Frustrated with New Nightmare Color Spawns

When I first heard about Shadows Awakening, it was THE MOST excited I have ever been for a Publish since UO was released. Nightmares are my favorite mount and being able to get them in some new colors sounded exciting.

I literally just closed one of my paid accounts because of how poorly thought out and deployed this publish was and how much it's made me dislike the game again.

I've burned through 12 Totems with ZERO colors. I've wasted DAYS trying to find them now.

I realize other players literally HAVE ALL THE LUCK. but that isn't true for everyone. So understand YOUR UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IS UNIQUE TO YOU and not all players have YOUR LUCK.

You know what isn't fun? paying real money for something in a game you ALREADY PAY a monthly fee for, then getting LITERALLY NOTHING out of it and wasting time.

Yea, everyone with "their" purple is happy and thinks it's fine but you clearly didn't waste hours and days of your life away from your family / kids for nothing. I just wanted 1 colored nightmare.

This is a game, it's supposed to be fun. This isn't fun. It just rewards the lucky few.

At least they admit how badly the deployment was.... What has happened so far?

The guilds with NUMBERS ADVANTAGE overwhelmed the fel spawns and DENY access, while at the same time, they sent other players to go slaughter all the spawn in tram keeping the FEW rares for themselves and then gaslighting the community "oh you can get them, they're spawning"..

Devs now implement a "hotfix" to admit:

1. They didn't create totems properly, allowing others to kill/grief the spawn. Now must be hotfixed.

2. They didn't put enough Nightmare spawns in the game. Now must be hotfixed.

3. The spawn rate is too low (which is why they are adding more spawn locations).


Rant over. This event made me hate uo more than any other before due to how much of my time has been wasted for nothing and the amount of frustration just trying to do a simple thing like tame a colored nightmare... I'm very disappointed as I was more excited for this publish than ANY other before it due to these nightmares but this isn't fun. It makes me hate it and brought out the worst behavior in many players to grief/troll.


  • VioletViolet Posts: 435
    edited November 2024
    Zylo said:

    I've burned through 12 Totems with ZERO colors. I've wasted DAYS trying to find them now.

    I realize other players literally HAVE ALL THE LUCK. but that isn't true for everyone. So understand YOUR UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IS UNIQUE TO YOU and not all players have YOUR LUCK.

    You know what isn't fun? paying real money for something in a game you ALREADY PAY a monthly fee for, then getting LITERALLY NOTHING out of it and wasting time.

    Nightmares are my favorite animal in game and have been since they were introduced.   I have 6 original nightmares on my main tamer that I've had since before bonding was a thing.  I have not yet tamed an enchanted origin nightmare and I have friends that have tamed multiples.

    To have absolutely zero colors on 12 totems would be exceptionally rare, but still mathematically possibly. I see it's disappointing to you to not get the nightmares you want in the time frame you feel is acceptable. If the totems are not giving you the results you want, might I suggest you saving up and buying some of the ones you want? There are even some people giving away 3 slots of some of the rare colors due to limited stable slots.  If you were expecting a Enchanted Origin green-purple in 12 totems, I don't think those are the average results of people farming them.

    Yea, everyone with "their" purple is happy and thinks it's fine but you clearly didn't waste hours and days of your life away from your family / kids for nothing. I just wanted 1 colored nightmare.

    You do realize many of these people who have farmed the enchanted origin green-purple nightmares have spent hours and days to get them, right?  I know first day of the spawn there were people out there 16 hours straight and for hours and days after that.

    We are responsible for prioritizing things in our life.  Broadsword and the Devs didn't make the choice to play Ultima Online instead of spending time with your family/kids.  These are life choices we as individuals are responsible for.  Play in moderation (this is one of the reasons I do not have an enchanted origin nightmare, I can go days or even weeks without logging in because no matter how much I love nightmares, I prioritize other things in my life)

    This is a game, it's supposed to be fun. This isn't fun. It just rewards the lucky few.

