Ultima Online: New Legacy Feedback



  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    OK I hit my first BAD experience in Trinsic doing the Blacksmith quest.  There is two guests to target the forge and then the anvil at the Shinning Path Armory but it is also where everybody is doing the BOD quests for blacksmith and a majority of the players have it in their head that you need to stand on top of the forge and anvil in order to make items. @Kyronix is there a way to put a fence around the forge and anvil to where you can still craft items but make it where other can still target the forge and anvil to complete their quests?  Also move the NPC at the forge two steps south as he get stood on also.  This is the first bad experience I have had in a day and a half.  RUDE PLAYERS
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    For those that have it UOAM is great for NL.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    So, my feedback so far:

    1. There's a lot of systems that are needed for basic progression through quests that the game either doesn't tell you how to do or if it does, it's buried in 3 screens of flavor text.  Most notably is the system for toggling quest items that seems to rear its head once every 4-5 years being used again here with no explanation that is how it works. The other being the delivery crate system.

    2. There's a lot of inconsistent imagery that can lead to confusion for new players.

    Here, the ingame map shows different icons vs the map you obtain as an item, and the icons aren't large enough to easily make out which location is where.

    Another example is being told to turn an item into the arcanist guild.

    The legend says to look for an icon which is a purple/blue flag, but this icon is not present on either item map or in game menu map. Veteran players will guess Crystal Ball is the magic location, but it's just an example of conflicting information the game presents.

    A lot of text dialogue is delivered in these tiny windows:

    It's loaded with a lot of flavor text, arguably too much, especially when you have to scroll through looking for details like turn in locations. The gold arrows in the upper right corner have no explained function. You have to basically hit buttons and hope for the best. The quest objective counter is backwards, and unclear in presentation. Is the 4/4 an indicator of what page Im on in the current window? No. It's a quest I did 4 quests ago that's still showing because it's in my quest log. The quests run in descending other, so while you might think 1/4 is the first of four steps, it's actually the 4th step you're currently on.

    Then clicking the arrow pointing right in that upper right corner opens up a new text window.

    This is much easier to read though the treasure box with a question mark delivers 0 information. Im assuming it's meant to indicate the reward is 500 gold. Instead of just using the word "Reward". More simple presentation issues.

    The tailor quest starts out ok, giving you some cloth and leather to get through a few steps, but the last Occlo Step has you making 10 Robes, 10 Dresses, 10 sandals, 10 floppy hats, which is a ton of resources. And tailoring for most of those is only able to have resources acquired by either shearing sheep or purchasing from a vendor. The majority of my time was spent completing this basic beginner quest, and I honestly almost gave up out of frustration. The 10 items is way too high a threshhold for this early in the experience. It's made more bizarre that after this step, you're sent to Moonglow and are given a quest to craft 5 of an item instead, which feels inverted. The larger orders should come later in the career path.

    Also, Tailors can craft their own bandages but they can't gain healing skill to use them, yet they're expected to fight wildlife and take damage to obtain resources. The healing skill should really be added into their quest rewards and unlocks, and honestly, no class in this game should be denied that particular skill.

    I eventually completed the moonglow arc which was much improved and more polished than the Occlo one, which is not a good thing. Your polished content should be what's provided up front. Im now at the step where I need to complete daily board objectives to earn more skill points, but as a tailor, only one of the items seems feasible, completing bulk order deeds.

    I will say I -do- like having skill gains being earned in lump sums via questing is a great idea, and way better than the production default, but the default should still be available for skills outside your class path so that your character can spread out into more content. On the tailor path I only have Swords and Tailoring so I can't really see participating in more content beyond the BOD path.

    Also, pigs yield 0 resources to use in the new legacy experience, yet the sheep spawn is tied into the pigs spawning so it's just visual useless clutter. Pigs should at least generate bones, even if we're doing away with meat and cooking.

    A few good notes!

    Questing for skill gain is much more involving than plain macroing away on things, so this is an improvement, but I don't feel that the original passive skill gain methods should be locked out.

    The portrait system is neat, even if the interface is lacking some useful details, but it's a shame other players can't view our created portrait by any means that I was able to locate.

    The house name system is a good idea, however the randomization is simply atrocious with a lot of gibberish results. and being notable awful results. Also, it's odd that as players we could not, as a guild, decided to group up under a shared house name. I suppose if it's related to these being account locked as a legacy identifier, that makes sense, but that then presents the question, if such a largely identifiable thing is integral to the system, why are we not allowed to customize this out further to a more desirable choice.

