Hidden Chests

ChurchChurch Posts: 47
edited December 2024 in General Discussions
I'm reaching out because i have a stealther with 100 lock picking, 100 detect hidden, 100 remove trap and I die almost every single time i try to remove trap on one of these chests. Why are they lethal poisoned, why does remove trap fail almost every single time? Yeah I can use telekinesis but then what is the point of remove trap at gm skill? Is there some technique i'm missing?


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Church said:
    I'm reaching out because i have a stealther with 100 lock picking, 100 detect hidden, 100 remove trap and I die almost every single time i try to remove trap on one of these chests. Why are they lethal poisoned, why does remove trap fail almost every single time? Yeah I can use telekinesis but then what is the point of remove trap at gm skill? Is there some technique i'm missing?
    You are not really missing anything. I've actually given up on remove trap, and back off to use a circle 3 magic spell...

    I do not think they have the balance set well for traps, being lethal poisoned, and remove trap skill for this event.

    I think the Devs are aware, but it depends on how easy it is for them to fix, or if it is a learning point going forwards.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Yeah, it's messed up but maybe not a priority to fix? I do wish we could have some definitive info on a few things.

    1. Does luck matter? I don't think it helps much but I'm not sure what's luck and what's RNG. Would it really be so terrible to give us an answer on this?

    2. Does blowing the traps rather than successfully removing them cause any items to disappear from chests?

    3. I understand wanting some items to be more rare than others. And I understand the RNG hates me. But 85 hours of finding chests, and doing a pretty good job at finding a goodly number of them, and still not a single stealable piece of deco? 

    That's too rare on these drops imo. I'd like to participate in some of the other activities too. Not just play the whole winter season being disappointed I can't find the elusive statues. It feels like playing slots in Vegas...It's gotta be the next one! It's gotta be the next one!
  • ChurchChurch Posts: 47
    I don't mind the explosion or the dart but Lethal poison that you cannot cure on every single chest is above and beyond stupid when you have gm remove trap. What are the odds of success with gm remove trap? what is the point of having it if it fails99% of the time.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I hear ya
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,667
    LilyGrace said:
    Yeah, it's messed up but maybe not a priority to fix? I do wish we could have some definitive info on a few things.

    1. Does luck matter? I don't think it helps much but I'm not sure what's luck and what's RNG. Would it really be so terrible to give us an answer on this?

    2. Does blowing the traps rather than successfully removing them cause any items to disappear from chests?

    3. I understand wanting some items to be more rare than others. And I understand the RNG hates me. But 85 hours of finding chests, and doing a pretty good job at finding a goodly number of them, and still not a single stealable piece of deco? 

    That's too rare on these drops imo. I'd like to participate in some of the other activities too. Not just play the whole winter season being disappointed I can't find the elusive statues. It feels like playing slots in Vegas...It's gotta be the next one! It's gotta be the next one!
    You will get no answers and be happy about it now go fight the invasion with your bard
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I'm trying to think if there's any other collection of skills on a template that depends so much on arguable anecdotal evidence to find a way to succeed as rogues hunting for chests in this event. 

    *Luck matters / Luck doesn't matter
    *If luck does matter does a Potion of Fortune also help?
    *Being in a town under invasion matters when looking for good drops in chests / Being in a town that the invasion has ended offers the same rate of success.
    *Failing at removing the trap results in losing items in the chest / Failing has no effect on loot in chest.
    *You should look for chests here. / Nope you're more apt to find chests there.

    If you're a fighter or a caster that's it! You know you're formula for success is to kill the bad guy. In an event like this you know luck matters when it comes to getting drops. You know Potions of Fortune will increase your rate of success. You know where to go to find the bad guys and there's no trick to it.

    I appreciate content was put in for rogues for this event. I've had a good bit of fun mixed with a good bit of frustration.

    It's been a busy few days at the homestead so I've not been grinding away at finding chests. But I did manage to put in about six hours yesterday. One of the hours after hitting the statue so, 3500 luck. Not one single deco drop, let alone one of the prizes you need to steal. Not one.

    Adding to the frustration are the towns that don't have a spawn worth going after. Trinsic and Yew are still the worst. The last time I canvassed Trinsic, was it yesterday? I forget. Anyway, I found two chests. That's a big town to only find two chests in and it's very time consuming. Oh, and the chests I found? One was stuck in a wall and couldn't be reached. The other was stuck in the water and couldn't be reached.

    Today I jumped right into it. But today I can't stealth around without being detected. Like waaaay more than before. I'm doing more running and trying to hide than looking for chests. Nope, not today, Satan. It's too frustrating.

  • ChurchChurch Posts: 47
    I have only found 2 totems since the event began. i put in 8-14 hours a day. yes, Yew and Trinsic are the worst for spawning chests. death rate/vs the gold recovery from the chest is awful. if you get a couple hunters looking for chests in a town, you really suffer finding chests as well.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Well, congrats! That's two more than I've found!

