Pets question (mares, cu, greater dragon, probably more)
I recently came back to UO after a very long break. I have a character that has zero skills (she was once a tamer but those skills transfered to a different character a long time ago) and has a stable full of pets. Are these pets now worthless? Is it possible to transfer them to other players in game? I have 2 mares from 2001, a fire steed, cu (last pet i got before i stopped playing) greater white dragon. I had 6 pets in the stable but after taking 2 out i cant put them back or control them so the are like ticking time bombs. Do i just set them free? Can you make them into deeds? (lol crazier shit has happened in UO)
Keep any horses you have. Keep the WW. Find someone that knows about the Pet Revamp and let them help. What Shard?
A stable full of pets is now 42! Buy some stable increase tokens.
You will enjoy playing a tamer.
One thing you can do is transfer your character to the test center to play around with the training system. Other than that, I'd suggest you get someone who knows the new system well, who can assist you with it.
Good luck!