ML Era Content

Can we address the issue with all this content? Almost everything from peerless, to recipes, to faction artifacts is absolutely out of balance.

1: Almost the ALL of the recipes are laughably bad. Notable exception of the craftable SDI items. [Of which there is so much of, nobody will ever need to craft one again.]
            1a: Ill point out that some of this content was bad even on release.

2: Peerless encounters are worthless, because the primary rewards are ingredients and crimson cinctures, which are both worthless due to faction arties and the craftable items being terrible.
            2a: Faction artifacts are also outdated and one could make a STRONG case for removing them.

This entire catagory of content needs major overhaul.

Faction artifacts:
Regular items are now stronger than these, and they are only abused in cases of extreme power [which should have been addressed years ago.]

Crimson cincture  --> Nobody ever has to do shimmer again
Crystalline ring  --> Nobody ever has to do ANY peerless again
Primer on damage removal --> completely invalidates the collection ones

A few of the worst offenders.

Speaking of faction artifacts - Treasure of Tokuno.
- HILARIOUSLY bad items, items so bad that the faction version are STILL bad. Something that hasnt been addressed since the last person took off their rune beetle carapace in 2009. ANOTHER catagory that needs a revisit.

Speaking of things that need a revist - ALL of the collections

Now that Im on the topic, the only items ANYONE EVER USES, from ToT, collections, factions, AND ML content, can be put on a short list.

Crimson Cincture
Crystalline Ring
Paroxy Swampy
Luck Mempo
Chaos Shield Replica

Yeah, I probably missed one or two, you get the point. We have like 10 years of content that just got completely abandon.

I came back to uo roughly 6 months ago, and after 6 months of doing nothing but shadowguard I am getting pretty tired of the game again. I hope this gets addressed because some of that old content made useful again would really make me want to continue playing.


  • TeapotTeapot Posts: 58
    I think there's a niche item everywhere still useful.  But a overall to improve a want to do old content would really improve boredom.  There is alot of content and would be great to pick any random thing and have everyone in the group interested in something from that content.  Doom got its item revamp, so maybe time ML got its own item revamp.  
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Doom still needs to be revamped the rest of the way. There are still lots of useless drops, the corpse loot is absolute garbage, and um...

    How exactly did this bug Not get fixed in publish 100?

    I mean, there were many things not even listed in the patch notes (publish 100) that made it Shadowguard > The Belfry getting screwed up (based on posts, it was an intended change), only to be reverted within a few weeks after it was broken (thankfully), but still.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    So Shadowguard is the only thing to do in UO, I must be playing UO all wrong.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    edited August 2018
    I still proudly wear my Rune Beetle Carapace!

    And the Horselord... and the Prosperity Swords.

    There are quite a few of us who don't do VvV (factions as you are calling it) so you can cut out a whole sloth of people who would even use those. Some of us are still after those elusive Crimson Cintures so we don't have to share them with our other selves.

    I have recently given away some stuff for someone to make the Mischief Maker and my archer still crafts and uses them.

    A friend of mine is after the head to make a wall mount of Dread.

    I myself would like to get more jellies (I call them Jellies, others call them shimmering crystals) to make one time use soul stones.

    There are a BUNCH of Mark of the Trav masks I would love to have but have never received one as a drop...ever.

    I've yet to get quite a few of the drops from the ML Peerless and I actually have done a lot through time and still do them.

    Instead of new things, how about old things be able to be adjusted or modified, imbued with a thing or two. I would like for non repeatable ML quests to become repeatable so that there is something "repeatable" about certain ML quests!

    ☼Kill Dread
    ☼That annoying thing you pick up on Trav that you can't have more than one in your backpack or you lose the whole lot.

    I get the desire for new things. Instead of killing, just add more random things. Even a title for doing all in one week or a span of time. or just all, a quest perhaps.

    Make the dread flute a slayer drop (all of them! include the silly ol' bear).
    Make the Crys ring drop as a bracelet too (options!)
    Make some new tile rugs (like the ones from Medusa) one for each peerless.

    ToT was a 2 time thing. No one is forcing you or anyone to use them. No one is forcing anyone to use store(NPC) bought items either. It was a moment in time and people used them and have now moved on. I guess that goes for the peerless too.

    When it comes down to it, all that is needed is a fresh set of eyes.

    So What ideas have you come up with during all your boredom?

    I am with Bilbo, I must be doing something wrong.

    Nikard, if Shadowguard is the only thing on your heavy rotation then I would wager you are the one doing something wrong.

    Though Nikard! I do see you like to wheel and deal and perhaps people are just not buying what you are selling? Are you wanting diff stuff to sell or are you wanting something else to do, 'cause I have a long list of things that are fun to do!

  • DoytchDoytch Posts: 16
    Gidge said:
    I still proudly wear my Rune Beetle Carapace!

    And the Horselord... and the Prosperity Swords.

    There are quite a few of us who don't do VvV (factions as you are calling it) so you can cut out a whole sloth of people who would even use those. Some of us are still after those elusive Crimson Cintures so we don't have to share them with our other selves.

    I have recently given away some stuff for someone to make the Mischief Maker and my archer still crafts and uses them.

    A friend of mine is after the head to make a wall mount of Dread.