    Anyway, hopefully this feedback was useful. My intitial takeaway was that I wanted to enjoy it, and it was fun seeing more players around in the world, but there's simply too many technical  and visual presentation issues that made the experience ultimately a chore.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 28
    I wasnt hitting the cocoons so working when I do.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 512
    It's odd that you skipped the house naming question.  Seems like a simple one to answer.
  • looploop Posts: 376
    My feedback:

    I haven't been able to play much. I started the mage path, made it to Moonglow, and did a few daily quests from the job board.

    1. My first impression is that NL is an on-rails tutorial for the game. As someone who is already rooted in the production shards, I'm not sure what NL will offer me.

    2. From the trailer, I thought the House selection would be more meaningful -- like all players would belong to the same selection of houses, and it would create some sort of meta or political component for the world. I was disappointed that it's just random.

    3. I haven't really encountered bugs except that the EC's location finder doesn't work, but I'm also just following the happy path.

    4. If third-party clients are being prohibited in concert with NL, the team needs to come up with a plan to improve the official ones. I use the EC pretty much exclusively, despite hating it, and it's even more clear with NL that the EC has no place in the game's future. The trailer was all CC. All the gumps use the generic system. They are hard to read with EC. It's weird to get the nicely drawn maps when the EC already has a map. The team should ditch the EC and create a modernized version of the CC or fork an existing one.

    5. I like the idea of more objective-driven gameplay, but I feel quite restricted, for example:

    --- I couldn't find a way to cancel a a daily quest and generate a new one.
    --- Killing X monsters is fine, but when I go to a dungeon all other monsters get in my way. Because I can't gain any skills outside of quest completion, I was not compelled to kill anything other than what was pertinent to the objective, and it was frustrating to be swarmed with other things.
    --- I wish I didn't have to "unlock" the ability to gain skills through use.

    6. I like the journal which tracks your achievements throughout the game, but I wish the narrative attributed less personality to my character. For example, my character's reaction to Moonglow is that it's "more a magnificent than I could have ever imagined". I feel that my character is mine to create, and his personality belongs to me.


    Just my first impressions. Despite my criticism's, I think it's important that NL follow its own design philosophy. It just might not be for me.

  • MacroPlanetMacroPlanet Posts: 105
    edited July 28
    Overall the experience is growing on me, I’m really enjoying the fresh start with everyone else and gaining skills via quest is a nice change from the typical AFK assist we typically see. The shard feels more engaging than a typical shard. 

    I wanted to share some thoughts on the current gameplay experience. Firstly, the initial phase of learning the town feels quite tedious. I understand its purpose, but it would be great to have an option to skip this part for players who prefer to dive straight into the action.

    Additionally, I feel that the game could benefit from reintroducing some elements of risk similar to classic Ultima Online. Currently, there’s no open PvP, and items aren’t dropped on death. It might enhance the experience to have a system where items drop on our bodies when we die and decay according to the normal NL timer. Fully loot able for all players. This would also give crafters a chance to gather items all while adding in an extra danger to all players.  Plus, if we lose our gear then that helps keep crafters in business as there’s a demand for new gear. The game feels too safe at the moment, and adding an element of risk could bring back some of that old-school UO excitement.

    Thanks for considering these suggestions.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    I'll add here to @Jelly_Kelly 's question re aid in helping find quest locale (rather than a separate thread). So far most of the quests I've been on have been pretty straight forward and easy to find. And the "youre running hot or cold" system message you get helps greatly, but I find that system message doesn't always show up for you. Seems a little buggy and I'm not sure, short of pressing the "Guard Kill Destroy" button if there's anything that spurs that message on. In fact I'm not sure mashing that button is what helps it show up or not.

    Anywho, if having that message show up consonantly for all quests is bugged, then it needs fixing. If it's not a message that shows up for all quests, it should. And another feature you could add is to offer coordinates to the quest information.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    LilyGrace said:
    I'll add here to @ Jelly_Kelly 's question re aid in helping find quest locale (rather than a separate thread). So far most of the quests I've been on have been pretty straight forward and easy to find. And the "youre running hot or cold" system message you get helps greatly, but I find that system message doesn't always show up for you. Seems a little buggy and I'm not sure, short of pressing the "Guard Kill Destroy" button if there's anything that spurs that message on. In fact I'm not sure mashing that button is what helps it show up or not.

