Please Enable Minoc as invasion town
Has Minoc been taken out of the list as invasion town?
According to statistics minoc has not been invasion town since 21st on Europa shard.
Also it might be a good idea to remove Vesper and Nujelm as invasion towns, the spawn always get stuck in walls, on islands, on rooftops. Trinsic also gets stuck, however the frequent and intensive spawn make up for it.
The lag as reported on Atlantc has not been seen on Europa shard, not day one, not now, its running fine in all towns. It might be a Atlantic problem only.
Second question, if you want to touch the sampire bots running around avoiding paragons, adding stronger paragons might not be the solution. The paragons are dragged and often hit normal players, quite often 2-3 paragons at same time as the bots run allover the place and drag them around. This is almost scripted luring and not nice.

Vesper is great. You can farm the museum almost the whole time.
Nujelm, go to the graveyard and if the skeles poof, they are part of the invasion. Ours do, and can make named skele paragons.
I can't think of a reason it is excluded now.