Newsletter 19



  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    Oreogl said:
    keven2002 said:
    ScamNews said:
    @ Mesanna @ Kyronix
    Why not make books and runes decay in few secs?
    That will solve soooo many problems!

    Noooooo! This is where my old school UO player kicks in... I take runes off the ground in Luna and use them to remark instead of spending the 15gp at the NPC lol.

    I'm sure they probably can detect third party clients depending on some back end stuff (just a guess) but I'm not sure they care to. It's a giant can of worms. If you are going to openly action people using 3rd party clients you can't be selective and ban Joe Shmoe who is using it to gather/fill bods while leaving ATL FEL YEW Moongate Gang to blatantly use scripts which are obviously not something you can do in with CC or EC. That's a very bad look. Then again if they do go around banning all the paid accounts using them they are going to lose a ton of revenue from subscriptions. Kind of between a rock and a hard place.

    That said, I do think if they are going to touch on the subject they should probably draw a line in the sand though. Like Atomic said... seems kind of weird they would action accounts dropping books about 3rd party programs but not the people actually using them. Maybe that is the line they decided to draw?? Seems like a really weird place to draw it but maybe that's the best they can do.

    Yeah it’s an odd take.  Ban the advertising of 3rd party programs but not the use of.

    I know darkscribe also mentioned using Punkbuster in the past.  Not sure what happened.

    Punkbuster was a very evasive program that demanded total access to your entire computer system, not just the UO part, and was prone to a lot of false positives.  Once banned by Punkbuster you were banned on all games under their dome of protection.
    Ah, well that certainly is interesting.  I can see why they wouldn’t want to move forward with it in that case.

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Oreogl said:

    Ah, well that certainly is interesting.  I can see why they wouldn’t want to move forward with it in that case.

    I was very vocal against it. If i remember correctly there was no real clarity on what when or how it worked.

    I strictly run UOA for this but i do have the other assist to access free shards when times here got boring. There was no word if we could be banned for just having it installed and not running. 
  • The classic client is in extremely embarrassing shape and literally runs much worse than it used to years ago. The enhanced client was never ready for prime time in the first place. The fact that widespread adoption of third party clients is a problem that's even on the radar is a giant red flag indicating that technical execution of basic game functions is falling below levels users find acceptable.
  • OmnicronOmnicron Posts: 20
    I still like the charm of the CC but really enjoy some of the things EC can do. The fact they havent allowed us to resize the CC game window drives me nuts. The client window was fine 15-20 years ago when everyone ran the same size PC monitor. But now that I have grown up monitor, I want to enjoy my game on my ultrawide and I cant lol. If they fix anything in the CC, it would have to be that for me.

    Just sayin.

    Im not a big fan of Luc and her $103.92 per month of entitlement. 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Omnicron said:
    I still like the charm of the CC but really enjoy some of the things EC can do. The fact they havent allowed us to resize the CC game window drives me nuts. The client window was fine 15-20 years ago when everyone ran the same size PC monitor. But now that I have grown up monitor, I want to enjoy my game on my ultrawide and I cant lol. If they fix anything in the CC, it would have to be that for me.

    Just sayin.

    You do know that you can resize CC now?

  • shootgunshootgun Posts: 321
    edited March 2024
    I think the biggest problem, in the first place, was the graphics in the EC. If you left for a long time and came back, the graphics are not as bad as it is for others. I had few of "WTF why are blue beetles black now?" moment but that was it. For some others, that kept playing often, the change in difference is a lot to take in. Some people in my guild, straight out refuse to play on EC only because of the graphics. And I suspect they are playing the game on 640x480 on their 30" ultra-wide 4k monitors. So you can guess what they are using.

    UO cant ban the said alternate client unless they offer something to replace it. If they do ban everyone using the other client, that is a suicide. I know for a fact that half of my guild will immediately cancel their subscription instead of trying to adopt to EC. On the other hand, they can't replace the current CC because they wasted a lot of money on EC, NL, etc and now the money has dried up.

    The last problem is that, even if they replace the CC, there will still be people using the alternative client or other means to cheat. Billion dollar companies are having problem catching cheaters even after throwing 10s of millions dollars at solving the problem. 

    As I said before, I have no problem people using scripts for training their skills, or sorting their bods, etc.. But, as many others said, there needs to be firm line drawn on the sad. As per my other post, there is one guy that is placing houses after 18x18 IDOC by using exploits. He is also a well known RMT (platinum seller). UO team has no problem letting people like him do as he pleases. The person in question once said to another player if he pays him 300mil gold upfront, then he will allow him place a house. This is ridiculous.

    And, now I said something bad about the game and the devs, Mariah  will lock this thread down with some bogus reasoning as per usual.
  • OmnicronOmnicron Posts: 20

    Yea, Ive seen that, and it helps somewhat, but here is what it looks like on my screen lol. First world problems. 

