Enhanced Client, Macro - Cut Corpse & Loot

I have been playing with the macro's in the Enhanced Client, reading some references and watching some video's.
There is a video on you-tube by a user named "Mark Shawley" titled "UO Enhanced Client Macros Session2:Looting" which got me started. 
There are also a few great pages right here in the player wiki. One with a list of the 'commands' available called 'macro actions available in the enhanced client" and another called 'example macros' and more reference material over on stratics.

I have made a macro that when pressed will cut a corpse then open it and loot it based on the organiser that is running.
It is not set to repeat because it uses the "closest" and not the "next" target. I found with the 'next' target it was trying to cut things other than the corpse at my feet usually.
I use it to run about the lands doing single kills, looting and moving on. If a mob comes at me, I just move a little to avoid the corpses stacking atop one another.

I am interested in your thoughts on the macro I created. Is there anything I could do differently. Have I made a mistake with the macro.

Here's the macro, in steps.

1 - Target by Type (I then selected the skinning knife I have in my backpack)
2 - Use Targeted Object
3 - WaitForTarg
4 - Target Nearest Object
5 - Cursor Target Current
6 - Delay (1.0 Seconds)
7 - Target Nearest Object
8 - Use Targeted Object
9 - Vacuum


  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Hi, I am just starting to get used to the Enhanced Client (not easy for me because I really hate its graphics, but oh well....) and was wondering whether you could also describe your Vacuum and Organizer Macro how it works...

    For example, how does one set to only pick up certain items but not others which might be in the corpse ?

    Particularly, I am wondering how one can select jewellery, weapons or armor but only if they carry certain properties and perhaps, only if above a certain value...

    For example, say that I am looking for any ring or bracelet but only if it carries Faster Casting 1 and Faster Casting 3 (or Swing Speed Increase +10% which cannot imbued on jewellery), not below, how do I tell to the macro to skip all rings and bracelets not having these properties and values ?

    Also, occasionally some items come as "clean", that is, without any Brittle, Antique or other tags... how can I tell to the looting Macro to pick any and all "clean" items (but not the 50 stones ones) so that afterwards I can calmly review them and think whether to keep them or not ?

    Can it be done ? How ?

    Thanks a lot for the kind help !!
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    @popps The organizers only looks for item id or item type and item color. No other item properties are looked at.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited January 24
    TimSt said:
    @ popps The organizers only looks for item id or item type and item color. No other item properties are looked at.
    Oh.... so, it is not possible to filter more in details what one wants to loot ?

    If so, that's a bummer, to my opinion, because it still forces a player to loot, for example, all magic items to then later review the properties to find the keepers...

    It is not even possible to filter out the 50 stones ones ?

    I mean, with all of the junk that is on corpses, if one has to loot all of the items soon the character would become overloaded... and if one then needs to look at every single magic item that is laying on the corpse, one by one, manually, then this slows down the looting process a whole lot...

    I thought that these looting macros were helping in telling, fast, the good items from the bad ones and only pick up the good ones...

    But if these looting macros can only loot everything, I hardly see how they can be good since very soon the character would become overloaded and he/she would need to stop and evaluate the items so far looted, manually, one at a time, to keep the good ones and throw away the unwanted ones... and this takes time and it slows the hunting process...

    On another note, I wonder how those players who script some farming do...

    For example, those who farm down the Dojo for splintering weapons, if they cannot filter for the wanted properties but have to pick up all bokutos, how do they avoid that their character then goes overloaded from picking up too much junk very quickly ?

    I mean, those BOTs go on for a long time, and if their looting macro has to pick up everything, without being able to selectively filter the wanted loot, I cannot see how they can avoid getting overloaded with a lot of junk really fast....
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    @popps for filtering out the 50 stone items check out my post: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/13259/ec-stop-loot-all-from-looting-an-item-weighing-50-stones

    I could do something similar for the organizer button if you want.

  • vortexvortex Posts: 215
    TimSt said:
    @ popps for filtering out the 50 stone items check out my post: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/13259/ec-stop-loot-all-from-looting-an-item-weighing-50-stones

    I could do something similar for the organizer button if you want.

     I wouldn't waste your time for him. I've seen so many try and help for him just to ignore everything and start a new daily topic of the day.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    vortex said:
    TimSt said:
    @ popps for filtering out the 50 stone items check out my post: https://forum.uo.com/discussion/13259/ec-stop-loot-all-from-looting-an-item-weighing-50-stones

    I could do something similar for the organizer button if you want.

     I wouldn't waste your time for him. I've seen so many try and help for him just to ignore everything and start a new daily topic of the day.
    Does your comment add anything? Other than vitriol and meanness, I mean. I rather read Popps' quirky participations than rude dissing remarks. One may not be the sharpest knife, but better than being a bad apple.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    @vortex please think more positively please, the information offered by @TimSt may be of interest to a variety of different users in addition to the person it is offered to.
  • usernameusername Posts: 789
    Wish the CC had these features
    This discussion has been closed.

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