Guidance Request For Training Halloween Event Nightmares
Would it be too much to ask for help from all of you with more knowledge and experience than myself. I have two new colorful Nightmares from the Halloween event. It has been quite awhile since I trained my pre-patch Nightmare. I am afraid of messing it up for these two 3 slot Nightmares in red and purple. I know they will not be trained up to the level of my pre-patch Nightmare. Evenso, I want to train them up to their potential. I read UO-CAH for guidance, but it is for 2 slot Legacy Nightmares. Also, I have seen a lot of discussion elsewhere about training these new tames as Necro Mage Nightmares. What? Surely, any guidance you share will benefit others like myself who are in the same situation. Thank you in advance for any and all guidance.