Christmas Early, thank you Devs! HUGE
Seems like there was a MAJOR unannounced update pushed live to servers overnight. Discords are already fired up, people complaining, coping and seething. It's hilarious, people outing themselves all over the place. Funny, it was never about the resizable window or 60+fps LMAO, called it.
I checked an invasion town and holy cow the density is fantastic and no perceived lag. If this unannounced fix sticks we don't even need the Solen Hive.
If ya know ya know, and if you don't, you won't be affected but just be excited and know this update is HUGE. Be prepared for great times. Unless you are affected then here's my message to you: I have no sympathy and you can f**k off to a different game; you are unwanted.
See, I give credit where credit's due. @Kyronix or whoever had a hand in this, bravo.
I checked an invasion town and holy cow the density is fantastic and no perceived lag. If this unannounced fix sticks we don't even need the Solen Hive.
If ya know ya know, and if you don't, you won't be affected but just be excited and know this update is HUGE. Be prepared for great times. Unless you are affected then here's my message to you: I have no sympathy and you can f**k off to a different game; you are unwanted.
See, I give credit where credit's due. @Kyronix or whoever had a hand in this, bravo.
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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Any bots on Legends? Atlantic? Go check. It's almost as if they've completely vanished over night and 99% of the problems with the ToTs on Atlantic have been solved. Note, it's only NA shards, European and Asian probably get this later today.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
At best it's gonna take couple hours to those illegal third party to update their stuff and back to normal.. I'll wait a couple days, to come back and see.
Cuz in my book.. what ever the dev does.. the hacker can undo real easy, real fast.. If the GM ain't banning them.. nothing going to change long term.. would be awesome if they go back into hidding.. u can't 100% eliminate it.. but at least limit it would be already great.. only ONE dude i fought was not frame skipping all over the place to protect his bots on Felucca.
Knowing the patch day no play comes from cheaters.. cuz they have to wait for their own update.. You know.. see you in a couple of days.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
It’s good to see them move address scripting / bottling players.
I logged in, went to a city to listen to where the town cryer was telling me to go
It was in Brit. Went to Brit, hardly anyone bank sitting. Walked over to the spawn with no lag, proceeded to kill tons of mobs with no lag. A decent amount of people there, but no lag, plenty of mobs for everyone.
Bravo. Well done. This is the first this event has actually been playable for me
Thanks guys!!!
How many players didn't wanted to use bots or use illegal client but were push toward it by BS inaction.. try to PvP in 2024.. u cannot stay on top of the ennemy cuz these scums teleporting all over the place/frame skipping.. how many legit players did not go to war cuz of mesanna july post and just decided to use the same tools to start enjoying certain aspect of the game.. like highsea or PvP!
They not all lazy cheaters botting all their PvE and frame skipping their PvP.. even if they still cheats.
Like just go in heartwood.. same 4 bots 16/7 since june on Legends.. reported em at least 20 times.. Meanwhile look how legit user can get those heartwood runic dovetail saw.. this is a shame!! (bots owner selling them 9m.. personally only in mats it cost me 12-15m per.)
Wich mean i'm better buying them from botters than actually doing the content myself while selling the mats, plus those high end BODS are totally useless...
For example.. one of those frame skipper protecting his bots during the event was legit riding a 25 yrs old vet reward dragon mount. (this was their best mage.. he could never finish me 1v1.. cuz he's a bad cheater plus he died to me 1v1 getting stuck into mobs and pretended he lost connections)
This guy need to go back in hidding.. scripting on high sea, in his house.. but if i bust his ass multiboxing ararat or frame skipping in PvP and report him.. he should 100% be temp ban (at first) by a GM...
Like those videos I posted recently.. guildmates couldn't bot peacefully with me around so, instead of botting 3-4 account each while guarding the zone on their red.. they just decided to do an unattended train using CC auto follow heresy. (collecting reward only from necro boss while helping the attended train conductor PvPing vs AoE skills/spells/weapons.)
Without GMs taking action.. everything else is just temporary fireworks.
We still need to talk with mesanna. Cuz to me it's only PR.. temporary non solution. waiting for them to updates their cheat engine.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I totally ignore the trammel city.. cuz it's WAY WORSE.. I pick my battle.. I wouldn't let them get more artifacts botting on Fel.. I was like if u wanna bot the event.. go on trammel!! (hypocritical but yeah.. pick your battle)
I can't even imagine how i'd felt on ATL... pretty sure my screen would already been broken.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I will add that as a result, this definitely creates a real us vs them feeling. And, what incentive does a person have to pay for 19 accounts if they can now only control one at a time?
