My toughts on NL. Giving a feedback.

Feedback on New Legacy State.

After playing new legacy for about 3 months, i wanted to share some feedback on the perception i have with it.

When the announcement for NL came, it was thriving. It was enought to give me the desire to play and to check it out.
Then the beta came and i choose not to play it so i wouldnt be burnt out when it officially launched.
After launch, i didnt play from the beginning. Actually it didnt hook me enough to play it right away.
As time went by i was motivated to play it to get some of the unique rewards you could get and carry to production shards.
To my surprise, these 'unique rewards' are mostly tied to pets for tammers. Unique pets and some deco dropped by bosses.
For the other narratives or templates, there is nothing that is unique to justify that you dont need to play a tammer. Sadly every unique and valuable thing that NL could bring to you are pets, nothing else. There is no unique weapon with a cool looking skin, or a new set of armor, nothing really shines in comparison to the pets that you can get as a tammer. Warrior gives nothing new, nor archer, nor assassin, nor crafter.

On the side of the crafting, i was expecting  forge my legacy as one, raising my mining and blacksmith skills, mine and craft armor and weapons, set a shop and sell them to players... you know, the old way of crafters, that old Market.I was expecting somehting as you as a blacksmith would run the world to gather colored ores and craft those valorite full plate armor that Warriors drool soo much about it, that valorite exceptional katana. But with actual system implemented its not possible. Crafted gear dont matter at all. Also there is no risky vs reward since there is no world pvp enabled, there is no PKs!!!! Crafters just have 3 Jobs on new legacy as it is:

1 - Repair Manually gear and weapons(there is no repair contracts)
2 - Restore magical gear that drop with 25 durability to 150/150
3 - Drop Completed BODs into the congiarum so it can level his current state.

The congiarium is a system where you need to feed it so it can evolve, His Evolution unlock new quality of the magical dropped items and enabling some new enchanting options like thunder, wich imbue your weapon with Hit Lightning with 15 secs cooldown. By the way, the congiarium system is pretty lackluster and not needed at all. It  is not needed, not sure why it exists.

The gathering system is pretty good actually. Compared to production where you need to click, click, click, click to gather 2 boards, on new legacy its semi automated, so you click your harvesting tool and a tree, and it kinda harvest all the wood on that tree and a couple other surrounding ones. This is pretty good, and should be kept like it. But the resources tab, is awfull, get rid of it, bring back the logs and ores so we can pack horse them and transport to the cities to smelt and bank it. 

Since i dipped my toes a bit into the pvp matter, lets talk about it. Let the pvp roll in the entire facet. WE ARE IN FELLUCA GOD DAMM!!! I want na adrenaline rush when i see that red name and i am inside a cave trying to mine some valorite. I want to get mad if the pk kills me or to feel the joy if i can make him run or run aluive from him. UO was the biggest success because of the motto 'do/be whatever you want'. We dont need na entire facet without pvp, allowing it only on Champion Spawns. We need the fix or improvements of the skills to defend ourselves from gankers, pks and pvp. For instance, fix the god damm tracking skill. Make it usefull, so i can track pks, blues and grey players. It needs to work like a radar, so i can use it as a mechanism of defense against pk. Fix the skills that dont have any use, or are bugged or never worked. Give them a purpose. Tracking, camping, item identification, forensic evaluation, etc. We dont need a world without pvp, we need means to survive it. This shard was launched with the slogan of 'forge your legacy, be whatever you want' i want to be a thief, and steal from people that are careless inside dungeons, or town, or whatever. Where is the thief? why remove it? It was so advertisse to forge our legacy and be whatever we wanted, that it was forgotten...should be 'Forge your legacy, the way we want, not the way you want'

The end game is pretty lackluster. It is a fixed boss rotation on timers, to try your luck in getting drops or if you are not Lucky, as me, you have to assemble enough legendar points to buy what you want from a vendor. It is a poor failsafe system if you are never Lucky. The bosses doesnt give nothing new, nothing exciting. Some bosses like manticore and crimson dragon are cool, and new models new mechanichs, but there is it. The other ones arent that exciting. There is 3 Champion spawns that are pvp áreas, but there is no pvp. Never seen anyone pvping.

Going back to talk about other narratives. As mentioned at the top of this thread, there is nothing that makes you wanna play anything besides a tammer. You dont have a sword with cool looking skin or effect to carry to prodo shards nor any piece of armor, nothing. It applies to all narratives, warrior, archers, bards, mages and crafters.

About the tammer aspect, the way they gated tammers to get to tame a dragon/drake, a White wyrm, nightmare or firesteed is that you need the right bestiary to unlock the right to tamke those beasts. Those bestiaries can be world drops, with pretty low chance of dropping, or from especific bosses. The drop chance for those are pretty low, you have to be pretty luck to get one of them. So yopu could play na entire season and never get a dragon bestiary to tame a good pet. If the pet is the same as the Warrior's weapon or archer's bow, why it need to be gated for tammers to get his 'weapon'?. Besides the gated mechanic of tammers, it is a full plate of joys on new legacy, about 10 unique pets that require lures. This is such a cool reward and i wished every archetype got a reward like those of tammers.