    That's sometimes how rare drops/spawns works.  It rewards the people who put in the most time or are the luckiest.  This isn't something unique to Ultima Online.

    At least they admit how badly the deployment was.... What has happened so far?

     The deployment wasn't bad.  Atlantic players were bad.  Put the blame where it belongs.  But also remember, the decision to play or continue to play Atlantic is your own.

    The guilds with NUMBERS ADVANTAGE overwhelmed the fel spawns and DENY access, while at the same time, they sent other players to go slaughter all the spawn in tram keeping the FEW rares for themselves and then gaslighting the community "oh you can get them, they're spawning"..

    Again, this is a recent Atlantic player issue. There are 2 dozens servers outside of Atlantic and many have welcoming communities. 

    Devs now implement a "hotfix" to admit:

    1. They didn't create totems properly, allowing others to kill/grief the spawn. Now must be hotfixed.
    First off, would you prefer the Devs not address bad player behavior and try to make it better? Would you prefer them not to hotfix things in the future?  To me that seems counterproductive.

    These totems are not a new thing and have been in the game for 7 and a half years. And they have worked on the nightmare spawn since the void/shiny (1910) mares have been introduced and this hasn't been a problem. These also wasn't a problem during the limited content spring content where you could use totems to spawn colored jack rabbits and rabbits.  So it also wasn't a problem in previous content.

    2. They didn't put enough Nightmare spawns in the game. Now must be hotfixed.

    So before this patch there was 5 nightmare spawns:

    * Kirin Passage
    * Malas Woods
    * Terathan Keep Trammel
    * Terathan Keep Felucca
    * Wind Felucca

    When this patch went in Live they added 6 more spawn areas:

    * Hythloth Trammel
    * Hythloth Felucca
    * Southern Lost Lands Trammel
    * Southern Lost Lands Felucca
    * Covetous Trammel
    * Covetous Felucca

    They more than doubled the spawn areas for this event. That's more spawns any almost any mob in game. The 4 added areas in the hotfix just gives more areas for players to farm, hopefully without player conflict. 

    3. The spawn rate is too low (which is why they are adding more spawn locations).

    Couple things here:
    * The spawn rate isn't too low, it's actually pretty snappy.  Can average about 3 nightmares a minute.
    * Adding more spawn would not make them spawn faster.


    Rare spawns are rare spawns.  If everyone has one, then are they truly rare?

    Rant over. This event made me hate uo more than any other before due to how much of my time has been wasted for nothing and the amount of frustration just trying to do a simple thing like tame a colored nightmare... I'm very disappointed as I was more excited for this publish than ANY other before it due to these nightmares but this isn't fun. It makes me hate it and brought out the worst behavior in many players to grief/troll.

    Well, this hotfix will curb a lot of bad Atlantic player behavior that has emerged from this content.  However, you will still have to be cautious in Felucca as you consent to pvp while on that facet. Also remember, there are 2 dozen other servers you can play on with fun and welcoming communities.  
  • ZyloZylo Posts: 28
    edited November 2024
    Violet said:

    To have absolutely zero colors on 12 totems would be exceptionally rare, but still mathematically possibly. I see it's disappointing to you to not get the nightmares you want in the time frame you feel is acceptable. If the totems are not giving you the results you want, might I suggest you saving up and buying some of the ones you want? There are even some people giving away 3 slots of some of the rare colors due to limited stable slots.  If you were expecting a Enchanted Origin green-purple in 12 totems, I don't think those are the average results of people farming them.

    You're right. It's not average and it's not even close to fun. I pay real money for a monthly subscription on a 27 year old game and I just paid more real money for "Totems of Chromatic Fortune".  So I'm paying twice with no reward. 

    Violet said:

    You do realize many of these people who have farmed the enchanted origin green-purple nightmares have spent hours and days to get them, right?  I know first day of the spawn there were people out there 16 hours straight and for hours and days after that.

