What is your least favorite animal to tame?

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The cu sidhe is my least favorite; easy & boring while being very frustrating for obvious reason.. i prefer the running and hard plays over the LONG walk with a rock in my shoes.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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on top of walking with a rock in your shoes (cannot run) They fly over and annoyed the f out of you and unlike the bard.. even if you aggro them away they will spawn back in the CUs spawn, soon enough.
You have to lose karma to kill the freaking paragon CUs.. everything in this zone is frustrating for the worse reason; design to make u lose time and sanity.. compare this with blighted grove.. another frustrating zone but this zone was soo freaking fun.. frustratingly hard (no room; with ninja bard and spawn everywhere), but fun.
PS: The last time i went to tame CUs I was just aggroing them out of the desert to tame them in series and release them in the portal, but yeah I had to take turn with someone else.. the dude had his own little army; a pocket healer alt account.. never moving in the middle of the desert and instant auto healing everyone losing a single HP around him (i was like fuck stop healing me.. to realised it was a scripted bot).. this healer was also a bard.. to deal with the spawn.. to kill the CU he had another scripted alt account.. a sampire to kill the CUs and he was controlling his tamer (the only character moving and talking) cheating to release the pain.
The dude was there everyday 6-8 hours per day hunting for blazing CU's with 3 account, controlling one.
Here what look like 8-10 hours of legit CU's taming; pure pain:
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Mainly because it's usually 4 or 5 tries before I remember to get off my ethereal
Because they are not "real" pets ethereals should not take up any pet slots.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
The next time he was there first i would turn around.. i don't support this kind of playstyle/cheats.. back then this dude would have stop doing what he was doing when another players shows up.
PS: this is why i would release the CU in the portal zone.. my way to protest his playstyle.. He had to clear the spawn before coming in.
Pretty sure he understand my disaprobation cuz when i was there he would also turn around. Been there ~2-3 weeks cuz BS did dirty with my old nearly perfect CU with a 4 slots CU, after giving exploiter a 2 slots one.
I personally could have use my alt account for barding and healing.. but i'm not using the bot option, under BS.. doing it legit would just make it worst.. heavy and still frustrating.. imagine a changeling para pop when your taming a cu.. one of the two account would die.. cuz I do have to alt tab.. unlike that cheater controlling 3 account at the very same time (only one is control + 2 automated)
Edit: BTW i highly disaprove the no slot ethereal, just use your ethereal for your travel and summon ball when your in the zone u wanna be (if u can't ride your beast)
You guys just gonna delete most 5 slot pet we can mount in the game cuz everyone and his mom will use the Greater + ethereal, type of stuff.
If they do 0 slot ethereal they need to rework all their pets first, imo.
Maybe u could ask for better 4 slots tho with better 1 slots, more options!
I'd ask for a rune beetle 4 slots.. jumping from 3 to 5 is dirty (for good reasons, but still ^^)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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