    Yeah, that's a point I'd thought of but then forgot to mention. I'd thought or hoped that more people looking would spur on more spawning of chests. That's not been my experience. More competition means less chests for individuals, near as I'm able to tell.

    Again, something a fighter doesn't worry about. More fighters running around = more mobs. As it should.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    edited December 2024
    Remove trap is for treasure chests found with treasure maps, and if you kill the spawn really fast, it fails at least several times before it succeeds.  Don’t think when treasure hunting procedures where changed to include remove trap that anyone on the UO staff thought about how the new rules would impact  other chests in the game,  Players have complained at least a few times about remove trap failing on hidden chests before this event began.  Like you, I use telekinesis to open these chests.  Believe event chests still conform to the old rules requiring telekinesis.  Don’t usually get killed when I forget to remove the trap though.  Maybe, you should consider if you need to do something with your player that will prevent your being killed.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    If memory serves I don’t recall poison from treasure chest traps being impossible to cure. Which is true of these town chests. Spells, potions and petals do nothing. 

    Before changing up my suit for higher luck I wasn’t dying to poison. You work with what ya have for gear so it is what it is. It’s not a bad suit and it’s not a L33t suit. With my gear I’ll hover at around 1/3 life, ebbing and flowing, for a dog’s age.  

    With a failure rate at over 95% on the traps, not being able to cure, and poison lasting a ridiculous length of time, not dying to the poison is little consolation. 

    All you can do is hide over and over and over again until it wears off. It’s a good thing they put plenty of invis potions in the chests. In my opinion It’s an absurd and frustrating amount of time having to hold still, staying out of harm’s way, before you can continue play. 

    Throw in the amount of time searching, with half the towns not spawning well. The long stretches of finding no deco drops at all. Four to six hours with no drops is poor fare. And still 0 of the stealable drops spawning for me, pushing 90 hours of cracking chests? Yeah, I’m pretty frustrated overall. 

    I’m hopeful things will be fixed. And I'm hoping we’ll see these chests implemented again. Because it’s more fun than not fun. I need a break I guess. Because, have I told you? I’m pretty frustrated!  :D
  • qweryqwery Posts: 37
    Choose between telekinesis or burning your hands. I've noticed this issue of being afflicted with an uncurable fatal poison specifically occurs when using the remove trap skill.

    Why is this happening? Likely no one knows, as this problem has persisted since the Khaldun chest era.

    For those desperate to disarm traps, boost your HPR with a suit and Ninjitsu's dog & cat transformation. You'll stay green, but at least you won't die.

    And here's the silver lining! You get an extra 100 skill points instead of remove trap!

    P.S. I haven't found a single totem yet either...
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,667
    qwery said:
    Choose between telekinesis or burning your hands. I've noticed this issue of being afflicted with an uncurable fatal poison specifically occurs when using the remove trap skill.

    Why is this happening? Likely no one knows, as this problem has persisted since the Khaldun chest era.

    For those desperate to disarm traps, boost your HPR with a suit and Ninjitsu's dog & cat transformation. You'll stay green, but at least you won't die.

    And here's the silver lining! You get an extra 100 skill points instead of remove trap!

    P.S. I haven't found a single totem yet either...
    Is the trap going off destroying treasure?  Is the issue remove trap should of course work correctly but telekinesis is fine unless it's destroying rare totems.. heaven forbid the developers address an issue...
  • qweryqwery Posts: 37
    Grimbeard said:
    qwery said:
    Choose between telekinesis or burning your hands. I've noticed this issue of being afflicted with an uncurable fatal poison specifically occurs when using the remove trap skill.

    Why is this happening? Likely no one knows, as this problem has persisted since the Khaldun chest era.

    For those desperate to disarm traps, boost your HPR with a suit and Ninjitsu's dog & cat transformation. You'll stay green, but at least you won't die.

    And here's the silver lining! You get an extra 100 skill points instead of remove trap!

    P.S. I haven't found a single totem yet either...
    Is the trap going off destroying treasure?  Is the issue remove trap should of course work correctly but telekinesis is fine unless it's destroying rare totems.. heaven forbid the developers address an issue...

    I absolutely hate those weird poisons and have been kicking these chests around repeatedly. However, I do have some relics from the Khaldun era.

    It's been years since that event, and I found these relics after an exhaustingly long time, so honestly, I don't remember the details very clearly.

    I'm still not really sure if the contents are truly being destroyed. Are these current chests using the same system? I can't tell. Maybe Kyronix could shed some light on this?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    edited December 2024
    Use a crystal ball of knowledge and the detect hidden skill on an unlocked chest to know if you can untrap it without getting poisoned.  All of the hidden chests I tried so far have been "Easy" to "Challenging".  Here is what UOGuide says are your chances of success

    Most of the hidden chests in Khaldun are rated as "Too Easy" for my dungeon crawler with GM Remove Trap.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    edited December 2024
    Tim are you saying you're finding and untrapping these hidden chests and not failing and getting poisoned, like almost 100% of the time? Because I think you're the cheese standing alone on that one.