    We are responsible for prioritizing things in our life.  Broadsword and the Devs didn't make the choice to play Ultima Online instead of spending time with your family/kids.  These are life choices we as individuals are responsible for.  Play in moderation (this is one of the reasons I do not have an enchanted origin nightmare, I can go days or even weeks without logging in because no matter how much I love nightmares, I prioritize other things in my life)

     You do realize I have been out there 16 hours straight for hours and days after that also which is why I'm so frustrated at this point. Maybe you should re-read my post. I've probably put more time and hours into this than most players on the entire shard. 

    Please stop being condescending and acting as if I have not put in the time and effort others have. It is insulting, demeaning and patently false.

    Yes, we are responsible for prioritizing things in our life. It's not worth the time or money anymore if this is how things are going to be. Broadsword and the Devs don't make my choice to play Ultima Online. That's why I CLOSED MY PAID ACCOUNT. Please stop being condescending and making personal attacks at me about "I should prioritize my life better". This is literally why this event is poorly planned out. If you can't commit your life to the game, there is no reward. I'm not even a casual, I farmed hours and hours for days and days with nothing. That is not acceptable to me. Others did not "put in more time and effort" than I did. I am personally insulted by your comments about my time management and effort I put into obtaining a colored nightmare.

    Violet said:

     The deployment wasn't bad.  Atlantic players were bad.  Put the blame where it belongs.  But also remember, the decision to play or continue to play Atlantic is your own.

    The deployment was bad. You're just insulting the player base and avoiding where the blame does belong (ON THE DEVS). I am putting the blame exactly where it belongs which is why THEY ARE HOTFIXING IT. They know they screwed up. Why are they FIXING it? 

    But also remember, the decision to play or continue to play is my own. I closed my paid account.

    What I always find interesting is how happy some people like yourself are to tell other people to leave and quit, rather than hear someone's concerns and actually understand / empathize with another human who is paying for and trying to actively participate in the game and community. It's incredible how mad some people are that others want to be able to access the same in game content as others, especially when paying above and beyond the regular monthly subscription on a game over a quarter of a century old..... AND PUTTING IN THE SAME TIME AND EFFORT.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited November 2024
    I can agree for one thing with the OP.. considering what he said is real.. the team could do a small move behind the curtain.. throw him a bone.

    EX: on legends one night we had that low life dude (small drama on general chat.. that griefer after denying killing their colored mare for more than an hour.. he legit admitted to attack them/griefing ~90min later).. harassing two guy farming tram cove.. he would hit harm their colored NM try to lure them away.. it was 100% griefing.
    Now the dev bring up a counter to that.. wich is great.. they even added more spawn.. also great.

    But if u have a paid customer that feel robbed from his first 10 totems.. u just telling him:"yo, NOW, u can buy more totem.. u good!"
    It kinda feel like a slap in the face.. throw the guys like him a bone, would make perfect sense.. good customer service.. u did fuck up early on this event.. like those persons on Legends; they wasted a couple totem cuz of griefing. (not possible now, wich is great.. but yeah)
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    I think moving forward the only reasonable solution that people like the original poster are going to find acceptable is for broadsword to fully integrate a random lootbox scheme in the form of being able to slot machine a random mare for 50 cents in the safety of your home.

    The item could be called the "Seasonal Monster Color Slot Machine" it costs 2500 sov tokens to buy and requires the "Plundered Baby Whale" (to keep in theme with pirates and stuff) booster pack to be active on your account, which will cost a scant $99.95 with the option of a seasonal booster pass at a scaling paywall, 1/3/5/7.5/10% increase chance for rare colors at 5/10/15/20/25 additional dollars a month. The machine can come with 2 free spins and additional spins can be purchased for 57 sov tokens each.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Also satire aside, addiction awareness and mental/emotional wellbeing take priority over anything happening in a game. This isn't a dig at you or anyone else at all, but anyone suffering from symptoms of video game addiction please take a break and find a professional to seek help from.

