Forced out of Khaldun Trammel champ spawn.

The other night I was soloing the second wave of the Khaldun champ spawn in Trammel when a more powerful player came in and started killing everything in sight including the mobs I was attempting to kill.  He then told me to leave because this was not a place for me and then kept me from killing things to force me out. So I left.

What should I have done?


  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    seriously ?
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    seriously ?
     :D  :D :D

    Take a better qualified toon?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkullSkull Posts: 42
    Games are competitive in many different ways and that competition can see the death of any cooperation.  Players compete for resources, or monster camping rights, or loot, or best market prices, all sorts of fields.  Players even compete for PvP rankings or skill gain ladders, if the game has them.  Players even compete on forums, usually you can see that in the form of, a player without something asking for a game change to favour them on forums, and in the obverse of that, someone with that something arguing on forums that what they have should be harder to get for others.  People aren't stupid they know to argue on forums for things they want, forums such as these, or reddits, or wherever, all become part of the competition.  So a player wanting more loot will drive other players out of the game, then the disaffected will take up that style of PvP to other places, like this forum.  It's a thinking based on greed that narrows the idea of a game from the idea of a world of exploration to some sort of virtual reality show of depressed people acting fake excited over some meaningless possessions.  Which is to say this competition is part of most online games, but not a healthy part.
    These forums make me log in so much I feel like a lumberjack.
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    edited November 2018
    Just keep on killing. He can't prevent you from getting "credit" for the kill. Artifacts for the kill don't necessarily go to the player who does the most damage and any loot and gold is divided among all the players who get looting rights. For I think it's 5 minutes only party members can even see what you got on the body. I know loot is not an issue in this case but as I understand the mechanics of Cult item drops your chances of getting one is controlled by the number of kills you have looting rights on, not if you did the most damage.

    In other words ignore the ass hole and keep doing what you were doing. If he is verbally abusive page a GM. Don't let him spoil the game for you, I think that type of ass has done more to drive players away then anything else.

    If you get lucky he may get killed and need some help getting back to his body. Not that you would drag some monster over to it just to make that harder. o:)
  • Keep on fighting, it.s Tram *scratches* he can't stop you. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited November 2018

    Go to Felucca.

    (Admit it, you were all waiting for me to say that. :)   ).

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    There have always been people like that in the game. Years ago, pre AoS, a friend and I were ordered out of Fire dungeon by someone who told us. This is an American game, and I am American so I have more right to the spawn than you' - on Europa shard!!
    My friend and I demonstrated just how powerful 2 warriors cross healing could be as he lured everything he could find onto us to make us leave.  He eventually gave up as we wouldn't conveniently die. Thumb your nose as such people and stand your ground. 
  • Cookie said:

    Go to Felucca.

    (Admit it, you were all waiting for me to say that. :)   ).

    That was the obvious answer Cookie. we just assumed they knew to do that :p

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • Ignore him. If he lures stuff, ask him to stop then page a GM if he continues. Tell the GM clearly what he’s doing & that you asked him to stop. GMs get a copy of your journal when paging so make sure u page when the “please stop luring spawn on me” is still showing in the journal. GMs will take action for this in a Tram rule set. 

    If he’s not luring & just being an A-hole verbally - put him on ur ignore players list in options. Never see a word he types again. Continue business as usual.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    And tonight he tried to get my thief killed by luring mobs to the defensive wall of crates I put around puzzle boxes I am working on and took away some of the crates.  When I called him out on his behavior he said it was illegal for me to use the crates even thou they did not block passage by other players.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Placing crates to stop spawn is as illegal as luring spawn. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    While this person's actions and motives are decidedly unpleasant, his information is actually correct. A relatively minor offence, but blocking spawn in this way is against the rules.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    TimSt said:
    And tonight he tried to get my thief killed by luring mobs to the defensive wall of crates I put around puzzle boxes I am working on and took away some of the crates.  When I called him out on his behavior he said it was illegal for me to use the crates even thou they did not block passage by other players.

