Pirate hats event
So let me get this right, people are getting pirate hats just for staying in the dungeon, without hitting any mobs ? This is exactely why the void pool should never have been a part of a pirate event theme in the first place.
And let me get this right, people are holding hundreds of non-shardbound pirate hats on Origin, that they can xfer anywhere because of no shardbound property ?
And let me get this right, people have claimed rewards that are not shardbound, that they can xfer anywhere because of no shardbound property ?
Well, this is up for the Devs to comment, - or revert shard.

When the event is live, you and everyone else are invited to come to Lake Superior to get rewards there.
We do Void Pool, Scalis, Corgul a lot. So, with rewards tied in, we will have enough players to get the Void Pool rockin every 15 minutes for a while.
A player said Sunday 3 pm central he will Net Toss. We used to use Bucs but the Atlantic transplants moved us to Magencia...
Sesshomaru , Dollar, I am various Allens and other names. If we say gate open for +++++ hop in. We will be getting hats.
There are quiet players that will be doing SoS and T maps. So, ask in chat if you want help with those. See if they happen to be on.
But, anyone come join us to get your LS Balron chests and have fun killing stuff.
The sea and land parts will be Fun.
We have fun getting rewards and Helping each other on LS.
every last spring events turn in item weren t shard bound only reward are shard bound. this is a good way to go it should always be like this.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I am not sure whether it is true, but I heard in the past, during other Events, some players saying that Warriors, who knows why (perhaps because they are faster killers ?), had a higher chance to get drops as compared to Tamers using pets.
The Void Pool has nothing of all this, just wait for the waves and kill, kill and kill some more and get Pirate Hats.
To my opinion, in order to make it really worth the trouble, the other collection methods other then the Void Pool perhaps should have been made more generous in the Pirate Hats which they drop. I would not be surprised if many players with an hour to play, would prefer the collection method for Pirate Hats which brings them the most and has hardly any "dead" times or does not take too long to get the kill awarding the Pirate Hats.
I also suspect that, as you said, everything but the Void Pool sounds like a waste of time as far as drop rates go which is unfortunate, to my opinion, because a lot of the other collection methods are fun gameplay... if only, they could have been made more generous in the Pirate drops which they yield.
Oh well....
An hour on TC will prove how ridiculous your post is.
There's an awful lot more in boats, chests and mibs than just the hats, and there's plenty of time to get the hats slowly, I'm not looking to stock a department store, just equip my characters.
People can complain if they don't test. There's no requirement to test for a company.
It cost real money, and it lasts for 1 hour, that's it.
Collection Methods for Pirate Hats which have dead times, be them sailing to find a Beacon, Dread Pirates, Merchant Ships, or looking for a spot to dig the chest up or the location to fish up an SOS or to get them to spawn and fight Corgul, Charybdis, Scalis all look like bummers to me to spend real money on a 1 hour lasting Glorious Potion and then see it gone with a lot of time gone by not getting Pirate Hats but going through the "dead" times that such collection methods inevitably have.
The Void Pool, other then the 15 minutes downtime, is much more faster paced and if one uses the Glorious Potion from the lower waves, there is plenty time to stay within the 1 hour timer of the potion.
What I am trying to say is, that while the Void Pool looks to me to couple well with the Glorious Potion, the same I cannot say about the other collection methods for Pirate Hats,because of their "dead" times....