    There is a very valid reason why other countries limit video game time for people.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited November 2024
    You doing a satire.. but an object like this totem.. to me is legit a loot box.. the easy fix would be ONE sure drop per totem MINIMUM.. to remove the gacha mechanics!

    PS: i'm not even considering the fuck up and griefer when i'm saying this totem is a gacha mechanic.. cuz it's a fact on top of the other problems
    The law of diminushing return works both ways...

    @gay i'm reading do not be passionate, u suckers! it's not always an addiction problem.. this dude is passionate with the NM.. bad faith move dude.. very disapointing comments.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited November 2024
    KroDuK said:
    You doing a satire.. but an object like this totem.. to me is legit a loot box.. the easy fix would be ONE sure drop per totem MINIMUM.. to remove the gacha mechanics!

    PS: i'm not even considering the fuck up and griefer when i'm saying this totem is a gacha mechanic.. cuz it's a fact on top of the other problems
    The law of diminushing return works in both ways...
    Yep, I haven't agreed with this totem since day one. It's a dishonest and terrible way to conduct business and treat what is left of your community and customers. Reasons like this are why you can reach out to the developers of POE and ask them to remove the ability to even buy their cosmetic lootboxes. And are largely why many companies are doing away with them completely, even China is making them illegal. CHINA.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited November 2024
    gay said:
    Yep, I haven't agree with this totem since day one. It's a dishonest and terrible way to conduct business and treat what is left of your community and customers. Reasons like this are why you can reach out to the developers of POE and ask them to remove the ability to even buy their cosmetic lootboxes. And are largely why many companies are doing away with them completely, even China is making them illegal. CHINA.
    Do not get me started.. they had a plan like 1-2 yrs ago.. they had a tons of good stuff (and other; not so good stuff)
    Finally the CCP turn everything off.. cuz of CAPITALISM.. tencent and nexon (i believe) lost a tons of value when they first announce their plan.. the CCP fire the guy leading this project to protect kids and addiction in video game ~3weeks later and they kept doing what every capitalist company does.. wich is hilarious!!

    As for PoE.. I legit drop 200 in 3 months when GGG came with the lockstep PoE 2.0.. cuz the small indy dev was soooo good.. since they sold to tencent.. they keep adding more n more stuff pushing toward spending.. that 200 i spend was only on more tab.. not cuz I needed em but cuz i wanted to encourage them.. now u kinda NEED to buy a couple of them.. like only to do business.. wich is sneaky.. i do not support that. wich is a shame.

    Edit: remember poe2 was just an addition to PoE.. not an entire new game?  :D
    Edit2: I veirfied it's not nexon the second company.. i forgot wich chinese company it was.. they did pressure/lobbying so CCP turn off all that good "socialist" plan they had for the benefit of kids and gamer health.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    KroDuK said:
    @ gay i'm reading do not be passionate, u suckers! it's not always an addiction problem.. this dude is passionate with the NM.. bad faith move dude.. very disapointing comments.
    On the contrary, be passionate. I'm very passionate about UO, it's largely why I'm so outspoken. But when the logic is led with "It's not fun to spend 16 hours a day straight away from my family, kids, and personal life to get nothing." that is not passion, it is addiction. Addiction being fueled by the fear of missing out.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    I can see what u mean.. to me i took it like.. a one time thing.. cuz he was REAL passionate about those MARES.. my bad.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • SylphSylph Posts: 30
    edited November 2024
    Yeah it took me 16+ hours to get my first purple and it was a 3 slot
    KroDuK said:
    I can agree for one thing with the OP.. considering what he said is real.. the team could do a small move behind the curtain.. throw him a bone.

    EX: on legends one night we had that low life dude (small drama on general chat.. that griefer after denying killing their colored mare for more than an hour.. he legit admitted to attack them/griefing ~90min later).. harassing two guy farming tram cove.. he would hit harm their colored NM try to lure them away.. it was 100% griefing.
    Now the dev bring up a counter to that.. wich is great.. they even added more spawn.. also great.

