Can't place house for 7 days
Today I placed a new house and demolished it to attempt a better placement. Turns out now I'm getting the 7 day prevention message, even after dropping the house and not owning any houses on any shard.
For testing purposes, I tried placing/demolishing multiple houses in Siege and the tool works fine there... I can place as many lots as I want as long as I drop the previous one, no timer involved.
Any ideas on how to get rid of the 7 day timer? Can't really play Ultima for a week without a house

Contacted support but they are unable to help.
Perhaps a better response would be to empathize and educate the new player. There may be no fix for the current situation but remind the player about house resizing. Aenvar, in the future you can stand under your house sign and say “i wish to resize my house”. This will allow you to delete the current home and place a new one immediately without a delay. You can place the house on the same spot, or anywhere, even on another server. This is how idoc hunters place a new house at every idoc with no delay.
At the time of the issue, I also contacted support through e-mail, and was answered with links to a wiki explaining house placement rules.
In any case, the week passed... Now I have a home again, finally.
Appreciate both replies