Poisoning quest

Became a deputy or such, went on first assignment a farmer screaming about his sheep, Ross I think, when he came on my screen the game locked up. Rebooted, he was not there walking around his farm found a few theives in the sheep pen, very fast, seemed to rubberband back to a starting point trying to run away, eventually killed them all by blocking the gate, finally found Ross the Farmer not too far away, but the TALK option is greyed out. No idea what to do next, logg off a while and see what develops?


  • Really getting cunfused, lost all focus skill, gained absolutly NOTHING in return, no poisoning no hiding, ZERO, while the farmer did not speak to me (still greyed talk option) about the fourth time I went in his house the quest triggered finally, and told me to go catch a sheep theif, I killed one, now go talk to the Commander, I get to the commander and his is sparkly (quest tag) yet will not talk to me, will not even allow me to look at his paperdall, so logged out again, hoping the quest will update somehow when I log back in, this is not right, I have lost all focus, and while the quest line makes clear this is not a reversable decision, there was some implication I would be learning poisoning, which is ZERO happening, I did not want to be a deputy fighting crime, I wanted to learn how to put poison on a cleaver, not seeing the relationship here, yet still have no focus ability. Yes have been checking quest log and making sure all are turned in as completed, did receive a nice talisman deputy badge, but no poisoning skill at all?

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Go visit the house that belongs to him. There's a sweet spot around the house that when you walk over it the quest triggers. That quest trigger doesn't seem to work very well. It could use some tinkering.
  • Thanks found it fourth try, got back to Commander after logging back in, still would not talk to me, but quest advanced to go investigate a death at Wrong Prison, the Britania Prison is nearby, checked the Yew map given me, no indication that the prison has a name at all, went to the Britania Prison and am blocked by locked doors, found a few secret walls, was able to get very close to a couple of guys, one the commander in a black robe I think, but could not figure out how to get in the same room so I could talk to either of them, provided that is even the Wrong Prison I am supposed to be at in the first place. Not sure what any of this has to do with learning the poisoning skill at all, I was given a nice dagger, but I am not a fencer, I prefer a meat cleaver poisoned over a dagger, will I have to switch to fencing for this to work? The problem with criptic quest discovery that are vague with process and intention, is that the MUST work when triggered, or the player will presume the cryptic answer lies somewhere else, and that is not figuring out a puzzle, that is just plain frustration leading to even more frustration when someon finally points out s 'little flaw' that did not trigger at the right time, so before I go searching all over them map for a Wrong Prison, please at least let me know that the Britanis Prison is actuall the Wrong Prison for this quest line?

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Pinochle, go to where we know Wrong dungeon to be on production shards and find what you need there. Bring light with you. The prison in Yew is to a different part of the quest you're on..

    These are the weapons you can poison...
    I do see Cleaver on the list. :-)

    I went with swords too, thinking I'd be able to poison a katana. You can't, which seems silly to me. It's not old school like when you could apply poison to any weapon. I think that went away when special moves came in. I'll probably switch to fencing because I can poison a kryss.
  • Thank you.
  • You are doing your best to disenfranchise me (not the person answering my questions, the gamemasters that designed this stuff). I tried to be an alchemist, but at 50 skill was forced int the solon hive for MANY HOURS in and out holes, running and dodging trying to find ingredients very poorly described with zero ZERO idea what I am looking for nor what I am doing, So, today I gave up and started attepmting to learn poisoning, and after 80 points in hiding, which I do not want and was hoping to avoid by getting resist magic first, no luck, now I find myself BACK IN THE SOLON HIVES, looking for something no idea what it is wwhere it is how to find it is it a thing on the groung is it a thing dropped from a mob it is requireing a boss fight with the matriarch? How would I know. So, after two more hours I am no longer having fun. Not in any way shape or form, I do not feel challenged, I feel as if I have been handed the fourth volumn of a 4 volumn set and expected to answer questions about the first three books on a test. I did not read the first three books. I have never liked the solon hives, if i wanted a beetle mount I bought one from another player, I do not understand the solon hives, I see no point in learning the solon hives. Oh  well, was fun while it lasted, wish I could figure out how to have poisoning and resist magic, some straight forward answers to straight forward questions could go a long way, especially when the quest selections are NOT reversable, yet we are not given nearly enought information on just what the decision will result in or require of me. Oh and I never changed into a bird at all, was on my horse the entire time and had to talk through the wall to turn in that part of the quest (flower), trap door would not open.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I'm not sure about the not turning into a bird part of things. Perhaps it's because you never got off your horse? I went in to see the harpies while stealthing. Which, to be successful, you'd have to wear leather armor or go nekked-ish, and you can't be on a mount. I did get caught once and thrown out, had to try again.

    As far as navigating the tunnels in the solen hive, I can see how that would be frustrating if you're not at all familiar with them. If you're someone who's done quests down there for seeds and for the powder for bags of sending, or looking for beetles, you're going to be at an advantage. Even then it's hard to remember which hole leads to what tunnel if you've not done it in a while.

    I can only recommend you make sure you've selected in your quest log which item you're looking for and see if you're getting decent directions in your system messages. Perhaps the devs could add one of the swirly sparkly thingies to which ant hole you should jump into while searching for items for that quest?

    I know I've gotten myself balled up and confused by having the wrong quest selected for who or what I'm looking for and gotten off track. I'm sorry this wasn't fun for you.

    Just a last thought here...I've not created a mage so I'm not sure what their skill set is. But I know you can learn poisoning as one. And if they also learn resist that might be more to your liking for a template?
  • Mage needs to be close for best poisoning attacks, close for my mage is death, little armor, and the warrior, while designed to be up close and personal, also gets poisoning increases with advanced skill, also the warrior seems to get quite a bit of protection when combining resist magic with the poisoning skill, would recommend trying one on a production shard, is a ton of fun. Thank you for your time, looks like I will be taking a break for a bit.
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