    Are you two the only ones on this shard?  You should go to the fel version since no one will be there.

    Another instance of a player complaining because someone knows the game mechanics better. You are lucky he did not page on you. 

    Get better!  Or kill the things away from the spawn like the NOOBS do on LS.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Luring mobs on you is considered harassement. Ask him to stop once and then report him.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    I think I’m going to copy this thread and just paste it every time someone complains we can’t attract and keep new players. Look at how many of the posts are trying to justify the harassers actions or belittle the new player asking for advice or push their own agenda (play in fel). Way too few of us are trying to be helpful or supportive. If this is the way you act in the game it’s no wonder we can’t attract new players. People have to deal with self important self appointed “rule” enfoceers in real life why in hell would they want to put up with it in a game

    TimSt if he bothers you again please ask him to stop and report him. If we are lucky he will be booted from the game for the betterment of all. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Tim said:
    I think I’m going to copy this thread and just paste it every time someone complains we can’t attract and keep new players. Look at how many of the posts are trying to justify the harassers actions or belittle the new player asking for advice or push their own agenda (play in fel). Way too few of us are trying to be helpful or supportive. If this is the way you act in the game it’s no wonder we can’t attract new players. People have to deal with self important self appointed “rule” enfoceers in real life why in hell would they want to put up with it in a game

    TimSt if he bothers you again please ask him to stop and report him. If we are lucky he will be booted from the game for the betterment of all. 

    My response was obviously a joke - making a caricature of myself. I wasn't pushing anything to be fair. Although going to Felucca, is genuinely one option, as it could be quieter there.

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    Cookie I wasn’t really thinking of you but since you brought it up two things. 
    1. I really believe you were only joking but since day one of the internet without body language hints the question has always been “is he joking or did he really mean that”. Emoji just don’t cut  it. I still can’t figure out what  :# means
    2. Jokes about harassment are at the least in bad taste. At any well run company it can get you fired not to be PC or for legal reasons but because it tells the person being harassed that  it’s normal here and put up with it or quit. 
    I’ve been seen you here often enough to sort of gotten the joke but would someone new? We should all be careful around new players not to be nice or anything but to keep them around. Once the have too much invested to quit then ..... (am I joking or not?)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    So I had another encounter with that guy last night.  He followed me from the entrance to Khaldun to right before the windy pinch point where he lured some mobs to me.  He said it was too dangerous for me and that I was an idiot. I finally told him to stop harassing me then I ran right into the heart of the spawn. I came out the other side and made it around to the pinch point.  He was long gone.  I killed the spawn that was there, rezed another player a few times, then mostly soloed for the next 45 minutes. If he thought I was a push over player he must of missed the previous spawn where 4 of us took down Khal.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    You can also go into the hole to get to the other side.  But do not use the exit there to leave.  You cant enter there.  Just dont die on that side unless you have an undertakers staff.  Long way back.

    Glad you are getting better.  Someone better than you is not harassment just because they can kill stuff faster.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    edited November 2018
    I've noticed that he's not actually better at killing stuff then me.  He is better at getting in the way and killing stuff that I am attempting to kill.  But unlike me he leaves when there is too many spawn mobs. I go to the edge and work my way back to the main spawn.   The harassment comes into play with the things he says, following me around, luring mobs to me to try to get me killed, waiting near my corpse if I do get killed.  Can he loot my corpse on Trammel if I do not reclaim it soon enough?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    No he can not loot your corpse.   Working from the outside in is a good strategy.  If you have magery, invis.  Or just lead the stuff back to him while running.  You can outrun everything there on foot.  The shadows will get you with auras when they amble by you.

    What template are you using on the first and second wave?  What templates do you have available?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915

    For all waves I use the following template:

    Magery 120
    Eval Intel 120
    Meditation 100
    Resisting Spells 100
    Inscription 100
    Focus 90
    Poison 90

    I used to have Spell Weaving in place of the Focus but it was not as effective as I had hoped and I ran out of mana quicker.