    I myself would like to get more jellies (I call them Jellies, others call them shimmering crystals) to make one time use soul stones.

    There are a BUNCH of Mark of the Trav masks I would love to have but have never received one as a drop...ever.

    I've yet to get quite a few of the drops from the ML Peerless and I actually have done a lot through time and still do them.

    Instead of new things, how about old things be able to be adjusted or modified, imbued with a thing or two. I would like for non repeatable ML quests to become repeatable so that there is something "repeatable" about certain ML quests!

    ☼Kill Dread
    ☼That annoying thing you pick up on Trav that you can't have more than one in your backpack or you lose the whole lot.

    I get the desire for new things. Instead of killing, just add more random things. Even a title for doing all in one week or a span of time. or just all, a quest perhaps.

    Make the dread flute a slayer drop (all of them! include the silly ol' bear).
    Make the Crys ring drop as a bracelet too (options!)
    Make some new tile rugs (like the ones from Medusa) one for each peerless.

    ToT was a 2 time thing. No one is forcing you or anyone to use them. No one is forcing anyone to use store(NPC) bought items either. It was a moment in time and people used them and have now moved on. I guess that goes for the peerless too.

    When it comes down to it, all that is needed is a fresh set of eyes.

    So What ideas have you come up with during all your boredom?

    I am with Bilbo, I must be doing something wrong.

    Nikard, if Shadowguard is the only thing on your heavy rotation then I would wager you are the one doing something wrong.

    Though Nikard! I do see you like to wheel and deal and perhaps people are just not buying what you are selling? Are you wanting diff stuff to sell or are you wanting something else to do, 'cause I have a long list of things that are fun to do!

    You can't possibly expect long term players to be happy that in this day and age, this older content is not worth the effort needed when it comes to items and rewards. Fun? sure. Something to do when bored? Sure. But the lack of current things to do for current loot in the current climate is real. I know there are a lot of people with rose colored glasses for this game, me included, but the fact is that the game is not keeping up with regular substantial content to keep a significant portion of the player base engaged. I come back to UO when other games I play have nothing really going on. I find that to really only be when there is a short time between substantial content in WoW. That is a really small window. 4-6 months? I would like to be engaged in UO with fun, NEW things to do that are not rehash. This is coming from someone who has played at least yearly for almost 20 years. I am an old timer in UO and sorry, doing the same champs and encounters and crafting suits that will essentially never break for a dwindling, uninterested player base gets old quick. I am happy to hear others are having fun with other things, but that does not mean I am doing something wrong. My play style is different than yours, so that means I have a problem? I was under the impression that this game welcomed many play styles. I don't think new content or even updated content is too much to ask for. Like it or not, in many ways this is an item based game. Putting in the same work for an item that is useless in power level for current content is annoying and disappointing and does not promote a smile on many people's faces.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited August 2018
    It amazes me that some people think that unless you do what they want then UO isn't fun.  Sorry if UO has lost its luster for you but stop purttng other people down for their playstyle.  Just because you don't have fun anymore doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.  Talk about "Debby Downers". 
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    In two words "power creep" more powerful loot means you then need more powerful monsters then more powerful loot and on and on. The same applies to PVP and all aspects of the game.

    By keeping power creep in mind when they do release new content it keeps old content at least a little bit relevant. UO is a very rich and varied world even after 18 years of continuous play I don't think I've done more the half the content. I may get to it or I may not depending on what I think will be fun at that time. 

    From what I hear WOW isn't doing that well at the moment with intentional power creep 
    (I stopped paying attention to them when they brought in "Kung Fu Pandas") 

    Quality over Quantity every time for me.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Doytch said:

    You can't possibly expect long term players to be happy that in this day and age, this older content is not worth the effort needed when it comes to items and rewards. Fun? sure. Something to do when bored? Sure. But the lack of current things to do for current loot in the current climate is real. I know there are a lot of people with rose colored glasses for this game, me included, but the fact is that the game is not keeping up with regular substantial content to keep a significant portion of the player base engaged. I come back to UO when other games I play have nothing really going on. I find that to really only be when there is a short time between substantial content in WoW. That is a really small window. 4-6 months? I would like to be engaged in UO with fun, NEW things to do that are not rehash. This is coming from someone who has played at least yearly for almost 20 years. I am an old timer in UO and sorry, doing the same champs and encounters and crafting suits that will essentially never break for a dwindling, uninterested player base gets old quick. I am happy to hear others are having fun with other things, but that does not mean I am doing something wrong. My play style is different than yours, so that means I have a problem? I was under the impression that this game welcomed many play styles. I don't think new content or even updated content is too much to ask for. Like it or not, in many ways this is an item based game. Putting in the same work for an item that is useless in power level for current content is annoying and disappointing and does not promote a smile on many people's faces.

    If you notice, I suggested adding things to it. We do not need a new land, nor do we need yet another boss. There are many ways to expand this game without having to create all new content. and....No having a diff play style from me or anyone, and I never suggested it, makes it a problem. My words were not an attack to those who read and respond nor those who read and don't respond.

    I myself just did things within the last month that I have never done before, and continue to do so. I am not a power gamer by any means and learn new stuff every day. I have played since day 2 (as my better half played the first day and I peered over his arm as we shared an account).

    Again, other than new new new, what can be done to expand what we already have?
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