    Here's another item that's broken with these chests. Trying to see if I can lessen the chances of losing a piece in a chest I've been using telekinesis on the poison trap and trying to use RT on the dart trap. You can't. You always get a message saying the chest isn't trapped. But it is, it's still got the dart trap loaded on it. 

    I've tried using detect on the chest to see if it makes the dart trap show up. It doesn't. So, if items disappear on failing to remove traps, which I believe does happen, there are two fails on every chest. :-/

    I've been paying more attention to Detect Hidden as well. Perhaps it is broken? I've noticed you can be standing just about on top of the spot where the chest is hidden and click by your feet and not have the chest pop.
    When I used DH on the spot with the yellow X the chest didn't pop. When I used DH on the spot with the blue X it did pop. Hmm...seems like if you're standing that close using DH on any tile around your feet should make the chests pop, no? It's not working that way.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    LilyGrace said:
    I've been paying more attention to Detect Hidden as well. Perhaps it is broken? I've noticed you can be standing just about on top of the spot where the chest is hidden and click by your feet and not have the chest pop.
    When I used DH on the spot with the yellow X the chest didn't pop. When I used DH on the spot with the blue X it did pop. Hmm...seems like if you're standing that close using DH on any tile around your feet should make the chests pop, no? It's not working that way.

    I haven't used my thief very much since ATL is very hard to get much given all the other rogues moving around in the towns... but when I have used him I noticed the same thing with DH. That said, I felt like it was similar in Khuldan when I would go there so while it might be broken, I do think it is consistent to what we have seen in the past.

    My take on this is that when you detect on the yellow X; it was essentially a skill "failure" (ie you failed to hide or something) but the message you receive is the same for a failure as it is if something isn't there. For this skill I kind of get it because it would kind of defeat the purpose things if it said "You know something is here but you failed to reveal it" lol. It's a little tricky for sure when it comes to detect hidden.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    That's a good explanation, Kev. Thanks!
  • Probably related to the way the map is divided into 8*8 tiles squares. On a side note, I did 20 chests with a bit under 4000 luck and didnt get anything special. I doubt luck affects anything.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited December 2024
    Grimbeard said:
    qwery said:
    Choose between telekinesis or burning your hands. I've noticed this issue of being afflicted with an uncurable fatal poison specifically occurs when using the remove trap skill.

    Why is this happening? Likely no one knows, as this problem has persisted since the Khaldun chest era.

    For those desperate to disarm traps, boost your HPR with a suit and Ninjitsu's dog & cat transformation. You'll stay green, but at least you won't die.

    And here's the silver lining! You get an extra 100 skill points instead of remove trap!

    P.S. I haven't found a single totem yet either...
    Is the trap going off destroying treasure?  Is the issue remove trap should of course work correctly but telekinesis is fine unless it's destroying rare totems.. heaven forbid the developers address an issue...

    Only the Developers can tell whether the blowing of the trap off destroys or not any of the items inside, be them rare or regular... we have no way to know how many items are inside the chest before the trap goes off and after it goes off...

    @Kyronix , please, could you kindly let us know whether blowing the trap destroys item(s) inside the hidden chests and whether also the rare items risk getting destroyed or not ?
    Thank you.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    I have gotten poisoned 100% of the time on any chest that is harder than "Easy" and around 50% of the time on "Easy" chests. So I end up using TK on all chests.
    To be clear the order of actions taken are.
    1) Use Detect Hidden on the ground to reveal the chest
    2) Pick the lock
    3) Use Detect Hidden on the chest
    4) If the crystal ball of knowledge says "Easy" or harder then step away 5 squares and use TK on the chest 2 or 3 times depending on whether there was an explosion after the first TK.

    Once the first trap has been activated by TK the chest is in a state where the detect hidden skill can not determine if there are any more traps. Think of it as the poison has coated the spring trap and made it impossible to see.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Okie doke, thanks, Tim.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    No items are destroyed inside the chest.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Thank you! 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Thank you @Kyronix
  • qweryqwery Posts: 37
    Wow! Now I can kick these chests around without a worry. Thanks, Kyronix!
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Probably related to the way the map is divided into 8*8 tiles squares. On a side note, I did 20 chests with a bit under 4000 luck and didnt get anything special. I doubt luck affects anything.

    Missed this post. Thanks for the reply Macro.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Kyronix said:
    No items are destroyed inside the chest.

    Thank you for the clarification, much appreciated !!
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Kyronix said:
    No items are destroyed inside the chest.
    Thank you - I use the spell to disarm trap and was wondering that as well!
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