Magery on Warrior

This is my situation: start like a warrior, six skills to the top 100 each,learn Magery, Meditation and Res. Spells. Now my skills are: Magery 53, Med 70, Res. Spells 10, adding the warriors skills the total is 720.
I'm doing the quests related to my home (Trinsic) but I can't use the points earned. Why?
Need to reach a specific level in Magery to have the possibility to use them? Txz


  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    A precision: I can't use the points for the new skills, magery, meditation and res. spells. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    As far as I can tell stats are fixed, a warrior has 10 int, that's not enough to cast most spells.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    You are saying that my choise to add magery skills on my warrior it's wrong?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Nimrud said:
    You are saying that my choise to add magery skills on my warrior it's wrong?
    You are either going to have 10 mana or 10 stamina.  There is no way to make both.  The game should not have let you choose to add magery to a warrior template.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    You are saying that the ten points in Intelligence can NEVER be changed?
  • GarretGarret Posts: 207
    edited November 2024
      Town job board quest is only for narrative skills and only when you are on narrative chain.
      After you complete narrative story every other advanced skill you will ahve to skill up manually,
      You can change stats on classes in NL so warrior will be alway lock with 125str/90dex/10int. But that not mean that u can't use magery, we have enough items with bonus mana to reach some sort of resonable mana breakpoints, with all jewelrys and artifacts you can reach something around + 70 mana.
    To gain magery quicker on warrior i recomend to:

    - find spellbook with atleast 1-5th circles of magery spells
    - find as much as possible artifacts and items with mana
    - raise focus/meditation/eval to regenerate mana faster and hit with your spells harder

      After you complete magery you can remove focus/meditation/eval from ur character but prob u will have to sacrafice some warriors skills for it and then u will have to raise them MANUALLY again aswell.
      Best way to gain magery:
    - precast magic arrow/fireball hit with spell any low life creatures like birds/goats/moongbats if they not die from spell end them with with ur weapon.
    - use any cemetery to gather a lot of undeads from one side of fence and burn them down with fire field spell
    - participate in every orc champion and try to cast fire field/poison field as much as you can

    in any way you need atleast 20 bonus mana from items and every skill to regenerat mana or your way to raise magery will take very long.

    - we don't have spell channeling weapons (weapons that is not drop when u cast spells) so to mix warrior + mage combination you have extra bind to reequip weapon.
    - you have to carry reagents all the time
    - if you will decide to have meditation you will need to equip medable armor and that mean you will loose your 100% stamina protection from plate armor.
    - of you will use spell channeling offhands for extra mana they will work like shield but you will lose some defence chance from it.
    - you require highend artifacts to reach reasonable mana brakepoints
    - you still need mana for special moves so it will be hard to maintain spells and special moves with low mana pool and regeneration.

    P.S. mage warrior build is totaly possible but as i understand on this point of the game it is more PvP template which have very specific niche also possible for PvM but any other choices will beat magery in terms of dps and benifits for your warrior build,

  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    Very good Garret, understood!! Now can you tell me how to revert  from my choise? My idea is to modify the skills to make a PG warrior/tamer, It's again possible? If yes, can you help me pls? Thx 
  • GarretGarret Posts: 207
    edited November 2024
      Only account with paid subscribtion able to learn sub class skills like taming/lore/veterenary/poisoning/hiding/detect hidden/discord/provo/peace.
      If you complete narrative warrior quest line then you can start tamer subclass narrative quest line, to start this quest line you have to speak with NPC in Scara Brae or Moonglow in stables.
      It will preset your character skill to subclass line and remove other skills, you will see final preset in quest menu. After you complete narrative quest line all sub class skills will be 100%.
       If you follow divergent path then it is better just learn taming/lore/veterinary from advanced trainer but it will cost you 10k per skill and you will have to skill up them manually.
       Sub class narative for divergent only unlock this skills to you, so you will have to skill them up anyway.
       In NL you gain taming and lore just by fighting and killing mosters with your pets,
       Best starter pets is forest ostards you can tame them in delucia. later you can switch to frenzied ostards, polar bears or thunderhoof and after you complete drake knowledge quest you will be able to tame drakes, but i think before you can get lure pets it is better to stick with thunderhoofs or hellhounds for dps.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Regular UO would of course easily allow this..
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    Grimbeard said:
    Regular UO would of course easily allow this..
    This means that I don't have to pay an extra to my dated account (2003). Thank goodness :)
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
    Sorry guys, but my original question was: can i use, the points earned with the town missions (Trinsic in my case) to maintain loyalty, for the new skills? For example: animal taming, lore?
    This is because when I go to the trainer, the only ever appear are the originally skills of my warrior. No trace of other possibilities. Thx.
  • NimrudNimrud Posts: 109
     Is this the answer to my question ?
     "NL you gain taming and lore just by fighting and killing mosters with your pets,"
    as Garret said? 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    If you take the taming narrative from the NPC near the stable, and follow the narrative quests, you will gain skill to GM from the narrative.
    If you take the skills from the advanced skill trainer you will gain from 50 to GM by fighting with pets.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Mariah said:
    If you take the taming narrative from the NPC near the stable, and follow the narrative quests, you will gain skill to GM from the narrative.
    If you take the skills from the advanced skill trainer you will gain from 50 to GM by fighting with pets.

    Can a player that starts non narrative get the quest to get Drakes from the Zoo?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Yes. I did the 'advanced training' version in Beta. The only quests I missed out on were Grobu, and, because I didn't take them at the same time, I did drakes but then couldn't get 'dragonkind', take both and complete at the same time.  In the final version I took all the quests around the zoo at the same time.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    As long as he can get the drake quest, that's good.  A Player in game said he could not get the quests from the Zoo after going the advanced training.  

    You really need drakes to get a Dragon book and the others so you can advance to higher pets.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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