nighttime to be far darker and thankfully you can be stripped of all powers and gear and still see.  Goodness knows, what an amazing pain in the backside when you have night-site earrings and keep ended up in the dark every 5 mins.

    Options!  A good thing.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
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