    Anywho, if having that message show up consonantly for all quests is bugged, then it needs fixing. If it's not a message that shows up for all quests, it should. And another feature you could add is to offer coordinates to the quest information.

    That message seems to be on a timer, and IMO they should just have the tracking arrow take its place from the tracking skill.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    edited July 28
    That'd work too, Okami. But what about characters that don't have tracking skill?

    I can't imagine devs haven't been given this feedback a zillion times already but...

    That constant spamming of "You were unable to complete the objective within the given time" when you're well within the given time and inside the radius of where the quest takes place is maddening. Even worse that you get that message when you kill something that isn't even a part of any quest you're on.

    Speaking of being within the radius of where you need to be for your kill to count. You're probably already been told that needs tweaking on some quests. Killing skeletons and taking out gravestones at the Hag's ruins for instance.

    And I wish the quest log refreshed properly without having to close it out and open it again.
  • OkamiOkami Posts: 84
    What I meant is the UI element of the tracking skill, the arrow that appears, should be reused for the quest tracker. It's an existing asset that should be able to be repurposed. Plus, I dont think anyone can use actual tracking in NL yet.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    ooooh, I get ya!
  • looploop Posts: 376
    Frustrating waits:

    1. Need to wait like 20 minutes before accepting another objective of the same type.

    2. I had an objective to defend a wagon on Dagger Isle. I go to the wagon, but it's too far in progress by other players, so I have to wait for them to finish.

    What am I to do since I can't progress my skills otherwise? Just log off and wait?
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Yeah, the wait is too long. Sometimes I'll try to fill up the time with collecting resources but all in all I'd like to see the time reduced. Or done away with. If we've completed our quest why can't we pick up another?
  • AnukanakaAnukanaka Posts: 17
    Cant finish the quest with defensive supplies
    i,ve finished the first part of quest by delivering it to the guy named Liam and logged out, after few hours logged in and run to the second guy Durant, but there was no Supplies  in my pack, they disappeared.
    How i could restart quest or finish this one ? 

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    edited July 28
    Might have to wait for it to time out, clear it from your quest log, and take it from the board again. I've had one quest that was for protecting cargo to the south of skara that the clock wouldn't run out on. Had to wait for server reset for it to go away.

    Wagons at brigand camp are difficult to get health bars on, really clunky. Also with those wagons, when they respawn in a place you've already taken out one, if you kill the next one that spawns on the same spot it won't count toward your kill. I had one wagon left to take out and had to kill 4 or 5 more to get that last count from one that finally spawned in a different part of the camp.

    Edit: Netherpool Shrine quest is messed up. Not sure if it was the hanging around for quite awhile or finally stepping on the exact tile i need to land on after I completed my mission that made the prize finally pop

    Also don't get credit for the kill, even tho I'm standing quite close to the pool. Pretty small sweet spot. 

    That's what he said.

    With all of that said, this is a really fun quest. :-)
  • looploop Posts: 376
    LilyGrace said:
    Yeah, the wait is too long. Sometimes I'll try to fill up the time with collecting resources but all in all I'd like to see the time reduced. Or done away with. If we've completed our quest why can't we pick up another?
    How about let me start the wagon quest from any wagon considering there are like 100 on the island? Why does it have to be a specific one that may or may not have already been started by other players?

    In the regular servers, I could do what I want when I want. I feel more in control of my “legacy”. With NL, it’s the opposite.
  • AnukanakaAnukanaka Posts: 17
    edited July 28
    LilyGrace said:
    Might have to wait for it to time out, clear it from your quest log, and take it from the board again. I've had one quest that was for protecting cargo to the south of skara that the clock wouldn't run out on. Had to wait for server reset for it to go away.

    Wagons at brigand camp are difficult to get health bars on, really clunky. Also with those wagons, when they respawn in a place you've already taken out one, if you kill the next one that spawns on the same spot it won't count toward your kill. I had one wagon left to take out and had to kill 4 or 5 more to get that last count from one that finally spawned in a different part of the camp.

    Edit: Netherpool Shrine quest is messed up. Not sure if it was the hanging around for quite awhile or finally stepping on the exact tile i need to land on after I completed my mission that made the prize finally pop

    Also don't get credit for the kill, even tho I'm standing quite close to the pool. Pretty small sweet spot. 

