My Opinions after testing on TC1

The new item pool for the event looks great / perfect, thanks for bringing back the most saught after over priced and monopolied items, without this new and returning players cannot catch up and leave quickly!

secondly, ive done a couple of hours on test center and i see a couple of problems which you may need to address for people to enjoy (or they may already be addressed) - Generally this is quite a fun event, i always like invasions and enjoy especially nujelhm being included.

1. the spawn rate could do with being dynamic, its quite slow at the moment so with large numbers on high pop shards it may be difficult to get drops/items I was averaging 15 per town and 4 per necromancer, and i was the only player killing, so with 10+ players killing this may be an unsatisfying drop rate 

2. id suggest top loading the necromancer with up to 10 drops distributed on attackers and bump its hp, its offensive abilitys and resists make it a night battle (not too hard, not too easy) but its hp would be low on High Pop servers, on low Pop servers it doesnt want to be any more difficult so increasing its HP just makes the duration longer, but more chance of a a couple of drops, so this would be fine.

3. drop rates seem fine compared to the number of drops required for the items. 

4. i have only seen 3 towns being used, are more to be added? 

5. remove the guardzones in the active areas in Fel - this would make the PvP community satisfied 


  • Otherwise, great job, This event string has been great, I and a number of others were disapointed that the Fel locations for tamables are now not as fun we were getting seriously large fights in dungeons, which has been missed by so many, i was even getting older players returning after my posts of fights in our Long standing discord channels, unfortunately the totem protection has killed that off, though I understand why, i think you missed a trick here.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,844
    I’m still getting fights every day. :)
    How has totem protection changed anything? Just kill the players anyway?

    Thank you for feedback, I never have time for Test, and yes, all I care about, is there will be enough spawn to kill for drops. And my thief is interested also.

    I’m agreeing with your thinking. I am very excited about a couple of these drops for my mages. :)

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