Feedback on the completed tailor quest line experience: Left unsatisfied.

OkamiOkami Posts: 84
I was unable to play during week 2. For week 3, I decided to finish out the tailor questlines, and while there was one notable improvement from my week 1 experience: (Wool seemed to be yielding much more acceptable amounts of cloth) and it's over all functional, there were a few nitpicks and an ultimate unhappy ending to the experience.

First, the good:
The quests were moderately entertaining and made sense narratively, and I was able to reach Grandmaster Tailor in under 48 hours which considering it was my sole focus from both weekends I played, seems acceptable to me.

I've long been a supporter of the idea of questing for skill gains as an interactive improvement over the old repeated macroing method, though I also feel closing off the old methods of skill gain will alienate a portion of the potential playerbase.

Once you understand the UI for quest interaction, it works suitably enough and I didnt encounter any major issues with the process.

I was unable to add BODs to the Lycaeum project but I checked before server down and found I was able to craft some enhanced items, notably the options for Undead and Demon slayer weapons. As a tailor, that's only 3 whips, but still, seeing as I didnt turn in any BODs, it was a pleasant surprise to still have some options.

The bad:

Once I hit GM I decided to hop over to the advanced skills trainer so I could start working on healing, tactics, etc, so that I could better hunt my needed resources. I was advised as a crafter that I'm not allowed to do anything but craft, and to meet the crafter contact to choose one of the 2 remaining crafting lines. This left a really sour taste in my mouth.

Part of the questing/leveling experience has a high degree of randomization that feels inconsistent. Between each skill threshold, you're advised to grab jobs off the job board outside the tailor shop and continue your craft. This leads to getting a repeatable quest to get either 2 or 3 BODs completed, and it seems to be at the mercy of the server timer if you get the easier goal or not.

Add in the variable complexity of the BODs, you get an inconsistent experience as I'll give an example below:

Player A: Repeats 5 quests that were 2 BODs each and gets BODs that don't require high resource counts, say 10 item counts each. Player A gets to their next skill threshold after crafting 100 items for 10 BODs of 10 items each and then advances.

Player B: Has worse luck, gets 5 quests that are 3 BOD's Each and their BOD rewards are for 20 count items. Player B has to craft 300 items for 15 BODs for 20 items each to obtain the same skill gain of 10 points that Player A had to only craft 1/3rd of product.

The Lycaeum/Cogniarium experiment is an interesting idea and I feel like having crafters involved in the server progression system is a good thing, but I feel rewarding a first to the post method of enhacnement unlocks is going to create a system of First and Third Class citizens. And since I know due to RL time constraints I won't be able to compete, I'm less inclined to bother with it, especially since choosing to craft will lock you out of a majority of the content available.

I'm going to continue testing through NL and try the combat routes, but as is, I don't think the crafting option will be a rewarding process on live as is.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Thanks for the info.  I have not made a crafter yet, I think I will this weekend.

    What are the crafting starting skills?  I thought it was Blacksmith.  Then you can add more.

    I can't stop shearing sheep, so I have the max amount of cloth my warrior can hold. After making over 1000 bandages.  I understand I can not use his cloth, but my crafter can find sheep.

    Is my scenario correct here:

    I begin on the path as a blacksmith, I get Mining, smith and swords, I think.

    After I do the quests to get to 100 in each of my starting skills, I can choose to add, Tailoring.
    Would I start with 50 tailoring and have to build that up with making items or are there quests?

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    When you pick the crafter option, you're allowed to pick either Blacksmith, Tailor, or Carpentry. Once you GM your skill, the crafting liason directs you to another quest for one of the two you didnt pick and you start at 50, starting the leveling process again for the new skill.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Great.  Thanks!

    I think Smith would benefit me the most.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    @Pawain keep shearing sheep - but bank the wool, don't turn it into cloth till you can pass the wool over to your crafter, then the crafter turns it into cloth.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,679
    Ya that would work.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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