The housing system is bad also, just one model, the smallest one, 4x4, no option to get bigger ones, need to be revised.

I think thats all i wanted to point. New legacy didnt deliver a lot of what was promised with the commercial video, or the devs Q&A, but its only the first season. I hope the team gets these feedbacks and improve the game for the next season, or even taking out this horrible idea of a seasonal server and maybe making a classic server. Lets wait and see what they will come on season 2. 


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    On the other hand, I enjoy  NL, as a change of pace from regular UO.  I don't play there all the time. I have had success playing my archer and drops playing my fencer. 
    As to pvp, it's possible in champion spawns, but it doesn't happen. Why?  That's not down to the dev's design choices, it's down to the current players. THEY choose not to pvp and have more fun co-operating to work the spawn.  
    If you want to pvp, get together with others of like mind and do the 'outposts' content.
    For guilds seeking intense PvP action, the Dungeon Outpost Encounter is the ultimate battleground! Up to five guild teams are locked in a dungeon, competing to capture outposts and earn points. Teams must balance offense and defense while working together to control the battlefield. The goal: be the last team standing or accumulate the most points before time runs out.

  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 301
    On the other hand, I enjoy  NL, as a change of pace from regular UO.  I don't play there all the time. I have had success playing my archer and drops playing my fencer. 
    As to pvp, it's possible in champion spawns, but it doesn't happen. Why?  That's not down to the dev's design choices, it's down to the current players. THEY choose not to pvp and have more fun co-operating to work the spawn.  
    If you want to pvp, get together with others of like mind and do the 'outposts' content.
    For guilds seeking intense PvP action, the Dungeon Outpost Encounter is the ultimate battleground! Up to five guild teams are locked in a dungeon, competing to capture outposts and earn points. Teams must balance offense and defense while working together to control the battlefield. The goal: be the last team standing or accumulate the most points before time runs out.

    Lack of PvP is definitely because of the dev design choices. The only thing put into the game for "pvp" was dungeon outposts which no one wants to queue for a 3v3v3v3 or whatever the rules are and the leaderboard doesn't even update so you can't even take pride in doing them.

    It's sad because PvP might have actually been fun on New Legacy if there was any kind of system in place like factions or champion spawns you need to be pvp flagged to participate in.
  • RAVERRAVER Posts: 8
    If the development and management policy of "New Legacy" in the future becomes "a world that forces PvP", I think I will reconsider playing NL. I don't want to be stressed by being attacked and killed miserably in a game that I play to change my mood, tired of "work" and "competition with others" in the real world. With the implementation of the "flag forced" specification in the PvP area, people who have experienced being attacked by mistake or attacking by mistake, and people who saw it on social media, also left New Legacy. I felt very lonely about that.
    Uo players who prefer PvP are probably less than 10% of the total, and in reality it may be even less. I think that currently there are overwhelmingly more players who prefer "cooperation" than "interpersonal", so the balance of PvP elements will be a very delicate issue.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Really? Quit the shard because of an accidental attack? Heck anyone who's ever been in a guild on a main shard has met with that accident. As long as the attack isn't followed up it's ignored by everyone and the accidental attacker usually apologizes. 
    On the other hand. I don't pvp, not because I can't (though I'm not very good at it) but because I don't enjoy it. I don't want to attack other players, and I don't want to be attacked by them. I don't enjoy conflict. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Really? Quit the shard because of an accidental attack? Heck anyone who's ever been in a guild on a main shard has met with that accident. As long as the attack isn't followed up it's ignored by everyone and the accidental attacker usually apologizes. 
    On the other hand. I don't pvp, not because I can't (though I'm not very good at it) but because I don't enjoy it. I don't want to attack other players, and I don't want to be attacked by them. I don't enjoy conflict. 
    When in a guild I expect to get hit with a random guild mate  arrow or bitten by pet..
  • Really? Quit the shard because of an accidental attack? Heck anyone who's ever been in a guild on a main shard has met with that accident. As long as the attack isn't followed up it's ignored by everyone and the accidental attacker usually apologizes. 
    On the other hand. I don't pvp, not because I can't (though I'm not very good at it) but because I don't enjoy it. I don't want to attack other players, and I don't want to be attacked by them. I don't enjoy conflict. 
    I remember accidentally killing two of mine, I was casting and not paying close enough attention to targets lol. we laughed it off and kept hunting. Then there were the early morning hunts on Siege . . .  Good times

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • KalseyKalsey Posts: 100
    Serious question.  Why do players that enjoy PVP not play on Siege?

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Kalsey said:
    Serious question.  Why do players that enjoy PVP not play on Siege?

