How or where do we put in a request for a Player's event to be schedule at the

I like to know where, and whom to ask about posting a players event for the month of December on Sonoma at the UO.Com Calendar.

The event is to be a King of the Hill fight, December 7th, 8pm-9pm CDT, in Felucca, location is just outside Delucia in the lost lands.  We have already contact PEC Raine and have schedule all of the necessary support for this event.  Any and all individuals and or guilds are invited to attend this free for all fight, there are no rules we only ask that you keep a civil tongue and avoid those nasty comments in general chat.

There will be gates placed so that those that wish to attend can, without worry of being ambushed on the way to the event.  The Tram side will be at the Brit Hall south of Castle Blackthorn.  The Fel side gate will be south of the Delucia Bank, gates will be open from 7:30pm - 9:30pm CDT.  Healers (Blue and Red) will be placed at the east exit

Healers w0. 5296. 3987.37
Delucia Gate w0. 5296. 4000. 40
Brit gate w1. 1492. 1524. 40

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  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 233
    edited November 2018
    Email PEC Raine: he can add it.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,743
    Email PEC Raine: uoraine@ he can add it.
    thank you I will do that
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
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