Regular name items name rare on vendors
There is a wave and I do mean a wave a vendors having stuff like tayman 3 and it be like a throw in three and they have it in the description. Or like you know some super rare armor and they'll dye it and just it be regular armor and they'll put in the description rare you know the rare armor name. How is this not scamming how is this not against the rules it's out of control give you example of the new items are dropping the shatter goods you put shattered in there and there's a whole list of fake shatter stuff that just say shattered in it and the title I mean it is getting out of hand. I mean we don't ask for much in this game but people like that they need to have their account blocked and then put in jail when they log in and like hey you need to remove these from your vendor or else you'll get like a 48 hour ban or permanent ban. It is scamming it is illegal and new players will fall for it and it is not right especially a new player who comes in grinds get the gold and go there by the item go like oh look this one's 15 million gold less than the other person and it's a fake item and they don't know it that really turns them off and they'll quit the game. I'm just trying to help you guys out here to keep the population high and if you have to ban some scammers to do it the band some scammers. And I don't want to hear anybody's other talking on here unless it's about these people I can go and find a dozen plus houses with everything from power scrolls to masteries to rare items fake name on the vendor. And it's out of control so you need to put a notice out and say hey you have 30 days to removing from your vendors or they'll be consequences or something. Because this is getting way way out of hand. And people have done it before that I know and we're not even veterans late at night like oh wow this this will 120 fish and squirrel for only 75 mil and recall him click buy it and they go to click on his 12 0 throwing or something. And I know people are going to say oh they should read it better blah blah blah no the problem is scammer shouldn't have it on their vendors to begin with so you need to put out a notice and give people a chance to take them down. I mean it's very bad seeing a game where you guys aren't taking care of something small like this and it's getting way out of hand. So please this is what all regular you will players want is this to the addressed. Please give us some kind of feedback some kind of message thank you.
Have an option in the vendor search menu to "include description" or "not include description" in your search parameters, like you can do auction only or non auction search. "Not include description" option would ignore the player entered description field and ignore inscriptions from inscribe tools. If the devs were feeling spicy is could also filter out all renamable items, ie books runes runebooks etc.
Vendor search doesn't work, they've given us the worst tot ever, there are so many long standing bugs/issues with the game that have been ignored for decades, we rarely get QOL updates, so yeah, I know I'm dreaming. Look, we got ONE update to address the ToT issues and now we're all sitting here saying it wasn't enough and silence.The fact is they will ignore this issue (it's really not even a big one so I wouldn't blame them) and we'll get nothing as usual.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Maybe we could consider cash shop Premium vendor items for Vendor Search.. i'm thinking a cash shop items aim at player vendor, confident in their vendors (he's making good money from it)
It would be a way for those players to promote their vendor on the VS.. example u do a research with too many result.. maybe we could have the option to click on "merchant guild" and only search within the items of those "affiliates" that paid a "merchant guild" fees.
I was thinking a one time thing or maybe a battle pass system that could offer something Special.. like those commission vendor only accessible for the merchant guild and u have to OPT IN the VS for "merchant guild"
And like any other "guild" if someone exploit the system; example use commission vendors and OPT IN only to store items.. to other guild member could report him to the EM and the EM could revoke his merchant guild VS privilege (paid promotion)
So like that this dude would still get access to the commission to store items but won't happear on the special merchant guild VS tab.
I had the google method in mind; the top "promoted" research link system;
Accessible via a cash shop item. Something along those lines.. this is just a sample idea.. pretty sure other user could complete and/or change it to make it even better.. i'm still rusty and on Legends we don't have such problem. (only one dude as far as I know; he's selling a lot of bags with shogun artifact and like a genius he did not opt out; he seem to be storing them for some reasons)
But yeah the idea overall would be to sell a cash shop items to join the "merchant guild" to promote your vendor in place like ATL.. If i was on ATL i could see myself dropping a 20 bucks to promote my vendors and join the merchant guild (maybe some other perk; like a battle pass system would do; like lowering the commission?)
PS: clearly not the best solution but i could see this working short term, plus giving money to BS to work on this.. it would clearly reduce the pool of items.. at first.. but if everyone join the guild.. back to case 1 on ATL.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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