Vanilla plant - Gardening

Unfortunately, the loss of a friend's house costs me the most extensive seed library anyone could have.  Never mind the loss of the HOUSE and in a really prime spot... and everything within it.

I was lucky to have a "seed vault" tucked away in the town Savings & Loan of all the basic plants and of all colors.  Normally, I only grow "normal" color plants for sale.  I did, however, have 3 "mutant" plants in all possible colors.  I honestly cant remember what 2 of them were... but the most important was Vanilla.

Unfortunately, UOGuide did not seam to ever update this.  (If it did, I cant find it.)   This would fall in to "group 5" and spawn naturally on Exodus Minions and Overseers.  They are really hard on pets!

BUT... my question is... what crosses to magically produce the seeds via the known common plants?

Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited November 2018

    No other way around this - your question has so much detail - I've found 2 great pages for you.

    I've actually learned a lot here, I've never got into this, or cooking.

    I may need to flatten my castle on Europa, to turn it into a forest...

    OR - anyone on Siege got a spare 18x18 flat spot for me ? :)

    OR I could make a 3-4 tiered borg cube forest... pillars up the sides, so it looks like a multi story car park style forest....

  • I know all that stuff years ago...

    And it doesnt solve the question.

    Imagine a simple 18x18 house, looks like a cube.   We had 2.  Each of the grow floors had 25 large raised beds.  1 of the houses was more a full service plant shop, so the floor was clear.  That left 7 levels, x25 beds... 175 beds.  Each bed makes 9 plants at a time.  If you were growing for clippings for dye, baskets, or resources... thats 1575 plants per go.  If you were growing just resources... that would mean you could grow 12,600.  (1575 x 8).   Now... if you really want to blow your mind, that comes out to an average of 3.150 million gold per grow.

    Real trouble?  Real life investment of 3 beds per 20$.

    Frankly, I own only 20 beds... looking for 1 more.  The house above you would never guess is a functional beautiful design that is far from a cube!  hehe

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    edited November 2018
    Vanilla seeds are found on Juka mage, kappa and plague beast. I don't have exodus minions or overseers listed, but I'll look into it
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Agree with Mariah, I've always got my vanilla seeds from kappas although it does seem to be the one type that is the least given on them.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    I have done some research on this. Vanilla seeds were added to Exodus minions and overseers in publish 76, but only in Exodus dungeon. When the Exodus encounter was added to the game they disappeared. In publish 89, bug fix list, vanilla seeds were added to juka mage, kappa and plague beast to fix this.
    Hence the page does not list exodus minions, but instead lists the current, accurate information.

  • Amazing how my point is lost for the obsession of URLs.  And these self-serving comments agreeing with moderators.  Sorry!  Its not helpful.  Not being mean or baiting nasty relations.  If you dont know... you dont know.  There's no crime.  I did check both systems for information and didnt find anything.  Someone who actually knows the system MAY know... thus my question. 

    No really.  I did this before.  I dont remember the magic combination.  You take 1 type plant and cross it with a second type plant... and get vanilla

    This is how the whole collection of plants came to be from the very basic seeds the bog beasts carried at the start of this whole program.  If you started from scratch, you only had red, blue, and yellow.  This thus becomes how we have 12 different colors and so on.

    There are 3 mutants you can get from cross pollination.  One is Vanilla.  It can be grown in 12 colors.  The one that spawns from monsters as normal.  I cant remember the third... however I did remember the second.  Its a 4-barrel cacti.  So... the question is still open.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    The information you seek  is on the page Colored Peculiar Plants, but since you don't wish to see the whole page, I won't bother with a url, just a copy paste of the last paragraph:

    Colored Vanilla

    purple-vanillaVanilla is a mutant possible result of crossing colored plants of the three cactus varieties: barrel cactus, prickly pear cactus or tri-barrel cactus. Colored vanilla plants produce no resources and cannot be cross pollinated, but they do produce seeds.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Ooof, I just backspaced over an entire paragraph voicing my opinion...only to realize it wasn't related to the topic at hand...gosh I'm doing so good...
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Thank you, Mariah... that is the exact same information I was after.

    However... UOGuide did fail... its not a big deal.  My memory is a bit foggy on all topics of UO game information because its almost endless... I think I actually "fell" across this by accident when building the origional seed library YEARS ago.

    Out of those 175 beds I had access too, I would run experiments every so often on just 1 floor... or  25 beds worth.  What was the worst that could happen?  They all got chopped in to fuel for dye?

    I know its really a hard question... does anyone have these seeds already?

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited November 2018

    Ultima Online Wiki

    Search Results for: vanilla plant

    and guess what right at the top of the page is 

    Colored Peculiar Plants  
    and on that page is what @Mariah posted

    try doing a little work next time instead of getting pissed at other people.

  • TandaTanda Posts: 22
    Depending on what shard, many gardeners will gladly share if they have extra in seeds

  • Thank you, Tanda.

    I'm on Atlantic.  Have easy access to Izumo, Pac, and Napa.

    I have a friend that can help me from Great Lakes.

    Anything else, I'd need more help... and that may be within reach too.

    Please let me know?  Thanks.

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
  • TandaTanda Posts: 22
    I have seeds on Great Lakes I think all the colors of vanilla  I can get them to Atlantic, it'll just take some time as I've got characters pending transfers.
    Let me know if you need them sent along next run
  • PMing you, Tanda.  :-)

    Owner of the Red & Purple Mini Mall, established 2001. - The Red & Purple Pixies of the Yew Wood [Town] Atlantic Shard.
    Proud member of the Department of Mayhem.
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