    They will say the skill gain sucks and offer others excuses but they are care bears at heart themselves that want insurance and unskilled victims 
  • RAVERRAVER Posts: 8
    Petra_Fyde は言いました:
    本当ですか? 偶発的な攻撃が原因でシャードを辞めるのですか? メイン シャードのギルドに所属したことのある人なら誰でも、その偶発的な攻撃に遭遇したことがあるはずです。攻撃がフォローアップされない限り、誰もがそれを無視し、偶発的な攻撃者は通常は謝罪します。 
    一方、私は PvP をしません。できないからではなく (あまり上手ではありませんが)、楽しくないからです。他のプレイヤーを攻撃したくないし、攻撃されたくもありません。争いは好きではありません。 
    My friend didn't speak English, so he had a hard time apologizing after accidentally attacking someone. Also, it seemed like neither the assailant nor the victim were used to PvP.

    I think many Japanese people have a negative reaction to PvP. It's a national trait to turn a wallet you find directly into the police, or to line up and follow the rules even in a disaster like a major earthquake, so many people have a hard time with the concept of PvP.

    But that doesn't mean I'm denying the existence of PvP itself. I understand that there are people who accept it as a game and enjoy it, so I think it's difficult to come up with PvP rules that will satisfy many players.

    Thanks for replying.
  • I talked about pvp not because i am a pvper and wanted badly to pvp. I talked about it because the system implanted for pvp is a bad system. For its more about the freedom. i wanted badly to follow a crafters path, to be a miner and a blacksmith. To put a small shop and sell my weapons and armors. When i mentioned pvp, it was in the matter of the freedom where i have to take care when i am mining for valuable resources that a pk can come and kill me and get all my loot.

    The main point about pvp and thievery for me is that they belong to an ecosystem. The system where you are in a massive world can do whatever you want. I agree that i would be pissed if i get ganked 10 times in 10 minutes, or ress killed and such other pvp atrocities. But what i am asking is a system where we can have the freedom of people running around the world hunting miners to get the colored ores, or an anti red/pk guild that hunt those pks. I also wanted to try to be a pk, since it doesnt matter on production shards anymore as no ones go out mining for colored ores or boards. I want the freedom to be a thief and make my life stealing from people. There is a lot of people that dont like what i am saying or asking, but taking away the choice from us that was always in this game is not the right thing. Its not what they promissed when they launched the promo trailer for NL. They didnt said they were launching a pokemon simulator, where you create a tammer, get the nice pets and its done.

    Improve the systems, give the freedom to us to play what we want, dont remove those things from the world. Do what you couldnt do with the production shards. Fix the useless skills, make tracking work and give some kind of damage bonus to the kind of thing you are tracking. Make taste identification a complementary skill to poisoning, and improve it, so people can actually play a fucking assassin, or even pvp/pvm with poisoning. 

    The actual state of NL is not a success. Barely 100 active players play it daily, it doesnt reach a thousand unique players for sure. Never a company will launch a new product to please 100 to a 1k players. They want success, they want hundreds of thousands players, millions...So yes, you have to spend money, resources and time to make a good product to bring players to use it. Make 2 Nl servers one total felluca ruleset and other with context option for pvp on and off.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    I talked about pvp not because i am a pvper and wanted badly to pvp. I talked about it because the system implanted for pvp is a bad system. For its more about the freedom. i wanted badly to follow a crafters path, to be a miner and a blacksmith. To put a small shop and sell my weapons and armors. When i mentioned pvp, it was in the matter of the freedom where i have to take care when i am mining for valuable resources that a pk can come and kill me and get all my loot.

    The main point about pvp and thievery for me is that they belong to an ecosystem. The system where you are in a massive world can do whatever you want. I agree that i would be pissed if i get ganked 10 times in 10 minutes, or ress killed and such other pvp atrocities. But what i am asking is a system where we can have the freedom of people running around the world hunting miners to get the colored ores, or an anti red/pk guild that hunt those pks. I also wanted to try to be a pk, since it doesnt matter on production shards anymore as no ones go out mining for colored ores or boards. I want the freedom to be a thief and make my life stealing from people. There is a lot of people that dont like what i am saying or asking, but taking away the choice from us that was always in this game is not the right thing. Its not what they promissed when they launched the promo trailer for NL. They didnt said they were launching a pokemon simulator, where you create a tammer, get the nice pets and its done.

    Improve the systems, give the freedom to us to play what we want, dont remove those things from the world. Do what you couldnt do with the production shards. Fix the useless skills, make tracking work and give some kind of damage bonus to the kind of thing you are tracking. Make taste identification a complementary skill to poisoning, and improve it, so people can actually play a fucking assassin, or even pvp/pvm with poisoning. 

    The actual state of NL is not a success. Barely 100 active players play it daily, it doesnt reach a thousand unique players for sure. Never a company will launch a new product to please 100 to a 1k players. They want success, they want hundreds of thousands players, millions...So yes, you have to spend money, resources and time to make a good product to bring players to use it. Make 2 Nl servers one total felluca ruleset and other with context option for pvp on and off.
    They thought the good guys would outnumber and beat the bad guys but were wrong everyone wants to be evil when there are no  consequences 
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