Failed shard transfer

My friend tryed to move a character between napa and atlantic, but it dissapeared on the way there, he is now able to log in to both shards, but no sign of the character? anyone else had this? do you get the character back?  @Bleak  @Kyronix 


  • Check other shards, maybe he selected the wrong one.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Page a GM 
  • Yikes!

    Not that paging a GM seams to do any good, any more.

    I know I'm brand new to doing shard transfers as of last week.  So far, I've made 4 round trips as of tomorrow.  It seams they have SO many "checks" that cancel and delay transfers.  You cant be on  your ethereal... you have to be at a town inn... you have to throw salt over your right shoulder before it will work.  It seams a bit obnoxious.  Mostly, in waiting X mins.  The travel time is also random.  Like... totally random.  My first time?  I thought something went horribly wrong, but after another hour... the traveler was safe and sound.

    Goodness knows... god forbid the most IMPORTANT check should be "do you have a return token?" because if you go without?  You're totally stuckville.  You'll have to send someone else to bring them a token... IF you have a free slot on that shard or delete someone.  Thankfully I was using a friend's account that had everything ready... but had no time.  I asked questions of other friends.  :-)

    I sure hope this isn't an active bug.  Good luck!!!  Seriously.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    And bumping this one.

    Turns out it's another of my Legendary guildmates, and one of my best mates ingame who has lost a lot here.

    Hope this is being resolved.

  • I’ve rarely had a problem paging a GM, depending on the time or day. Holidays or late night seem to be the worst times for prompt replies. That one time I paged for a monster stuck in a wall, waited an hour then had it teleport on top of me & one shot kill me before I could move sucked. Immediately after I died a GM message pops up saying “Thanks for paging ! Your problem has been resolved. Please feel free to contact again when needed. - GM Fliben “. That’s the only time in +20 yrs I’ve rage logged & I’ll always remember that toolbag’s name LOL.

    As far as “check and delays” - Being mounted has never been allowed either w/ soul stones or yrs earlier w/ transfer tokens. It’s not that big a deal. You have to be in a safe log out spot & not flagged otherwise folks would abuse the system in PvP. The transfer que hides the character & makes them invulnerable. That check is a good thing. I’ve never had to throw salt over my shoulder as transfers seem pretty straight forward.

    The random transfer times are due to how many others are transferring at the same time among other variables. Again, no biggie. I’ve never had it take more than an hour & half. Usually abt 45 mins in hundreds of transfers.

    If u can’t remember to take a token home w/ ya.... that’s on u. I have done that myself a couple time so I know it’s a PITA but only myself to blame.

    I also once lost a character due to not knowing the shard down time where I was going. I initiated the transfer 20 mins before the shard dropped thinking I had much more time. 

    Page a GM & be patient. Page again if no response in a few hours. In my case, they found my character in abt 4 days. I logged on the shard I started the transfer from & *POOF* they were there like nothing had happened w/ all my items ready to go. 

    I doubt this this is some kind of bug or there’d be a lot more posts by now both here & on Stratics. 

    I too hope it’s getting resolved & wish the best for anyone facing this problem.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    It also helps to be as accurate with your problem.  Where the "F" is my char doesn't get you very far.
  • HimmelweissHimmelweiss Posts: 15
    edited November 2018
    Teclo said:
    My friend tryed to move a character between napa and atlantic, but it dissapeared on the way there, he is now able to log in to both shards, but no sign of the character? anyone else had this? do you get the character back?  @ Bleak  @ Kyronix 

    Had the exact same problem just a couple of weeks ago.

    I paged a GM, took them about 1 week to fix it.

  • When I've had transfers fail I've emailed Bonnie and she's usually has it fixed in about 20 minutes. Use a good header to get her attention like "Shard Transfer Stuck" or something. GMs can't fix this so it just adds another layer of confusion to the whole thing.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • TecloTeclo Posts: 28
    been more then a week now, and my friend havn't had any reply to his mail yet, but hope is the last to abandom you?
  • TecloTeclo Posts: 28
    i was bit to quick on that post, the char and the items it held have shown up on atlantic now Im told! 
  • I think my transport guy has now made 10 round trips... plus is currently awaiting coming back to Atlantic.  (Brought a few million to the shopper.)  Every time I'm still worried like hell!  Worried more after this case.

    So far?

    Since I got the hang of transporting the guy from 1 shard to the next... I'm not so worried.  HOWEVER... a "just in case" precaution… I loaded a few extra Atlantic home tokens in his bank so they cant be lost.  Gave one to my shopper... again, just in case.

    It also helps if you are doing simple cargo transport?  Use a disposable guy.  I could easily replace him after a day or two... BUT I dont expect to ever have to.  I'd be more worried about the cargo.  hehe

    Remember!  Its all about waiting.  1 hour... could be 2 or 3.  I just check next day.  Or AM vs. PM.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Teclo said:
    i was bit to quick on that post, the char and the items it held have shown up on atlantic now Im told! 

    Yep he's back, thanks guys.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    good to hear
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