Recipe Book

went to test center to try out the new recipe book was super excited but i see lots of complaints in the future

the recipe book would work better if the item count worked like the power scroll book or god forbid the bod book which it is fashioned after or even the jewelry box


  • im even okay if it worked like the power scroll book and had to be locked down to use
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    edited November 2018
    I just put 182 recipes into one, while it was locked down.
    while it was locked down, it uses up 125 lockdowns.

    I retrieved it from the floor & my backpack now has 160 items in it.

    I locked it back down and then redeemed the holiday token in my backpack.
    then retrieved the recipe book again, with a backpack total of 164 items
    (it was counting the whole book as 125)
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    a full recipe book holds 250 recipes but uses up 125 lockdowns
    if you have 125 recipes in a second one, it also uses 125 lockdowns

  • Item count should be fractional or just 1.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Item count should be fractional or just 1.
    I agree
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    brianna said:
    im even okay if it worked like the power scroll book and had to be locked down to use
    You have to unlock your power scroll book to use it???

    i don’t see what the issue is, you save on lockdowns using a recipe book. Give an inch and people ask for a mile. Withdraw the book completely due to ungrateful feedback. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    no the issue is it uses lockdowns, 
    one lockdown  for each scroll that is added to it, up to 125. (100 of them doesn't take lockdowns)

    currently you put them into containers, then they use up storage, not lockdowns.

    lot of us like to be able to be able to decorate our houses...

    would be better if it took one lockdown, or fractional like the BOD book does
    50 (book holds 250 recipes, which is half what the BOD book holds)

    if each one you put in counts as 1 count, up to the 125
    then I can see people that don't have very many, to not use it
    cause of the fact it uses up lockdowns in your house

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,227
    When you put the book on a vendor the message pops up when you hit escape for *Not For Sale*

    So it's not recognizing that this is a book

    Other then that and the fact that it takes up as many lockdowns as recipes that are in it PLUS the book

    I am glad you added it..just a few tweaks and it will be awesome! :)

    Hope you all are enjoying your Thanksgiving Break!

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    Thank you for fixing the recipe book!!!!!
    a full book is now 51 lockdowns instead of 125... (checked it on TC)
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    edited December 2019
    A few months ago, I was carrying a recipe book on me and when I got the recipes I would add them as I got them. Then one day I read/heard somewhere that if you add them while its in your backpack, that they will be deleted. And I looked at the recipe book that I carry and the number should have been lot higher.

    Someone just told me that she bought some expensive recipes on other shards. She added them to a recipe book and when she got back to our shard they were gone.

    Was it intended that you can only add recipes when its locked down? 

    this is what was mentioned in the publish notes when we got them.
    I assumed that if they functioned similar to BOD books, that we could add them while in our backpacks...

  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Ive only added recipes holding it in my backpack just added a recipe and the counter went up by 1. It only add one total item count for every 5 recipes, so look at book and read how many recipes it has and not the amount of lockdowns the recipe book uses.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,787
    @Chrille when this happened to me, I was carrying it in my backpack. When I noticed this happening to me, at the beginning of the day I had 9 recipes in the book. After fighting in Eodon and everywhere else... at the end of the day, I had just put a recipe in the book and the item count didn't go up. I added several recipes throughout the day and the item count was the same. I stopped using the book in my backpack after that.

    but today @brianna told me that she had purchased recipes on other shards and when they came home they were gone. 

    I didn't report it when it happened, because I had heard that it was happening & just assumed that they had reported the issue too. so that's why I have asked if it was intended or a bug...
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