    That's what he said.
    It’s a story quest chain for BS+mining , not a board one, so i cant just cancel it and it has no timer (  
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    loop said:
    LilyGrace said:
    Yeah, the wait is too long. Sometimes I'll try to fill up the time with collecting resources but all in all I'd like to see the time reduced. Or done away with. If we've completed our quest why can't we pick up another?
    How about let me start the wagon quest from any wagon considering there are like 100 on the island? Why does it have to be a specific one that may or may not have already been started by other players?

    In the regular servers, I could do what I want when I want. I feel more in control of my “legacy”. With NL, it’s the opposite.
    Not sure about that area.  But in Trinsic if if says defend crates you can walk up to a wagon or Post and defend that and get credit.

    You only have to follow the quests until you are skilled, then the world is open to you. Seems that takes a few hours of play. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    The Orc ship battle is Awesome!   Sometimes overwhelming but 2 crafters who cant heal and I did it.  We had to do the exploding barrels twice because I did not know we advanced to the next stage so I was just healing them while I thought they still needed to kill saboteurs.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MudgeMudge Posts: 4
    the whole thing has been nothing but bad, I've spent 70% of my time trying to get quests to work or waiting on spawn and now it has become unplayable since mages have no defense and get interrupted with any hit now, going against 3 or more more spell casting mobs is suicide and i am unable to even to finish quest now, as I have to fight 20-30 wraiths which insta dispel my summons and cast constantly,  It is not possible to cast any spell whatsoever and I just die over and over with zero chance to complete, If I knew mages were going to be super nerfed I would not have even bothered with this
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    Kyronix said:
    @ RonFellows - that you can't do, once items are in the resource pack you can only utilize them in crafting.  Enjoy!
    Does this mean if you have 2 crafters they each have to gather their own resources?
    And no resource sales?

    I can see arguments for both ways so just wondering.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    @Kyronix Like I said earlier. This info is misleading.  This is from Trinsic and the Brigands are outside Trinsic.  Players who read it keep asking how to get to Ice Island to do it.  Luckily most don't read.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    edited July 28
    @Kyronix who thought up the Blacksmith quests?  I am at 70 Smith 70 Mining and 50 Sword (why I haven't a clue) and I am suppose to run through Shame Dungeon to retrieve 1 Virulent Nightshade.  I go into Shame and I die, sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.  I have been here over 26 years and none of my Crafters have any fighting skills, yes I have Warriors, Mages and Tamers.  I guess my days of playing NL are over and IMHO this is a total fail as a sandbox.  Where is the interaction that was every where in the early days.  Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted.  I do not mined doing quests but all quests need to be related to the profession and running through dungeons has nothing to do with crafting, sorry.  Frodo is now logged out in The Travelers Inn in Trinsic And will stay there unless there is some change to the quests related to the profession.  I forgot to mention that I am on the West Coast and lag all the time to this server but that is just some info for you but it is not the reason why I will stop with NL because in real UO I shard hop as a crafter and I am able to do anything I want to do because I am NOT fighting.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 28
    @ Kyronix who thought up the Blacksmith quests?  I am at 70 Smith 70 Mining and 50 Sword (why I haven't a clue) and I am suppose to run through Shame Dungeon to retrieve 1 Virulent Nightshade.  I go into Shame and I die, sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.  I have been here over 26 years and none of my Crafters have any fighting skills, yes I have Warriors, Mages and Tamers.  I guess my days of playing NL are over and IMHO this is a total fail as a sandbox.  Where is the interaction that was every where in the early days.  Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted.  I do not mined doing quests but all quests need to be related to the profession and running through dungeons has nothing to do with crafting, sorry.  Frodo is now logged out in The Travelers Inn in Trinsic And will stay there unless there is some change to the quests related to the profession.
    You say that you don't have fighting skills but then you ask where is the interaction.

    I happened to be on the quests on Serpents Isle and came upon a crafter with no healing. 
    They did the spider webs just fine.  I happened to meet them on the Brute Orc Tower again.
    They said they used all the explosion pots and the tower was at full health. So we fight the tower and Orcs together, I healed them.  Then we went to the orc ship and fought there together.

    I do think it is kind of odd that crafters do fighting quests, But where are you going to get leather from without fighting?

    Posters wanted interaction with others, they are trying to make that happen.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    @ Kyronix who thought up the Blacksmith quests?  I am at 70 Smith 70 Mining and 50 Sword (why I haven't a clue) and I am suppose to run through Shame Dungeon to retrieve 1 Virulent Nightshade.  I go into Shame and I die, sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.  I have been here over 26 years and none of my Crafters have any fighting skills, yes I have Warriors, Mages and Tamers.  I guess my days of playing NL are over and IMHO this is a total fail as a sandbox.  Where is the interaction that was every where in the early days.  Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted.  I do not mined doing quests but all quests need to be related to the profession and running through dungeons has nothing to do with crafting, sorry.  Frodo is now logged out in The Travelers Inn in Trinsic And will stay there unless there is some change to the quests related to the profession.  I forgot to mention that I am on the West Coast and lag all the time to this server but that is just some info for you but it is not the reason why I will stop with NL because in real UO I shard hop as a crafter and I am able to do anything I want to do because I am NOT fighting.
    ........sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.

    This is an old issue in UO...

    Materials needed by crafters to craft or recipes that crafters need to learn in order to actually be able to craft things forcing crafters to have to fight in order to be able to carry out their "non-fighting" crafting profession...

    Players choose to play a non-crafting profession in UO and yet, the Developers think it a good idea to then force these players to have to engage into fighting if they want to carry out their non-fighting choice of game activity...

    Go figure...
  • SkuLoverSkuLover Posts: 5
    I have played over the weekend taking the swordsperson path. I was able to get to GM and place a house. Here's my notes...

    What I believe are bugs:

    • Timing out warning whenever you kill anything (with sad noise)
    • The timing of the 'kill certain spawn' quest seems to be off with the creature that is currently spawning. Meaning i'm supposed to kill hinds but cats are spawning and/or there is not enough spawn/spawn is super slow
    • Once you use item id on something, if you pick it up the id is gone.
    • If you select a quest to indicate that's the one your working on, the directional hints do not always work.
    • The map (i'm in EC) is not up to date. Does not show the correct businesses or new mountains. - I am doing the swords path, so in Trinsic, and I figured i'd run to Skara, but nope there is a giant mountain pass blocking off Trinsic/south of the continent from everything else. Super fun waste of time.
    • The defending the wagons/pillar/cart spawn should be gauged off of how many people are present at start. - You cannot start the quest if you show up half way though any way. Its practically impossible to do by yourself (remember we're swinging at 4s and missing most of the time). Calling out in chat for help and people say 'just fail it, its too hard to do'
    • Giving a 'cliffnotes' at the end of the quest dialog with the main points/objective. In certain dialog there is an important point mashed into all of the faff that can easily be missed. (Especially in high intensity scenarios when you're trying to see what to do next and not die) 
    • Quest dialog should give a general direction, they did in Occlo, I don't know why it stopped. - People are getting confused with things like 'Drakewater Fen' (meaning the swamp) and the other quest that mentioned 'Ice Island' thinking that's where they needed to go.
    • Add the option to cancel a quest. - I still have the '1 easel with canvas' quest from Occlo on my quest log, pretty sure I can't do that one any more.
    • I have a Bulk order Blacksmith quest option on my 'daily objections' board, but am unable to accept it because I do not have Blacksmithy. Its just confusing - If I can get Blacksmithy as a Swordsperson maybe add to the 'consider attempting a combat-related task' message as to 'how' I could add Blacksmithy to my template. 
    • A little guidance after going GM. - I felt a little lost after placing my house. I think having someone (or another quest) suggest what to do or where you could go next would help. Maybe mentioning checking out the Lycaeum where you can add another skill. As a swordsperson I didn't explore Moonglow much. 
    • Add more 'Daily objections' quest options. - The same 4 or so ones get boring, even going over to other towns to try theirs. I know escorting is AWFUL but its at least different, killing certain spawn to collect something off of their corpse (similar to the trog quest), or even just adding a few different locations to go to would make it a little less 'same ol same ol'

    Overall i'm enjoying it. Most of the complaints I saw were people saying that the game is 'on rails'. Seemingly not willing to try it out and in the end not realizing that the game is only on 'hard rails' until you hit GM. Its a nice way to gain skill that doesn't involve doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over...
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    Pawain said:
    @ Kyronix who thought up the Blacksmith quests?  I am at 70 Smith 70 Mining and 50 Sword (why I haven't a clue) and I am suppose to run through Shame Dungeon to retrieve 1 Virulent Nightshade.  I go into Shame and I die, sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.  I have been here over 26 years and none of my Crafters have any fighting skills, yes I have Warriors, Mages and Tamers.  I guess my days of playing NL are over and IMHO this is a total fail as a sandbox.  Where is the interaction that was every where in the early days.  Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted.  I do not mined doing quests but all quests need to be related to the profession and running through dungeons has nothing to do with crafting, sorry.  Frodo is now logged out in The Travelers Inn in Trinsic And will stay there unless there is some change to the quests related to the profession.
    You say that you don't have fighting skills but then you ask where is the interaction.

    I happened to be on the quests on Serpents Isle and came upon a crafter with no healing. 
    They did the spider webs just fine.  I happened to meet them on the Brute Orc Tower again.
    They said they used all the explosion pots and the tower was at full health. So we fight the tower and Orcs together, I healed them.  Then we went to the orc ship and fought there together.

    I do think it is kind of odd that crafters do fighting quests, But where are you going to get leather from without fighting?

    Posters wanted interaction with others, they are trying to make that happen.
    Your reading comprehension sucks "Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted."  You go run through Shame with leather armor and just 50 sword fighting skill and see how long you last with lagg and even without the lagg I chose to be a CRAFTER not a Crafter/Warrior whatever.  And you said you stopped and healed them and helped them out, well great for you maybe you need to be everywhere helping everyone out.  I really wanted this to work but this is NOT old UO or even close..  I am not sure what they had in mind when they thought this up but IMHO this is NOT even close to old UO.  This is nothing like anybody asked for when we all asked for a Retro Shard.  I do not mind quests to HELP train my skills but that is the only way you get any gains and you can only train one crafting skill at a time. We waited how many years for this, sorry not worth it.  Also the people you helped picked that quest from a list, I picked to do BODs.  You want to do Crafting related quests fine but requiring me torun through a dungeon is NOT crafting related.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    @Pawain if UO is requiring me to be a Warrior then why as a Warrior Class weren't you required to do some Crafting quest to get/make your armor.  All you skills were able to be trained where as a crafter we were given 50 sword without the ability to train and other fighting skills and the quest I was given is mandatory after 70 smith 70 mining 50 sword, those are my total skills.  You have shown us your skills as a Macer and there was not one skill there that was not Warrior related.  Why as a Crafter was I required to have a Warrior skill?  Are Mages required to be a Mage/Warrior?  Do they have to do Warrior type stuff.  Are any other professions required to do Crafting related stuff to work on their skills?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    popps said:
    @ Kyronix who thought up the Blacksmith quests?  I am at 70 Smith 70 Mining and 50 Sword (why I haven't a clue) and I am suppose to run through Shame Dungeon to retrieve 1 Virulent Nightshade.  I go into Shame and I die, sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.  I have been here over 26 years and none of my Crafters have any fighting skills, yes I have Warriors, Mages and Tamers.  I guess my days of playing NL are over and IMHO this is a total fail as a sandbox.  Where is the interaction that was every where in the early days.  Yes I mined and chopped trees but if I needed leather then I got it from Warriors that went out and hunted.  I do not mined doing quests but all quests need to be related to the profession and running through dungeons has nothing to do with crafting, sorry.  Frodo is now logged out in The Travelers Inn in Trinsic And will stay there unless there is some change to the quests related to the profession.  I forgot to mention that I am on the West Coast and lag all the time to this server but that is just some info for you but it is not the reason why I will stop with NL because in real UO I shard hop as a crafter and I am able to do anything I want to do because I am NOT fighting.
    ........sorry but I want to CRAFT not fight that is why I chose Blaclsmithing.

    This is an old issue in UO...

    Materials needed by crafters to craft or recipes that crafters need to learn in order to actually be able to craft things forcing crafters to have to fight in order to be able to carry out their "non-fighting" crafting profession...

    Players choose to play a non-crafting profession in UO and yet, the Developers think it a good idea to then force these players to have to engage into fighting if they want to carry out their non-fighting choice of game activity...

    Go figure...
    No @popps in old UO we either logged on our Warrior or we stayed on our Crafter and bought/traded for goods we needed such as leather.  Mining and Lumberjack were part of the Crafting family and leather gathering was left up to Tamers and Warriors.  It was a simple system back then.  Crafters made Armor and Weapons to sell or Trade to the Warriors and Tamers and in return Warriors and Tamers got us needed goods.
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