    Im not a big fan of Luc and her $103.92 per month of entitlement. 
  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    Mariah said:
    Omnicron said:
    I still like the charm of the CC but really enjoy some of the things EC can do. The fact they havent allowed us to resize the CC game window drives me nuts. The client window was fine 15-20 years ago when everyone ran the same size PC monitor. But now that I have grown up monitor, I want to enjoy my game on my ultrawide and I cant lol. If they fix anything in the CC, it would have to be that for me.

    Just sayin.

    You do know that you can resize CC now?

    I had no idea they added more game size windows.

    thanks for sharing
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Still small on large monitors and higher resolutions, but... most players don't know about it because most of them haven't been using the official clients for that long.   these guys are just spoiled with features that are not part of the official (legal) clients, and they won't be switching back, there's no reason for them to switch back.    no punishment,  and the default clients are inferior compared to what they've become accustomed to.

     on a side note, I've had an issue with some of my characters default speech colors changed to black, to where gen-chat only appears in journal and not on screen when things are initially said.
    started happening a year or so ago, and it's annoying to have to change it almost everytime I log in.  it's like if I login to a character I haven't played in a while (usually on a secondary shard) and I switch to a different character without 'changing the others settings', it then reverts every character to the black text again.   -can we get a 'save global settings' option so this garbage stops happening?     -UOA & Default CC (I haven't checked to see if it's affecting EC, haven't had to log in to it in a year or so)

    also happens with 'enable frame skipping' and other options as well...
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • TimTim Posts: 839
    As has been pointed out 
    1. Companies much larger than Broadsword haven't been able to stop people using "cheater programs"
    2. As every good officer knows it's really stupid to give orders you can't enforce and know will be disobeyed. So ordering everyone to stop using unofficial clients is a waste of time and diminishes anything else they say.
    3. Most people are not going to change the client they know for a new one unless you can convince them the learning curve is worth their effort. 
    4. Most of the bugs mentioned are not deal killers. People are still playing.
    5. Most players don't seem to care most of the time what other players are using. 
    Given the above why would they spend the time, effort and resources to rebuild ether CC or EC. To fix even half the complaints on this board that's probably what it would take.

    Complaints about the client and other players "cheating" have reached the point of complaints about the weather and why doesn't someone do something about it.

    My wish for the new year is a policy of complaints about the clients that don't start with at least a posable fix are immediately deleted. The same goes for they are cheating without proof. It looks like they are cheating is not good enough.
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited March 2024
    Tim said:
    As has been pointed out 
    1. Companies much larger than Broadsword haven't been able to stop people using "cheater programs"
    2. As every good officer knows it's really stupid to give orders you can't enforce and know will be disobeyed. So ordering everyone to stop using unofficial clients is a waste of time and diminishes anything else they say.
    3. Most people are not going to change the client they know for a new one unless you can convince them the learning curve is worth their effort. 
    4. Most of the bugs mentioned are not deal killers. People are still playing.
    5. Most players don't seem to care most of the time what other players are using. 
    Given the above why would they spend the time, effort and resources to rebuild ether CC or EC. To fix even half the complaints on this board that's probably what it would take.

    Complaints about the client and other players "cheating" have reached the point of complaints about the weather and why doesn't someone do something about it.

    My wish for the new year is a policy of complaints about the clients that don't start with at least a posable fix are immediately deleted. The same goes for they are cheating without proof. It looks like they are cheating is not good enough.
       No one expects cheating to stop completely, that's unrealistic, but it's expected the rules be enforced so people aren't cheating blatantly without any consequences. The route those in charge have been taking on this clearly isn't doing anything to stop it, arguably it's done more to encourage it than anything else.

     1) Blizzard (Diablo 2R-3-4, (WoW sub) does ban-waves in games they run that do & do not have a subscription fee,  PoE (grinding gear games) does the same, again, free to play, -sure they have a much larger team.. but  they also have a f***ing s*** ton more players to manage than UO does.  also.. runescape  the list goes on.

     2) Mesanna has said cheat programs are detectable as well as warned people not to use them, and seems to have chosen to do nothing about it. 

     3) Learning Curve may be a valid argument for CC vs EC (like 10 years ago) but, means nothing with regard to third-party clients & other cheat programs that enable automation, bypassing certain in-game limitations, multi-boxing, etc.

    4 & 5) tell that to the players who are no longer playing because of these issues.  even Atlantic is noticeably less populated than it was this time just 2 years ago.

    Who's making accusations of cheating that isn't really going on?   -with the rules of these forums, we aren't exactly able to post 'Proof" of cheats.  but if you look through threads especially those related to pvp, I'm sure you'll see some "screenshot or images, removed by <moderator>" 99% of the time it's because of an identifiable cheat program used in it.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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