I am over the moon about being able to play, and feel like I'm finally playing in a fair environment. But the long term ramifications and implications this has will shake out eventually. Allowing this problem to fester for decades only makes it worse, and makes the actions taken today that much more difficult
Make it a clear announcement; no more multibox, frame skipping, 16/7 grind like in the heartwood, etc.. If u do SUS stuff, make it so it's in your house/boat / to not be seen;reported.
Just acting on unattended like i've seen; someone on LS was botting sand in a dungeon while sleeping.. the GM just kick him out of the shard telling him; we do not do that here (he shared a screenshot on discord)... and yet not ALL of them.. like i prove recently; abusing the follow mechanic with unattended followers to help PvP while collecting free necro boss artifact.
Now we could say US vs THEM.. cuz right now.. let's be honest.. we are dumb (vs wise/stronger) for not using them.. like WTF am I doing, I got that alt accounts.. I could use it for more than storage and BODS.. in fact i should sub 2-3 more and "play"
With no GM intervention or ban waves.. I should be doing like them.. botting couple alts and frame skipping my PvP.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
They're already working on a fix. The rumor is spreading around those Discord channels—do you honestly think you can stop it? Three developers against an entire community? Seriously?
I agree, the bot is crazy; they definitely pushed the limits, if you can say that. But to ignore the fact that in 2024 the "O" is a not a better client than what we have now—or the laggy, bug-filled web version—I don't know what world you're living in. I am all for they make a special version of the "O" without the script part
seems now it’s who has the best script wins from what I understand
ahhh make sense when u read his second post. Do not let the door hit you on your way out.. you're welcome to come back PvP without the little automated wheels on and frame skipping off.. nab!
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
The only fix is to permanently ban accounts caught cheating if they keep losing accounts they will either stop and play normally cause they like UO or they will go to the next game they can bot in either way problem solved.
Devs can not spend all thier time trying to find ways to stop them and a few days later have to do it again and again and again. Take all their time and everyone will lose.
Perma ban not always the best solution.. specially in this case.. Unlike FPS and RTS we have a chance for a cleaner game.. your dooms talk about AI.. u forgot to mention it's a blade that can cut both side.. dev studio could also train their own AI (like NCSoft or activision been doing) to detect them cheaters.
PS: fun fact NCSoft AI is soo good at detecting.. they morph it into an aviation system to detect other plane trajectory and all then sold it to their own governement.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Perma ban sends a strong message that they won't tolerate it any longer it's not a long term fix but it will get quick results and that to me is the lesser of 2 evils right now.
I play on shard where really only have a few (luckily) but we started seeing it more and more recently as people begin to leave the pop shards in search of smaller shards that have no competition it's spilling over and that concerns me greatly.
BS = EA.. right EA ain't microsoft/activision but compare to NCSoft.. they pretty much playing in the same league.
PS: for perma ban.. I think it's dumb specially after decade of non enforcing.. u want perma ban.. cuz your a cheater and you hope it create a mass exodus.. punish cheater.. they addicted.. they gonna stick around and the game gonna get better and more fun.. so more players gonna come back.. IF those cheater are kept in check.. make the game worth playing.. instead of just botting it... people gonna stick around.. not only old cheaters killing the game for others.
Realised also CC ain't adapted to 2024.. and EC.. well this is a better KR.. but yeah.. and I skip on the discord client.. not worth talking imo.
I've seen a couple dude multiboxing and clearly botting.. like a dude taming CU sidh.. he had a bard on the auto heals a sampire on the auto fight while he was playing the tamer.. the dude was legit sharing the spot with me (if i'm there he won't come take the zone.. cuz he could off.. easy!)
Realising the state of the CC client on an older game.. pretty sure this dude is 60+ yes he's cheating but meanwhile he's helping noob (at one point he was helping me trying to get what i needed)
The problems is that dude hunting oni with 10 multibox account on top of each others.. clearly not attended.. if he was he was clearly botting returning on the exact same pixel after every kills for hourss.. the frame skipper in PvP and the legions of bot during the events..
For YEARS there was a navigation line well known to train your characters (afk with a loop) those person ain't the problem imo.. they never were.
Without cheater.. no one would sell simple thing like potions
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio