Since it seems like we can put shield properties on non-shield items, how about the following

JohnKnighthawkeJohnKnighthawke Posts: 440
edited April 2024 in General Discussions
Onto weapons to place in the off-hand so we can have the appearance (if not the reality) of dual-wielding weapons? (Especially, say, a dagger.)

Onto an invisible item, or something like an off-hand extra ring or bracelet, so we can have the appearance of using, say, a longsword or katana two-handed? (Yes we could actually just have nothing in the off-hand but this doesn't really fit game mechanics -- unless one has Bushido or uses potions it's simply advantageous mechanics-wise to have a shield?)

Purely cosmetic/stylistic options seem to be pretty popular among us players.


  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    What do you mean, shield properties, on non-shield items?
    Reactive Paralyze?  if so it's only available on two-handed weapons, I'm sure only because of bushido + parry mechanics.   0 parry chance with a shield if Bushido>Parry.

    I always did want a true dual-wield system in UO.

    options to 1-h or 2-h any weapon, as well as dual-wield would be great.  (too much darksouls/elden ring)  -but it could be fun.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • New publish has an item called "Ruckuss Rum" onto which shield properties can be added with Transmogrification. UO Cah has a screencap. Unsurprisingly, it's a bottle. Not a shield. Even if this is the only such non-shield item so far the fact that they can do even just one means they can do more.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    New publish has an item called "Ruckuss Rum" onto which shield properties can be added with Transmogrification. UO Cah has a screencap. Unsurprisingly, it's a bottle. Not a shield. Even if this is the only such non-shield item so far the fact that they can do even just one means they can do more.
    Exactly so!

    There's a few things I'd like to see addressed or fixed when it comes to what you're holding in your hands. I'd like to see the hatchet be a one handed item as it should be. So you can carry another item in shield hand, like a lantern. You do not use two hands to grip a little hatchet.

    In the world of transmogrification what I'm desperate to see is players able to transmogrify neck slot pieces. For the life of me I don't understand why I almost always have to wear what looks like a turtleneck. We've had necklaces in the game right from jump but all this time down the road and there's just a few pieces with properties on them that you'd have some characters wear.

    We're almost always stuck wearing gorgets. When I saw those octopus necklaces come in I thought, Oh! Maybe we'll be able to imbue them or transmogrify them. Nope! Come on now.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    LilyGrace said:
    New publish has an item called "Ruckuss Rum" onto which shield properties can be added with Transmogrification. UO Cah has a screencap. Unsurprisingly, it's a bottle. Not a shield. Even if this is the only such non-shield item so far the fact that they can do even just one means they can do more.

    We're almost always stuck wearing gorgets. When I saw those octopus necklaces come in I thought, Oh! Maybe we'll be able to imbue them or transmogrify them. Nope! Come on now.

    (from Pub 105)

    I read that as they are supposed to be.
    but might not be spawning as intended
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    Huh! I thought I'd tried to imbue the octopus necklaces and couldn't. I'll have to check again. Thanks, Cin!

    But I'd still like to put my dang gorgets on a necklace! :-)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I think that's a mistake in the publish notes :( The longsword and gnarled staff are imbuable when they spawn in an artisan chest, and have properties in other chests. I don't think the necklace is meant to be included in that list :(

  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    I'm not sure if the necklace was ever meant to be imbued given it's not exceptional (like skull swords and staves). I do agree that the octopus necklace seem like they were meant to be something more but the development was probably cut short.

    I'd put the Ankh Pendants in the same category as the octopus necklace as a good neck piece that unfortunately isn't really used.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    The "Ruckuss Rum" specifically mentions it's a transmogrification target in the patch notes.

    I wouldn't qualify that as a non-shield item though technically, it's not a shield. but it will act as one while equipped.   -I guess you're eluding to Candles & Lanterns to become viable shield-transmog items?    -If that's the case I agree,  I always did like items that had more functionality than just properties for a suit.

    There was a point in time where candles could be used as a shield (and a light source), but none were ever imbue-able, you could only parry with them, pretty sure lanterns worked as well, but they prevented you from swinging your weapon/fists as well (they were often used in mage-duels to remove more of the RNG interruptions from weapon/fist hits)  -some of the PP twilight lanterns I believe still work that way, but smuggler's lanterns do not.      -I'm pretty sure it was fixed so you can no longer parry with either item though.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
    CovenantX said:
    The "Ruckuss Rum" specifically mentions it's a transmogrification target in the patch notes.

    I wouldn't qualify that as a non-shield item though technically, it's not a shield. but it will act as one while equipped.   -I guess you're eluding to Candles & Lanterns to become viable shield-transmog items?    -If that's the case I agree,  I always did like items that had more functionality than just properties for a suit.

    There was a point in time where candles could be used as a shield (and a light source), but none were ever imbue-able, you could only parry with them, pretty sure lanterns worked as well, but they prevented you from swinging your weapon/fists as well (they were often used in mage-duels to remove more of the RNG interruptions from weapon/fist hits)  -some of the PP twilight lanterns I believe still work that way, but smuggler's lanterns do not.      -I'm pretty sure it was fixed so you can no longer parry with either item though.

    Yes we have the candles, Lanterns, 2 other bottles you can hold in the shied hand.  None of those have counted as shield toward Transmog,  Even tho we requested it.

    Add the headwear for the wedding kit, Top Hat, Veils, etc that do not count as armor.  WE want to transmogrify those!  @Kyronix
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,667
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,661
     <3  <3  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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