Returning player, question

Hello everyone,

I'm a returning player with a couple of questions. I use to play back around the time when the game was released. I returned around 2018 but had to stop playing due to real life issues.

My question is this, when I returned to playing I remember doing something really fun. I was getting official contracts to kill monsters and when I would do so I would get some very nice rewards when turning in the contracts - like magic weapons/armor and other rewards. I may be mistaken but I'm pretty sure this was on the official UO server (I did play on a non-official server for a while too).  I was able to repeatedly do the contracts as quickly as I wanted....but I can't seem to find this option in the game. 

Was this an option on official servers or am I thinking of a different server?

And also, could anybody please recommend a good guide to killing champion spawns - with animal taming and with other skills like maybe swordsmanship, etc and the type of armor/resistances and weapons that I should use?



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