    What's funny is that same guild on Legends arguing with that guy in chat when he rudely tried to take over what they called "their" spawn did the same thing to us tonight. They basically said "it's a totem race" when we were trying to use our last totem for the day. They had camped the place for 3 DAYS straight cycling it between them and then when we had a couple days off to try for the last one we wanted the first thing the guy said was "you only have a 20% chance to get a 2 slot" basically trying to discourage us even trying instead of politely asking if they could take the spawn over. They then resorted to trying their "totem" race tactic and failed to place but still tried for a good hour or more all the while arguing with us even after after we asked them nicely to leave us alone.

    They said we were hogging the spawn but we had logged out to sleep and didn't bother coming back in the morning until it became free again at 11:30am after they once again left for 30 minutes (they came back again within that time I assume trying to trade it out with each other. When we tried to tell them it wasn't just a totem race because not everyone can afford totems one of them actually had the nerve to say "Well they should get a job". I feel for the people who can't spend that money and who don't have the time to camp a spawn for 2-5 days trying even if I can do it doesn't mean everyone else can.

    Everyone has been really nice about not barging in and if someone actually asked to take the spawn I gave it to them after my totem was done because well there's only so much stable space we all have. (Actually I think one other person got upset with us because an 1194 3 slot spawned and we were killing those but I guess they tried to tame it while we had our totem up and thought we did it because they were trying to tame... but I thought people couldn't tame them if you had totem up and we were trying to cycle the spawn fast and they never asked for it or for us to tame it for them.)

    Lady Sylph/Lady Gem Star/Rainbow Star

  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 646
    edited November 2024
    I used 2 Totems last night, and got 15+ colored Nightmares at the Tram Covetous spawn. I can kill Nightmares within 1 second of saying "All Kill", so i turn over the spawn incredibly fast. I saw so many 1910 Hue Nightmares, that i didn't even bother taming them unless they were a 2 slot Void. Pink/Purple is the only color i didn't see spawn.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    edited November 2024
    The spawn is a scam. I tried to kill mares last night for the first time this event. 5 hours later, killing them as soon as they spawned, all I was able to get to spawn was 3 'less-common' 1910's. That's it. If I were EJ, I would understand if I needed a totem to get good odds but I already pay a sub so no way I'm paying for totems LMAO. 

    Dumb time sink for nothing. We asked for less boring ass grinds @Kyronix so good on you to invent this. I'll just hope it goes permanent and will give it a go then. Otherwise, tamer bots, it's all you.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    username said:
    The spawn is a scam. I tried to kill mares last night for the first time this event. 5 hours later, killing them as soon as they spawned, all I was able to get to spawn was 3 'less-common' 1910's. That's it. If I were EJ, I would understand if I needed a totem to get good odds but I already pay a sub so no way I'm paying for totems LMAO. 

    Dumb time sink for nothing. We asked for less boring ass grinds @ Kyronix so good on you to invent this. I'll just hope it goes permanent and will give it a go then. Otherwise, tamer bots, it's all you.
    Funny that the same person that miraculously gets all the blaze cu has so many of the new rare mares for sale...
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Love it, Tamer Bots now.  

    If you have tried for a void or silver 2 slot in the past, you know the void was pretty time consuming.  Now we have more rare colors.

    I used a totem in Kirin Passage and got 3 silvers, no voids, rest plain.  I use that area because the paragons will kill the average player, so its not used much.

    I will try again before the change.  I kill them with a different account,  I think the change wont let me do that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • looploop Posts: 480
    2024 MMO design. The RNG is intended first and foremost to compel the purchase of totems from the store. It's classic whale hunting: Create a grind. Monetize the ability to shorten the grind. The unfortunate thing is players have been asking for things like this, which is why we have luck potions.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    I went back and forth on the success of this event -- eventually leaning towards enjoying it. Now, I've used a total of three totems and gotten 3 special color mares (all 3-slot). I'll probably try some more. What I really wanted as the magical rift, but no drops for me.

