Can we get the ClassicUO Web Client working before NL Launch?
It looks like you plan to put them out at the same time.

It would be nice to practice using it before NL.
Please. @Kyronix
Does this Web Client mean we will have an official UO Discord since you are making us log into discord to use the new client?

It would be nice to practice using it before NL.
Please. @Kyronix
Does this Web Client mean we will have an official UO Discord since you are making us log into discord to use the new client?
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
I need to clear some space.
I don't have discord. Is this something I need to look into?
So you would need to make one. @Kalsey
Here are the FAQs.
ClassicUO is basically a tool for developers to use. They say they chose to use discord instead of IP address so they could banish bad people. UO is not going to use it for that, they can banish you like they do now. It is the way ClassicUO has chosen to gain access to the client.
And maybe we will get an official UO discord out of this.
Here is the generic FAQs for Classic UO web version.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Why would you download uo game files? you already have them, you're already playing using them!
It is out now! So we shall see.
Thanks @Kyronix! For listening.
Can't use it on my phone.
So I'll get to it later today.
I hope they are not like the ones in Jason Bourne.
My map stayed black for a while, but then it appeared.
So, while it appears logging in on Android is TECHNICALLY possible, there are serious issues.
I suspect maybe it doesn't play well with certain resolutions and/or display framerates.
The candy store isn't new, you've just been standing outside it the whole time going "Candy is for cheaters, I prefer the taste of dirt myself! Mmm, yummy dirt!"
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
**EDIT** apparently they hadn't loaded in yet the first time. Theres a ton of options now. going to be busy figuring these out.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo