Anti-Bot Mechanic
So, after seeing how you can't get any kills until Wave 65+ on Atlantic's Void Pool due to how fast bots insta kill the mobs, i had an idea. Make it to where the mobs will periodically go into a "damage reflect" mode (or sometimes spawn while in it), and change color during that phase. Watch the bots just insta kill themselves with reflected damage, while legit players will avoid damaging the mobs during that phase.

Furthermore, a scripts is a faster reaction then that of a human being so, once all scripts of the BOTs will be adjusted to compensate the change, I imagine that the BOTs will be more responsive then regular players who will end up, once again (the regular players), with the short end of the stick with the BOTs adjusting to the change...
Odd I feel like I've read this before some where. @CovenantX
Third world shards don't have bots there.
I've seen them on Balhae, and Great lakes as well.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
A game where you have to cheat (go against ToS) to play isn’t worth playing imho.
Either update to ToS or take action. I