Stuck on quest

Okay so I've been doing the quests without any guidance or help from anyone. There have definitely been some difficult spots but overall I've found my way right up to the quest that takes you to ethereal moonglow with the orcs and initiates. I was running around looking for what's next when I found a big black portal in the center. Okay, I figured that must be it. I teleport in the maze and go through the portal and I'm taken out of ethereal moonglow. Just then my game crashed. So it turns out, I can't get back there to finish the quest because I can't remember the phrase, I can't check my journal in game because it crashed and i had to reload. There's no tutorials or walkthrough's anywhere...


  • CrotalusCrotalus Posts: 2
    Okay so someone gave me the words to go through the portal, rel tym fallax, but it didn't work. So I'm stuck and can't progress further in the quest. Someone help me please...

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    try going further back in the quest and repeating steps.
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