    While a lot of people downplay Resisting Spells I find it quiet useful when there are mobs with magic of which there are several in Khaldun. It boosts my magic reflection pool from 27% to 93%. If only it was effective against what ever the skelemental mages attack me with.

    The Poison gives a large boost to the damage done by the poison field and poison spells my character casts at the purple skelementals.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited November 2018
    Focus does not do anything for you.  120 weaving is much better.  Carry apples and you will not need resist. You can cure poison but there's not much there. You need more Mana regen in your suit if you are running out. But you got what you got so lets see what you can kill in the spawn.

    Your EVs can kill the bloods and Grey skeles.  Kill blue skeles with fire.  I'm sure that poison field is not very damaging but its all you have. You cant kill the pink skeles. I cant think of the name of the things that slow your SSI on stage 2 but e bolts and fire kill them just fine.

    A guy on LS is a mage and he uses EVs and fireballs.  He has all the masks and is collecting books now.

    So, EVs , fire spells, and ebolts mostly.  The ambushers die with 3 energy bolts. Spells do only 12 damage to the shadow fiends. (I blast them even tho it barely hurts them) EVs do more damage to them.

    Even if you only use Word of Death 120 weaving with a 6 focus and 100% SDI can do 600 damage to Khal and the troops when they are below 30%.  

    You could make a Mage weapon that is 100% poison and another 100% cold and kill the purple and pink skeles. Composite Bow would be best. But that requires a lot of luck to get both since it ends soon.

    You should be able to kill stuff.  If the guy is killing the pink and purple skeles then thank him.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Today... We venture deep inside the mind of a Trammy...
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Pinks get killed with three to four casts of Mind Blast.
    With the boost from Poison purples die within 30 seconds after touching poison field. Without Poison they shrugged off my poison fields. Now I just throw up a poison field and then forget about the purple.
    Focus is speeding up my background mana regen a lot.  I rarely need to slip away and use meditation now.
    The only thing that I have not been able to solo kill has been Khal.

    But enough about my ability to kill in Khaldun.  The focus of this thread should be on how to handle harassment from another player.
  • It has always been the rule of the game that anyone can play anywhere a player is allowed to enter.  A GM (Game Master) will tell you the very same thing. NO ONE CAN RUN YOU OFF. Period.  We have had a unwritten rule to ask if you can join in if someone is there ahead of you but its not the rule.  While he is disturbing your play in all honesty he is in the rights to be there.  But he may not tell you to leave. That's not his call.  We all need to learn to get along,
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I have no problem with him or any else being there as long as there is no harassment going on. He has been there when a large group of us are doing the spawn and he behaves but when there is no else around he starts harassing me and tries to run me off as much as the game allows him too.  I will admit to sometimes leaving the area when I see him just to avoid him.
  • There is a button on the help menu  its for harassment.  Use it.  if he is saying things use the verbal and make it stick don't jabber back at him firmly say stop and then shut up and use the button.   Too many don't shut up and let the GMs handle it.   A GM cant help you if you continue to jabber back at them.  Be Smart.

  • What's the most annoying sound on earth?

    30 Poison fields out on the floor in any dungeon/event.  

    That sound is like an alley cat screaming in heat while clawing a chalkboard.

    I agree with Lady_Storm.  Why argue with some powerless nerd on the internet?  It's not like they can actually stop you from getting looting rights on mobs.  Don't give your power away to some neckbeard still living in his mom's basement playing a game from 20 years ago.

    Save your arguing for Fel, where you can actually put it into action.

    Just do your thing and have fun.

    You should do a bit of research on your template though.  But maybe you need gear too.  Whatever server you're on, there are a lot of helpful, cool, and chill people willing to help new people or returning players out. 

    Hope things work out for Mr./Mrs. Old-school Mage!

    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    We have had a unwritten rule to ask if you can join in if someone is there ahead of you but its not the rule.  
    That's just one of the rules of a hunter's etiquette. IIRC, eons ago, old Stratics had page describing recommended behavior if you did not want to have everyone annoyed with you. Most MMOs including this one could use to have those rules plastered on the login page.
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