    While I'd argue a lot of the judgement of if a launch if subjective, and I think the "hotfix" may improve some things, I think it was overall a win.

    For handling botters, on Catskills, sometimes people won't gate to Luna to avoid bringing them (which isn't a guarantee as the lat/long is provided). I like that the rewards aren't shard bound (I play and stay on Cats). I'm interested in how the HP scaling will work, but my assumption is a greater chance at a drop (as on 2-3 cases, I was there from the start, clearly did enough dmg to get looting rights, but didn't).

    Overall, it's nice to have something for tmappers. I think it's also good that the devs show they're learning and responding to the production's reactions. Overall, bravo.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Pawain said:
    Love it, Tamer Bots now.  

    If you have tried for a void or silver 2 slot in the past, you know the void was pretty time consuming.  Now we have more rare colors.

    I used a totem in Kirin Passage and got 3 silvers, no voids, rest plain.  I use that area because the paragons will kill the average player, so its not used much.

    I will try again before the change.  I kill them with a different account,  I think the change wont let me do that.

    The change will. Just add them to a party/guild.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Venom said:
    Pawain said:
    Love it, Tamer Bots now.  

    If you have tried for a void or silver 2 slot in the past, you know the void was pretty time consuming.  Now we have more rare colors.

    I used a totem in Kirin Passage and got 3 silvers, no voids, rest plain.  I use that area because the paragons will kill the average player, so its not used much.

    I will try again before the change.  I kill them with a different account,  I think the change wont let me do that.

    The change will. Just add them to a party/guild.
    Thanks.  I can party them.  I have the totem user with no pets so I can get 2 before I have to leave the area. (Plan for the best results) The other uses a pet that can kill them quickly.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,025
    Venom said:
    What I really wanted as the magical rift, but no drops for me.
    The rifts are incredibly rare, borderline insanely rare. The good news is you get some nice usable stuff and neat deco in the hunt for them, unlike the mares, where it's just a waste of time lol.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    username said:
    Venom said:
    What I really wanted as the magical rift, but no drops for me.
    The rifts are incredibly rare, borderline insanely rare. The good news is you get some nice usable stuff and neat deco in the hunt for them, unlike the mares, where it's just a waste of time lol.
    Fair point. I've likely done ~100 manifestations and only had one other player claim to have gotten a drop. 
  • VenomVenom Posts: 106
    Pawain said:
    Venom said:
    Pawain said:
    Love it, Tamer Bots now.  

    If you have tried for a void or silver 2 slot in the past, you know the void was pretty time consuming.  Now we have more rare colors.

    I used a totem in Kirin Passage and got 3 silvers, no voids, rest plain.  I use that area because the paragons will kill the average player, so its not used much.

    I will try again before the change.  I kill them with a different account,  I think the change wont let me do that.

    The change will. Just add them to a party/guild.
    Thanks.  I can party them.  I have the totem user with no pets so I can get 2 before I have to leave the area. (Plan for the best results) The other uses a pet that can kill them quickly.
    No problem. Hope you have good luck in your spawn.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Pawain said:
    Love it, Tamer Bots now.  

    If you have tried for a void or silver 2 slot in the past, you know the void was pretty time consuming.  Now we have more rare colors.

    I used a totem in Kirin Passage and got 3 silvers, no voids, rest plain.  I use that area because the paragons will kill the average player, so its not used much.

    I will try again before the change.  I kill them with a different account,  I think the change wont let me do that.
    You make jokes about it but how can one person have tamed multiple blaze and now multiple of the new rare colors while also somehow winning multiple rare Atlantic real estate plots is just one lucky skilled player?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Yup some have plenty of time to play.  If they can make money on it, they can play even more.

    Lots of players have more than I do.  That's life and fantasy also.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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